Profil du CMDR B.A.R > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Alliance Chieftain)
Membre depuis le :
28 mai 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
18 805
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 673
Solde :
9 894 227 270 Cr
3304-08-06: Grinding merits sucks too.

Who would have thought a thing called 'powerplay' could be so boring / Did 15 more fortification runs today (3400 merits earned, 6600 merits to go)

3304-08-05: To happy to be back

I forgot to log the final numbers and just moved on to change ship. However I only found one undiscovered terraformable planet on the final stretch, so I'm only missing the final distances / I will revisit this once I get payed for the exploration-data / I decided to triple my money by getting to level 5 with Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Corp / So I made two fortification runs for him (first 400 merits in, only 9600 merits to go)

Calculated and checked from flight-log: Stats day 12: Traveled 1173,06 LY and visited 30 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 1 Terra-formable planet / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 8 systems.

3304-08-04: Had to stop just before the finish...

Kept on going and going, but had to quit 30 jumps and lass than 1200 LY from my destination (meaning: just shy of 1,5 hours to go) / Today my total "found Earth-like planets" and "found Ammonia-worlds" both landed on seventeen! / I am well and truly back into the busy-zone. Loads of visited systems now.

Stats day 11: Traveled 5503,95 LY and visited 141 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 50 Terra-formable planets; 12 Waterworlds; 2 Earthlike planets; 4 Ammonia worlds / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 131 systems (Shockingly high for the amount of visited systems I came across).

Well, it's really getting old by now. This is going to be the last exploration-run I am going to make these, but here they are: six previously undiscovered planets: My fourteenth Ammonia-world

My fifteenth Ammonia-world

My sixteenth Earth-like planet

My sixteenth Ammonia-world

My seventeenth Earth-like planet

My seventeenth Ammonia-world

3304-08-03: Looooong way home.

Strange day today: in the first 2500 LY I only found ten terraformable planets so I switched M-class planets off as well. This did not help / 3000 LY later suddenly just about every system seemed to have planets to scan / Got a good total eventually / It's doubly frustrating: nothing to scan = time wasted without pay vs lots to scan = very little progress (does this make me a pessimist? ;)

Stats day 10: Traveled 8234,21 LY and visited exactly 200 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 57 Terra-formable planets (over 300 total, now); 22 Waterworlds; 0 Earthlike planets; 2 Ammonia worlds / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 198 systems (Which is funny, because, that means, the only two systems I came across that were visited, used EDSM...).

I encountered three ringed Waterworlds today, I like those: Ringed Waterworld, very surreal

Added yet more Ammonia-worlds to the collection, they're creeping up on the Earth-like planets: Ammonia-world number twelf

And my thirteenth Ammonia-world

3304-08-02: Terraformables dryed up.

Didn't have that much time today, "luckily" after leaving the immediate circle around the center of the galaxy, suddenly the amount of planets that needed to be scanned dropped drastically / Made some good progress. Not nearly there though... At least 3 more days to go for the 14.000+ LY return trip.

Stats day 9: Traveled 6053,13 LY and visited 145 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 29 Terra-formable planets; 18 Waterworlds; 1 Earthlike planets; 3 Ammonia worlds / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 145 systems (So that's nice).

Did travel a long way looking at this beautifully, unnatural phenomenon: X shaped star-pattern

You can see it in this picture of the Earth-like planet of today as well: My fifteenth Earth-like planet

And as usual the collection of today's Ammonia-planets. I love these rugged ones: My ninth Ammonia-world

Magic number ten Ammonia-world

Last but not least: My eleventh Ammonia-world

3304-08-01: After looking in the deepest hole in the Galaxy, I long for a Bubble

It was only a short hop to Sagittarius A* / From there, with a small angle at the start and a larger angle near the bubble, it's strait back home / I tried to make a good start and succeeded my goal, be it barely / Now less than 20.000 LY from the Kholhou system, meaning 19.903 LY away... / I have already scanned over 200 previously undiscovered terraformable planets!

Stats day 8: Traveled 7760,07 LY and visited 188 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 70 Terra-formable planets; 25 Waterworlds; 2 Earthlike planets; 3 Ammonia worlds / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 186 systems (Guess where the known ones were).

