Profil du CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Membre depuis le :
30 oct. 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
46 105
Systèmes découverts en premier :
21 401
Solde :
27 157 189 051 Cr
10 Days Journey (end of November until the 7th December)

While the Shadow Head followed its flight plan and path from the Karbon system Aldarion moved to the Monkey Head and Crab Nebulae joining the Astro Tour as well as helping to refuel the multitudes of commanders being new in space flight becoming stuck close to the starter systems.

The Shadow Head remained at its way point number 10 from 2nd December to the 6th of the same month, when Honest Tuck was returned before heading for Omega Mining. Last visit there by commander Aldarion was 11 month before.

During the 7th December Aldarion zigzagged around the direct course of the fleet carrier finishing a LRR successfully too before moving both, Honest Tuck and the Shadow Head into the Colonia mini bubble; here is the flight path of Honest Tuck during that week:

10 Days  Journey (end of November until the 7th December)

Corrected December Flight Plan of the Shadow Head

Finally the data of Shadow Head's journey could be corrected.

Corrected FP Shadow Head

Congratulation Fuel Rats - 100k Rescues (nearly) reached

The Fuel Rats and 100k Successful Rescues

Since 3301 until the recent date the Fuel Rats achieved to successfully rescue nearly 100000 commanders; this number is about to be reached or was reached during the recent days. Congratulation, Rodents, you made the Galaxy a better place.

Of course TFRM as a colorful bunch of creative people do have to celebrate. Everyone willing to do so is invited to attend in the rat’s contest to create a poster depicting this event. Here is commander Aldarion’s idea of what it can look like.

The poster is as colorful as the group of commanders forming The Fuel Rats Mischief and displays all 100k rescues. You don’t believe it? Well count the rat credits shown in the artwork to find out.

100k Rescues - Congratz TFRM

Second Leg of the Shadow Head's Journey to the Colonies

29.11.2020-20:59; adding 142t from A4 icy belt Drojeae DN-H D11-65 to the FC storage;

29.11.2020-short before midnight; CCC5 WP Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 in a dist. of 1676.13ly; This FC WP is closest to Omega Mining Inc.;

CCC5: Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (reached on 30th NOV); arrival at WP: 30.11.2020-14:35; Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port); arrival: 30.11.2020-16:22 ; heading back towards the bubble, SE-direction, via Elephant‘s Trunk Sector (reaching system Wredgaei ND-U B58-3 at 30.11.2020-18:55; 10 jumps left towards the mining station) – reaching Elephant‘s Trunk Sector at 30.11.2020-19:30; GM Cephei at 19:34; 20.48 touch down at Imperial Station Foda Port in LAUMA → Ratting;

30.11.2020-05.12.2020: Honest Tuck; ratting inside the bubble (except one case outside;) Jackson‘s Lighthouse TECCT WP#1 covered; trip to the Monkey Head Nebula and the Crab Nebula (Astro Tour); California Nebula; Elephant Trunk Mines; Shadow Head; Omega Mining (WP TECCT) – arrival at Omega Mining at 05.12.2020-07:30hrs); --- Shadow Head arrived at FC WP#11 at 05.12.2020-07:58;

Shadow Head arrived at 05.12.2020-8:28; Blae Drye BY-F b44-3 Shadow Head arrived at 05.12.2020-18:34; NGC 6705 Sector HR-V d2-70 Shadow Head arrived at 05.12.2020-19:15; Pyraleau RQ-Q b24-3 Shadow Head arrived at 05.12.2020-19:37; Pyraleau BC-J d10-127 close to ROHINI; TECCT WP; Shadow Head arrived at 05.12.2020-20:24; while Shadow Head jumps I use Honest Tuck for 5 jps to ROHINI, Eudaemeon Anchorage; then keeping up to the FC again; Shadow Head reached the system before 22:00hrs; Honest Tuck docked at Eudaemon Anchorage over N8, then caught up with the FC the next morning;

Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-11:55; Explored systems on a parallel course when FC was jumping; Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-12:20; Flyiedgiae ES-A d1-30 Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-12:45; Flyiedge GN-P b24-5 Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-13:08; Flyiedge ZQ-E b44-1 Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-13:30; Skaude EW-A c2-3; Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-13:56; INNER SCUTUS CENTAURUS ARM reached; Skaude PA-J c11-8

Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-14:18 (Skaude IM-D b44-6); During Jump sequence I started out to rescue the starnded commander Hutch77 at system Pyraleau HA-B A68-0; DB given as well as I proposed Eagle Landing in 1.8kly distance as next docking point; it took me a little bit less than 10mins per 1kly on the way to the client (neutron highway); on my way back to the FC I scanned the systems on a 69 jumps route RTB; 16:55, docked at Shadow Head; Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-14:38; Preia Phoe OS-A b4-4

Shadow Head arrived in system at 06.12.2020-18:15 ; → CCC5 (Sacaqawea); Prua Phoe WY-C b44-19

Shadow Head arrived in system (Prua Phoe WY-C b44-19) at 06.12.2020-18:38; Honest Tuck travels towards Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 (TECCT Way Point);

Shadow Head arrived in system at 07.12.2020-11:47 (Clooku ZJ-A b4-23); Honest Tuck arrives at Green Giant [Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 (TECCT Way Point)] at 07.12.2020-13:03 Honest Tuck arrives at Green Giant

Shadow Head arrived in system (Clooku ZO-N b24-15) at 07.12.2020-12:49 (Honest Tuck follows route from TECCT WP towards FCWP#32);

Shadow Head arrived in system (Clooku DK-A b45-13) at 07.12.2020-13:58

Shadow Head arrived in system (Nuekuae GV-X b4-4) at 07.12.2020-14:21

Honest Tuck on S-B awaiting arrival of FC (Shadow Head is 2 jumps out); arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-14:48 (Stuelou PW-M b24-22); undocking with Shadow Head and traveling towards Gandharvi (Caravanserai), which is WP#5 CCC5; undocking and heading for the Shadow Head, which is waiting at FCWP#33;

ArrivalShadow Head 07.12.2020-15:26 (Stuelou NQ-B b44-18); undocking Honest Tuck heading for WP#4 TECCT (Eord Flyuae VP-W d2-2699 Diamond Necklace)

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-16:21 (Blua Eaec XT-Z d362); Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-16:42 (Blua Eaec HM-V e2-998); Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-17:04 (Blua Eaec OA-B b44-9);

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-17:29 (Boeph AP-Q D5-446); Shadow Head reached TECCT WP#4 (Eord Flyuae VP-W d2-2699); 469.80ly dist. to FCWP#36; Arrival Shadow Head at 07.12.2020-17:55;

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-18:43 (Eoch Flyuae GY-X b3-11);

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-19:47 (Eoch Flyuae DL-M c8-225); Arrival of Honest Tuck at CCC5 WP#6 (Kashyapa Vihara Gate) 07.12.2020-19:46; Docking at Vihara Gate at 19:53hrs; Vihara Gate

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-20:12 (Eoch Flyuae BB-N d7-1592); Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-20:36 (Eoch Flyuae GS-Z b43-55); Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-20:59 (Dryio Flyuae XE-Z d533); Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-21:21 (Dryio Flyuae OJ-Q d5-239); (Tr-capacity: 8128);

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-21:50 (Dryooe Flyou XO-R e4-1728);

Arrival Shadow Head 07.12.2020-22:16 (Eol Prou KK-Y c1-54); – final Way Point CCC5; Honest Tuck arrived at ~07.12.2020-21:55; (docking at Mega Ship Damask Rose at 22:08); --- docking at Jaques Station at 07.12.2020-22:19(last TECCT WP (#5)); 11 month and 1 week after leaving the colonies for the last time;

Shadow Head arrived in CENTRALIS system at 22:39 (Centralis); Centralis - Damask Rose

Honest Tuck docking at Jaques Station at 07.12.2020-22:19 (last TECCT WP (#5)); 11 month and 1 week after leaving the colonies for the last time;

System NUNU exists too

After convincing myself there is a system NU in the ED Milky Way I had to check if there are the systems NUN and NUNU too.

