Profil du CMDR Myshka > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Knackered Knave [199-DW]
(Krait Mk II)
Membre depuis le :
8 nov. 2015
Distances envoyées :
28 961
Systèmes visités :
17 202
Systèmes découverts en premier :
11 664
Log 3302-03-22

Had a small systems glitch in my ship this cycle. For some reason it refused to enter supercruise, despite the FSD spooling up. Ended up powering down to repair the FSD (it was down to 91% from the recent over-charges at the Neutron Stars), following which the "Alacritious" finally made the transition into Supercruise.

Back-tracked to a nearby O-class system, but it was already discovered by Camulorix.

Visited a few more Neutron Stars, but no outstanding systems this time around.

Log 3302-03-20

I surveyed another couple of B-class stars in the local cluster before finally turning the nose of the "Alacritious" towards its next destination, the "Veil of Inanna" nebula, about 3kLY corewards.

Enroute I stumbled upon a mini Neutron-star highway, which let me speed up my journey somewhat. I'm calling it the Spooria Neutron Field.

I also detoured slightly to take in a couple of O-class systems, which were undiscovered, ending the trip on a "Superbright" O-class.

Notable Systems: Spooria YE-R d4-22 - Neutron Star with extreme jets (supercharge at own risk!) Neutron Star with extreme Jets

Log 3302-03-19

Just a short day today; completed scanning of a B-class system and jumped to the next one, which turned out to just be a binary B-class system.

Log 3302-03-11

Continuing my slow route hubwards, taking in my usual crop of B-class stars. Next way-point was an O-class system which, when I reached it, has already been tagged by Cmdr Cula-Ta.

Interesting systems: Plae Freau SK-M c8-1 - fairly bland K-class system, but does have an Earth-like second from the primary.

Log 3302-03-07

Left the Wolf-Rayet system enroute to an O-class, which turned out to be untagged. Yayy!

Along the way I took in my usual sequence of B-class stars.

Notable systems:

  • Plae Freau YY-T c18-2 - G-class system with a Water world and an Ammonia world, otherwise boring with a few icy bodies further out and a single landable moon.
  • Plae Freau JS-T e3-1 - B-class with a couple of landable ringed HMC's with volcanism.
Log 3302-03-05

Plotted a route towards a nebula which -might- be undiscovered.

Next waypoint is a Wolf-Rayet C-class star, discovered by Cmdr Camulorix, enroute of which I visited several B-class stars.

Notable systems: Plae Freau XF-O e6-5 - B-class system with many T-Tauri stars, the last of which has 2 Water Worlds orbiting it.

Log 3302-03-04

Started heading towards a "local" black hole system.

Enroute I visited a couple of Herbig Ae/Be and several B-class stars, as well as swinging by an undiscovered Neutron Star for a bit of a boost.

Reaching the Black Hole system, "Myoangooe AA-A h0", I saw it had already been tagged by "Forin". I hate that guy!

Apart from that it was a rather productive run - found several water-worlds, including a nice ringed one around a B-class star, as well as a couple of Gas Giants with Ammonia and Water based life.

Log 3302-03-03

Continued mapping the "Winds of Enlil" nebula. Found a couple of untagged systems on the outskirts, but nothing interesting.

Did find a system containing an ELW, with a landable planet, and a WW - "Myoangooe YM-I d10-16".

Got bored and visited a nearby Class A Blue Supergiant, "Myoangooe AA-A h1", which was already tagged by Forin as well. Time to call it a day..

Log 3302-02-27

Continued mapping out the "Winds of Enlil" nebula. To my disappointment, there were no untagged stars left. Cmdr Forin was very thorough indeed!

Finally found an untagged system (Myoangooe WV-E b43-0), and made a base-camp on the second planet with great views onto the nebula!

Log 3302-02-25

Finally resumed my journey and was richly rewarded on my first jump - an undiscovered Ammonia World! This despite the system having been visited previously, but it appears that Cmdr Windie004 was more interested in the Water World.

Visited a couple of undiscovered B-class stars and finally reached the "Winds of Enlil" Nebula.

Commenced cataloguing the stars within it.