Profil du CMDR DeusPoulpe > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Aurora [AR-03K]
(Krait Phantom)
Membre depuis le :
29 janv. 2022
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
7 436
Systèmes découverts en premier :
2 525
Solde :
5 806 931 489 Cr
Found something

Found a sweet blue nebula to see, Lyaisua QS-U e2-7590 Nebula, going there

Moving on

To Beagle point


Stuff to do

Let's go again

Leaving Explorer's Anchorage to Beagle point

Done for the day

Pokemon time

Sagittarius A*

Ho my, that's a big boi

Sagittarius A*

Arrived at Explorer's Anchorage

Finally at Explorer's Anchorage, selling datas then visiting Sagittarius A* now

Let's go

Ho boy, here I go again


Somethings to do

Server's are finally up

Resuming my journey to Explorer's Anchorage