Profil du CMDR B.A.R > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Alliance Chieftain)
Membre depuis le :
28 mai 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
18 805
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 673
Solde :
9 894 227 270 Cr
3304-09-22: Waiting for my Eagle to arrive.

I did half my engineers-run today / Travel the bubble in my ASPx (70LY jump), waiting every time for my Eagle to catch up...

  • traveled 1.819 LY in 50 jumps;
  • didn't make any money;
  • did 138 engineers-rolls;
  • spent 164.327 credits on shiptransfers;
  • 544 cr on repair and 5.645 cr on fuel.
Todays total: -170.516 credits.
3304-09-21: Time to meet the neighbours.

I spent the day grinding REP with my new local factions / Tried another Planetary Scan Mission and failed to find the correct datapoint / Did get some materials and started a engineers-run to update my Eagle.

  • I traveled 682 LY in 40 jumps;
  • made 1.263.809 credits doing missions;
  • I drove 10 km in my SRV;
  • claimed 1 bounty for 86.940 credits;
  • payed a bounty of 500 credits;
  • spent 39.910 credits on a shiptranfer;
  • 2.973 cr on repair, 2.812 cr on fuel and 4.705 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 1.338.280 credits.
3304-09-20: Annie is ready.

I fully engineered my Anaconda / Did some passenger-missions to pass some time / Moved my fleet to the homebase my brother and I choose: BD-00 632 - Ramaswamy Ring / Started grinding reputation with the minor factions there.

  • traveled 2.435 LY in 91 jumps;
  • I needed 381 engineer-rolls to upgrade my Annie;
  • made 3.356.334 credits on passenger-missions;
  • made 1.756.920 credits doing other type missions;
  • made 518.155 credits turning in bounties;
  • got promoted to Post commander by the Federal Navy;
  • messed up a planetary-scan mission, but got some materials;
  • drove 20 km doing that;
  • payed 400 credits for a fine and 500 credits for a bounty;
  • spent 857.127 credits moving ships;
  • spent 107.702 credits moving modules;
  • 1.341 cr on fuel and 886 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 4.666.910 credits.
3304-09-19: Started the engineering round again.

Did need to grind some materials, but that went smoothly this time / Swapped some parts on my Anaconda because I found out some more details / Engineered most of my components via remote engineering / Ready to traverse the bubble to get full access to some engineers and add experimental effects to my Annie.

  • traveled 515 LY in 33 jumps;
  • made 1.986.127 credits finishing up some missions;
  • went up 1% in trade ranking to 25%;
  • collected 444 materials in USS's and my SRV;
  • drove 50 km doing so;
  • got and paid a 100 credits fender-bender fine;
  • spent 30.801.395 credits on outfitting;
  • 10.806 cr on repairs and 4.530 cr on fuel.
Todays total: -28.830.704 credits.
3304-09-15 to 3304-09-18: Worked my ass off.

I did not take the time to write my logbook. I spent an insane amount of time mining, to finish earning my brothers startoff-cashinjection as soon as possible. I ended up giving him nearly 100M cr and was very re-leaved I was done with that part of my plan to help his start. I ended up with a time investment of over 15 hours a day. We moved to Li Yong-Rui space for his 15% discount and he A-graded his ASP Explorer. The plan is to buy a Vulture and a DB Explorer as well. I moved all my ships and modules to Akkadia.

The list below is a summery over the past days, the data is not representative.

  • I traveled 1.652 LY in 107 jumps;
  • I made 91.459.820 cr doing missions;
  • I made 23.687.354 cr from selling the mining-spillover;
  • I made some more money killing quite a few pirates;
  • I refined a total 3.836 minerals (4.595 for my brother);
  • I spent 3.433.732 cr updating my 7B collector controller to a 7A;
  • I spent 2.125.793 cr on ship-transfers;
  • I spent 49.098 cr on module-transfers;
  • 273.356 cr on repairs, 20.641 cr on fuel and 12.938 cr on munitions.
Total over the last 4 days: 118.004.722 credits.
3304-09-14: OK, mining mission are boring.

I finished my two mining-missions / I accepted three more...

