Profil du CMDR Chase Quinnell > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Federal Dropship)
Membre depuis le :
4 févr. 2021
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
5 541
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 290
Solde :
1 774 351 169 Cr
The Robigo Run

So I took a break at Jameson Memorial after several hauling runs in the Satisfactory Profit and learned of a very lucrative endeavor outside the 'Bubble.' Sirius Corp needs prisoners for a project and the so-called Rubigo Run is very very profitable.

I have sold my vulture and kitted out a lightweight Python for passenger runs. I am en route to Robigo as I dictate this. Orbiting Arietis Sector CI-H A11-3 preparing for my next jump. 26 jumps total. Really need to invest in engineered parts!

,.,.##--Data Corrupted---#.,##. Cmdr's Journal reinitialized

After an extended period in uncharted space, my Cmdr's journal has been corrupted and all data before 3307 has been lost.

I am currently in BD+16 2404 aboard the Belligerent. I will be making my way back to Pilot Federation HQ in Jameson Memorial station to regroup.