Profil du CMDR Teratosapphic > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
25 déc. 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
3 618
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 179
Solde :
4 907 519 633 Cr
The Mundanity of the Far Reaches - 2

Cleaned up the last of Cupid's Arrow, and already halfway home. Results are very enlightening indeed; nearly every system contained at least one metal-rich body or metallic ring! Every time I probed a ring, the whole thing lit up with platinum and monazite hotspots! Even stranger, nearly all of the MRBs showed bio signs. I got rid of my SRV Scarab a few days ago, and I'm already starting to regret it with all of my recent findings. Guess I'll just keep it in mind for next time. Signing off for now, just spotted three different water planets which look very promising.

The Mundanity of the Far Reaches - 1

Proper entry, right. As of right now, I'm navigating the NGC 7822 Nebula, running through the entirety of Cupid's arrow and scanning metal-rich planetoids for possible future mining expeditions. Results look promising so far, though what mining company would travel some 2,500 lightyears to strip mine a few moons is beyond me. Honestly, the real reason why I came to this nebula was the titular "Cupid's Arrow". The massive linear cluster highlighting the space around me sparked my curiosity. I first saw it while transporting a researcher to the 2MASS sector in the Elysian Shore. We were heading for a specific system known to some as the "Feast of Stars". I still remember the day I arrived. I nearly started crying when I entered the system, I couldn't believe my eyes. The O-type bearing over the entire area, dying everything in a rich blue light. Black holes dotting the area, lensing and contorting the space around them in ways I could barely comprehend. Then and there, I knew I had entered the right profession. Seeing sights like these is exactly what I'd always wanted.

The Mundanity of the Far Reaches - 0

I've been leafing through the logs of various other pilots in my spare time - alleviates the mid-flight boredom, you know how it is - and figured I might as well write my own! All I'm doing otherwise is planning and scanning. So, about me. My name is Tera, I've been a freelance explorer for about a month or so (still shaking off the newbie jitters), and I'm... honestly not that interesting. I mainly became an explorer because I like the feeling of being part of a larger, grander design. The idea of mapping out the whole galaxy in its entirety is, in my mind, a great thing to strive for, and something I'm happy to help with, despite the... frankly, I can't think of a way to describe it besides "data entry". A little bit of drudgery to further the progress of galactic research is a worthy exchange if you ask me. ...And I just realized you can't line break in these logs! I guess this can be an entry... zero? Sure.