My encounter with the center of the Galaxy (looks nice, but didn't stay long): The super massive black hole of Sagittarius A*

This was a nice find: My sixth Ammonia world

But this one takes the cake: My seventh Ammonia world

Oh well, I'm not complaining with a bonus: My eighth Ammonia world

I forgot to take a picture (again) of my thirteenth Earth-like planet, but the next makes up for it, in my opinion: My fourteenth Earth-like planet (It's not the greatest picture because the planet moved so fast that I didn't have time to set it all up. Had to jump to cruise and back out twice before deciding to accept the shot)

3304-07-31: Farthest point in expedition reached.

Found three Wolf-Rayet stars completely easily. All were main system stars, no less / Reached the "Top of the Galaxy" tourist beacon / Traveled close to 1000 LY back down for Sagittarius A* / Got my 25.000 LY away from start badge.

Stats day 7: Traveled 7059,72 LY and visited 174 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 44 Terra-formable planets; 14 Waterworlds; 3 Earthlike planets; 0 Ammonia worlds and added three Wolf-Rayet stars to my collection / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 170 systems (Some systems around the beacon were already visited).

Believe it or not, but from the "Top of the Galaxy" the nose of my Imperial Clipper is pointing toward "the Bubble" between the ship and the star...: Top of the Galaxy tourist beacon Nyuena RO-Z d184 system

Seven jumps after the tourist beacon I jump into a system and get a real shock. Thought that was it for a moment. I dropped in incredibly close over one star to land in front of another. Luckily nothing drastic happened: Really scary, tight drop-in at Nyuena CB-X d1-1329 system

Well, I am a sucker for consistency, so here are three more Earth-like planets: Earth-like planet number 10!

Earth-like planet number 11

And Earth-like planet number 12

3304-07-30: Did too much exploring today...

Well, I'm well on the way to the center of the Galaxy / I am going to dream about jumping star-systems, I'm afraid... / Did a lot to try and find a Wolf-Rayet star, but did not find one / However, in my search I accidentally found a record for the Heaviest T Tauri star / Did some more research into Wolf-Rayet stars and understand how to find one now. Sadly if I now know this, others have figured it out waaaay earlier and odds are all systems are already claimed / We will find out tomorrow.

Stats day 6: Traveled probably close to 7000LY and visited 193 systems. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 33 Terra-formable planets; 10 Waterworlds; 2 Earthlike planets; 0 Ammonia worlds and added numerous Herbig Ae/Be stars to my collection / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 192 systems (my first encounter with a Herbig Ae/Be star in a "BA-A" system was already claimed).

They still seem extremely rare: My eighth Earth-like planet

But I found two today: My ninth Earth-like planet

3304-07-29: Colonia was nice.

Arrived at Colonia today and handed in some missions / Had no problems handing in the missions to the planetary base, which was the last hurdle to be taken. I don't expect any trouble finishing my Scientist-missions anymore / Went looking for a Black Hole to put my name on and quite easily found one / Only the Wolf-Rayet is going to be a huge pain to find / Otherwise it's just "jump and scan".

Stats day 5: Traveled probably close to 5000LY and visited 130 systems. Made 34.685.669 credits from my missions to Colonia. Found and scanned previously undiscovered: 25 Terra-formable planets; 18 Waterworlds; 1 Earthlike planets; 1 Ammonia worlds / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 121 systems (only 4 known systems around the 5 of Colonia).

Still feels good to find one: My fifth Ammonia-world

Strangely the Earth-like planets seem harder to find at the moment. And the one I got today was in a system with loads of Terra-formable planets and Waterworlds which made me forget to take a picture. I don't think I am going to revisit this time ;)

One fact I absolutely love about Elite Dangerous is the aging of the paint. It gives some kind of gratification my ship shows I jumped a lot: My Imperial Clipper after 632 hyperspace-jumps

3304-07-28:Star gazing.

Didn't have the time today, so we only moved a tiny amount.

Stats day 4: Traveled only about 300LY and visited 8 systems. Didn't discover anything special / Added unknown systems to EDSM: 8 systems