I learned: in addition to system NU both of the above mentioned systems do exist inside or not too far from the ‘bubble’. While ratting at the first week of December 3306 I had the opportunity to visit the systems and having a quick check.

System Maps system NUN and NUNU

System NU really exists

System NU

Elephants, Eagles and a bunch of stations outside the bubble towards the colonies

Two days ago I jumped the fleet carrier reaching way point number 10 of its planned route. The fuel consumption I did calculate resulted in roughly double the amount of fuel than the vessel really used for the consecutive ten jumps. The good thing: it would have been bad if the carrier would have used more than calculated.

Approaching Sacaqawea Space Port: Approaching Sacaqawea Space Port

As a result of this I adjusted the formula used for the calculation: the real fuel use now is close to the estimated (calculated) value and I will observe the further results of the calculation to possibly adjust it even more.

Even though it seems I might have gained some freedom by the lesser fuel use and do have choices for some detours, I was out to the icy ring of a gas giant in a neighboring system to mine some Tritium from a Tritium hot spot to start testing this scenario as well.

--- Start of extracted log-entries of the Shadow Head from 29th and 30th NOV 3306 --

Arrival at FC WP#10 WP Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 in a dist of 1676.13ly; this FC WP is closest to Omega Mining Inc.;

FC Shadow Head will remain in system for the next few days; CMDR A32A is using ASPX ‘Honest Tuck’;

CCC5: Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (reached on 30th NOV); arrival at WP: 30.11.2020-14:35;

Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port); arrival: 30.11.2020-16:22 ; heading back towards the bubble, SE-direction, via Elephant‘s Trunk Sector (reaching system Wredgaei ND-U B58-3 at 30.11.2020-18:55; 10 jumps left towards the mining station) – reaching Elephant‘s Trunk Sector at 30.11.2020-19:30; GM Cephei at 19:34; 20.48;

touch down at Imperial Station Foda Port in LAUMA → Ratting;

--- End of extracted log-entries of the Shadow Head from 29th and 30th NOV 3306 --

Astro Tour visiting VY Canis Majores and the Seagull Nebula (Hell Port)

Last Thursday the Astro Tour participants met at VY Canis Major, the – so far – most voluminous star in the Milky Way. I was busy ratting due to the ‘Epicalypse’ and started out towards VYCM system one and a half hours before the session begun. This time I chose to use ‘Ahab’s Desire’, the same Beluga I used to visit the Zurara for the first time, the same Beluga, which brought me safely to Beagle Point and Salomé’s Moon. Since returning from Colonia towards the bubble on 30th DEC 3305 I haven’t had used this ship, so it felt right to make it run again.

Ahab‘s Desire docked on one of the Tour‘s fleet carriers (‚OFC I Still Love You‘ was the carrier it was docked at, as far as I remember): Beluga close to the Seagull Nebula

In autumn 2018 I brought Ahab’s Desire into this system for the first and second time, so I had one more sentimental reason to use the Beluga, which, meanwhile, became a highly improved vessel.

After warming the outside hulls of our ships basking in the red light of VYCM we were racing towards the Seagull Nebula: Meeting point was the potato station Hell Point. I liked the personal touch of Drew talking about Robert Holstock; in fact I enjoyed the talk while heading towards the Seagul Nebula, where I arrived slightly lagging behind the head of the racing field.

Arriving in orbit of Hell Port Arriving in orbit of Hell Port

Vista of the Seagull Nebula on approaching using Ahab’s Desire: Vista of the Seagull Nebula on approaching using Ahab’s Desire

Next Thursday the Astro Tour will reach its most Eastern point at or around the Crab Nebula starting that evening from one of the support carriers in the Monkey Nebula and I am intending to join if there is some time left to do so. The good part would be: I, myself have not been to the Crab Nebula yet and there would be something new to be seen.

