Profil du CMDR B.A.R > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Alliance Chieftain)
Membre depuis le :
28 mai 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
18 805
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 673
Solde :
9 894 227 270 Cr
3304-06-21: Had some fun, made some friends

Arrived at the Eafort region / Visited the Heart Nebula / Scanned my first black hole (got a little shaky jumping in...) / Visited the Soul Nebula / Went back to first discovered Earth-like planet to take a picture / Went back to the bubble and turned in my explorer data / Next objective: outfitting my Diamondback Explorer

Result of at least 30 hours exploring: traveled more than 16.000 LY: scanned +/- 385 systems; discovered 4 Earth-like planets; discovered 10 Water-worlds; discovered at least 40 Terraformable planets (didn't count those); made 48.662.398 credits of the trip; sold the data in 6 huge population, Tourism systems and made them all Allied! / Crunching numbers: about 126.396 cr per visited system; about 1.6M cr per hour; a surprising amount of fun.

Minor setback: not a single Ammonia-world (discovered or undiscovered). But here's something I'm still proud of! List of all claimed special planets

This picture was just to beautiful: my third discovered Earth-like planet. My third Earth-like planet

3304-06-20: Feeling a little lonely

Discovered my first Earth-like planet (hopefully I can claim it too) / Discovered four different Waterworlds / And about 15 planets which can be terraformed / Exploration has it's own kind of charm / Current status: Just shy of 5750 LY from Sol!

My First waterworld

Forgot to take a picture with the Earth-like planet. Will have to revisit on the way back... EDIT: And done.

My first Earth-like planet

3304-06-19: My first Elite-rank

Some may do it in 5 hours, I needed 9. Still above 12M credits an hour though! / Promotion by the Pilots Federation to explorer-rank Elite / Want to de-mothball my Diamondback Explorer to become Guardian Structure and Thargoid hunter (but that will have to wait) / Next objective: visit Liz Ryder / Upgraded some Seeker Missile rack / Next objective: unlocking Professor Palin, meaning traveling a lot...

3304-06-18: Upgrade time.

Upgraded three ships to dirty drives lvl 3 and two ships FSD to lvl 5 / Next objective: visit Ram Tah / Did some minor upgrades / Next objective: add 111M credits to the balance / Hoped to finish the "Decoding the Ancient Ruins" run, but had to cut it in half / To be continued

3304-06-17: We got um...!

Twenty-nine Bases scanned: 24/30 MEF's earned, traded the remaining six / Three fully engineered multi-cannons installed / Next objective: Visit Felicity Farseer for some FSD and Thruster upgrades

3304-06-16: Got 6 more...

I am past the base-scanning-beginner-stage by now... Did 13 Bases today. Result: MEF 9/30... and a load of other stuff I can probably trade later / Credits to CMDR DJA for his spreadsheet / Halfway done with my planned route

3304-06-15: Fru-u-u-stration

Got promoted to Lieutenant by the Federal Navy / Modified Embedded Firmware... need I say more? Planetary scan missions did not deliver me any / Found a spreadsheet and scanned 3 Bases, which got me 3 out of 30 needed / The whole result of at least 10 hours work

3304-06-14: Okay, the grind got me

I need 3 high value materials found in Anarchy systems, but can't find any Anarchy systems spawning High Signal Sources / Gave up / I also need high value materials found while scanning data-points. Have been putting that off and always traded them / Went to Wolf 397 and found my friends still cordial / Worked them up to friendly & allied / Accepted three planetary scan jobs

3304-06-13: The grind goes on

Some serious material grinding and trading to do, lots to upgrade / Upgraded three shields (lvl 5) and two shield-boosters (lvl 3) and upgraded the sensors and surface-scanner of my Explorer / Next objective: Unlocking Didi Vatermann / First I need to get her, her brandy (three round trips) / Some more trading and I got all materials / Fully upgraded one new, and one already lvl 3 shield booster / Next objective: Visiting Tod "The Blaster" Mcquinn / But first....

3304-06-12: Mining and grinding

Got my Painite and delivered it directly this time / Grinding the materials needed for Selena Jean upgrades / Fully unlocked Selena Jean / Upgraded all the hulls and reinforcements of my 3 main ships / Next objective: visiting Lei Cheung