Profil du CMDR Bogatyr247 > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
26 juin 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
4 900
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 695
Half Way Out

Reached about the halfway point on my journey to 5,000 LY away from the Bubble. Didn't really plan this, it just started as a road trip to pick up rare raw materials from HIP 36601 but hey, once you're 1,600 LY out, what's another 3,400?

About 120 jumps out and another 180 in, that's what it is.

Regardless, I'm right about 2,700 LY from Sol at the moment. Been finding a lot of unexplored systems which is exciting. None of the systems are, a bunch of metal rich rocks and snowballs with the occasional gas giant thrown in. Still, curiosity made me completely map out a few of them, and at least FSS map the rest with a few maps of the more interesting ones.

Well, 75 more jumps to the completely uninteresting yellow dwarf that's my end goal. Just picked it because of it's distance. Hopefully the nebula along the way will be pretty.