  • traveled 237 LY in 16 jumps;
  • made 8.497.407 credits on missions (including spillover);
  • made 3.088.127 credits selling 207 resources (including spillover);
  • mined a total of 703 resources;
  • spent 3.455.744 credits on 7B collector limpet controller;
  • 48.824 cr on repair, 3.616 cr on fuel and 1.340 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 8.031.065 credits.
3304-09-13: Got my brother a ASP Explorer.

I completed another very costly mission, but my brother was able to buy his fist serious ship / At the same time I grinded four factions to ally to get some good mining-missions / The two missions I accepted game with fourteen pirates who I killed for nearly six million credits bonus / I started the mining and was kind of shocked how little I could mine in one hour. Let's see what we can do tomorrow.

  • traveled 593 LY in 41 jumps (1.000 LY away from the 200.000 LYs mark);
  • made 16.176.372 credits doing missions;
  • went up 2% in trade ranking to 12%;
  • shot down 14 pirates for 29 bounties making 3.219.128 credits;
  • went up 2% in combat ranking to 4%;
  • mined 56 minerals in about a hour (pristine icy ring);
  • spent 3.744 cr on shiptransfer and 35.939 cr on moduletransfer;
  • 123.196 cr on repairs, 3.828 cr on fuel and 17.998 cr on munitions;
  • made my brother 11.572.542 credits.
Todays total: 9.824.859 credits (finally positive).
3304-09-12: Didn't learn...

Finished my Delivery wing-mission and was able to donate 2,8 Mcr to my brother / Stupidly saw a nicely big number and accepted another Source and Return wing-mission: it is going to cost me 14 million credits after completion... / I decided to grind some more REP to be able to combine some wing mining-missions.

  • I traveled 1.301 LY in 118 jumps;
  • made 7.797.811 credits on missions;
  • went up 1% in trade ranking to 2%;
  • got promoted to Lieutenant Commander by the Federation
  • spent 1.521 credits transferring a taxi;
  • got a 100 cr fine for bumping an Beluga;
  • spent 9.928 cr on reapirs, 6.360 cr on fuel and 190 cr on munitions;
  • made my brother 2.811.685 credits
Todays total: -8.165.043 credits.
3304-09-11: Wing up and follow the leader.

Spent most of the day following my brother around, coaching him and being ready to help him with a pirate if needed / I spent the second half of the day completing the wing-mission I accepted / Sadly my brother had to go offline before I could complete the mission / So I accepted a Delivery-mission to give him some credits tomorrow / This mission spawned a pirate, I didn't dare take on and I couldn't reach the drop-of in a big ship, so I transferred my Python / The Source and Return mission cost me quite a lot of money.

  • traveled 817 LY in 90 jumps;
  • made 10.920.832 credits on missions, including grinding REP;
  • went up 3% in trade ranking to 1%;
  • got promoted to Tycoon in trade ranking by the Pilots Federation;
  • spent 1.148.049 credits transferring my Python to homebase;
  • spent 43.769 credits outfitting my Python for more cargo-space;
  • 364.721 cr on constantly repairing and 8.875 cr on fuel.
Todays total: -576.964 credtis.
3304-09-10: My brother bought ED.

Got killed another time and Googled what to do: understand the High Wake principle now... / I unlocked Zacariah Nemo and went to the Akkadia system to pick up my Anaconda / I have been hoping my brother would join the game, to share in the fun: this evening he did! / I spent the evening getting him familiar with the basics of the game / I accepted a Source and Return wing-mission to give CMDR Jibstaman some credtis to start of.

  • traveled 808 LY in 44 jumps;
  • made 485.721 credits grinding missions to become alley with Party of Yoru;
  • made 9.944.995 credits trading 10.715 commodities;
  • went up 4% in trade ranking to 98%;
  • spent 1.367.789 credits on 3 ship-transfers (to make my brothers system my new homebase);
  • spent 7.336.105 credits on a Type 9 rebuy;
  • 10.154 cr on repair, 7.354 cr on fuel and 20.960 cr on mine rebuy.
Todays total: -7.567.583 credits.