Commanders on Drew's Astro Tour racing towards Seagull Sector: Commanders on Drew's Astro Tour racing towards Seagull Sector

The Epicalypse – End of November 3306

The last days were dominated by re-fueling tasks: ‘Epicalype’ we call this rush of stranded commanders. By far the most of these stranded pilots were brand new in the job, just arrived from the Federation of Pilots Academies inside the protected systems of this Federation, some kind of naive, maybe, joining the independent pilots in deep space.


There was one advantage with all these new people compared to the usual clients: in most cases they seem not come that far leaving the protected systems so the vast majority of all these cases could be dealt with in relative close proximity; LRR deep into the dark, mostly unknown regions of the Milky Way became rare during the last nearly two weeks.

The highest number of rescues during a day peaked up to over 500 cases during 24 hours during the last week (I guess there were 526 cases as the new all-time record). I was wondering if it would have had made sense to permanently post fuel rat reaction forces into certain systems during the last ‘epicalyptic’ week.

In comparison to a usual rescue the DBs became significantly longer than average due to the high number of questions being asked by the clients and/or due to the fact, some basic game-mechanics had to be explained completely (e.g. ‘what is the outfitting screen?’; ‘where and how to place modules?’).

However: TFRM proved to have been able to cope with the workload generally, which is good and interesting to see.

The Art of Evacuation - Kepler Orbital Evacuation (Atropos System)

Yesterday I started evacuating personnel from the Kepler star port. Until this morning I used the Cutter Adelheid Adele, which was helpful to rescue a multitude of people.

During the coffee break the Stanislaw Lem was parked on a free patch of the Kepler Orbital Rescue Ship to keep free the few landing pads for ongoing rescues: Coffee Break during Evacuation

Once I did return to the Shadow Head today, I swapped the ship and jumped into the cockpit of the Python Stanislaw Lem, which I use for serving outposts, normally. I was able to improve the heat resistance of that ship and jumped back from the Karbon system - via six transit systems - to the Atropos system.

Phase one Docking at the burning station: Docking at burning Kepler Orbital

Arriving at the damaged station I was able to collect materials as well as both kinds of rescue pods (occupied and damaged pods), black boxes, personal items and wreckage components. So people using rescue pods during the abandoning process were saved too.

Phase two Collecting of objects from inside the overheated structure: Collecting Items from Kepler

I finished several evacuation missions too, which were to be found at the black board of the rescue ship. Doing so might be nice for pilots trying to rank up their superpower rank(s).

Phase three (landing on the designated landing pad) Docking inside the burning station under emergency protocol rules: If a ship is hovering over the wrong landing pad for too long, e.g. due to an explosion shockwave relocating the ship, or the pilot ejects cargo while staying inside the station, the resulting fine will prevent the commander from accessing the emergency services once docked. After paying these fines at the close rescue ship (via rescue ship station board - contacts), passengers can be picked up from the burning stations and become rescued again (as long as the pilot is not gathering a new fine inside the burning station).
Phase three: Docking inside the burning station uner emergency protocol rules:

Phase four (boarding) Emergency Protocol means: A stations mission board is empty as well as all other station services except the Passenger Services are down too. As soon as a ship is docked it will be pulled inside a hangar; no worries commander, inside the hanger there is an emergency unit cooling down the ship as good as possible preventing any damage during the time inside the hangar and enabling the boarding process: Now, the aim is to fill as many passengers into the cabin as possible before leaving the station. Be aware: as soon as the ship is pulled out of the hangar, its temperature will increase again without using heat sinks. Phase four: boarding

Phase five Leavung the burning station, cruising to the near by rescue ship and handing in rescue items via the search and rescue screen, handing in the passengers and selling whatever may be left in cargo (except limpets if one more run is intended): Last phase

Remark to yesterday’s log: The two last lines of the flight plan for the Shadow Head in December do show two distances from Sol, which are not correct. Falsely orientated vector components were used for these calculations and the navigator at Shadow Head’s flight deck corrected the two lines with the recent flight plan. There might be a time table issued by the Nav-Team of the Shadow Head at a later point in time.