Profil du CMDR CDMRJAX7 > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Grave Metallum [SF-28C]
(Imperial Cutter)
Membre depuis le :
18 janv. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
9 997
Systèmes découverts en premier :
4 334
Solde :
1 787 421 166 Cr
Mining drought - Temporary halt

CMDR's LOG - After six days of successful mining, all of the sudden things have mysteriously dried up, and after hours of fruitless hunting from rock to rock I have been unable to find Tritium.

My soul is crushed! Without more fuel the crew and I only have enough for about 20 FC jumps before we are dead in the water!

We are currently sitting in the center of the Galaxy near the DW2 space station and I am at a lost on what to do next. I can just start exploring the Core for a while, and earn some credits for the carrier. Maybe in a week I will return to mine again, but for now I am sadden by this turn of events.

Stuemeae GG-Y c3272 9 A Ring - Arrival

CMDR's LOG - After a few hours of jumping we have finally arrived at our destination. I arrived ahead of the carrier to confirm the Tritium double hot spot, and yes I found it. The crew and I will remain in this spot for about a week or until we can fill the cargo hold with 15k tons of Tritium. I'm proud of the fact other commanders are willing to share their finds with the rest of the community.

Tritium Pathway Network

CMDR's LOG - As the crew prep the exploration ship to get ready to begin day two of our search, I hit the network for news happening back home. Well, what do I happen across? Apparently, other commanders have been scouting across the galaxy for FC fuel hot spots like myself and have logged their discoveries. What I'm excited about, there's a double hot spot near my current position! I have ordered the carrier to start heading towards that hot spot immediately! I will go ahead of the group in the exploration vessel!

The Core mission - Day 1

CMDR's LOG - The first mission out into the core netted one Ammonia World and one Water World, but no stand out ring planets worth my time. Tomorrow we will do things a little different and limit the jump range to hit systems closer to they system base of operations. I truly hope to find a Ice Ring with FC fuel material to move the FC in the northern region of the galaxy, and maybe all the way to Beagle Point. For now the FC will sit in place with the 4k tons of reserve full in the cargo hold. I dare not waste any fuel until I find a ring with the resources I need.

Maximum Effort...tomorrow's a brand new day!

New Base of Operations

CMDR's Log - Decided to do a little exploration before calling it the night and what do I find in Phraa Pruae SE-Q d5-9509 B system? A Earth Like World! Now it's a nice distance away from the main star, but I decided to call the FC to this spot to make it our new Base of Operations. Tomorrow I will take the COBRA MK IV out for short range exploration, and with that I'm off to relax. Tomorrow is a brand new day!


CMDR's Log - The Galactic Centre, we made it after three days and 9300ly of FC jumping! Discovered a nice Water World in the Phraa Pruae IR-U C3-2752 system, and this will be our temporary base of operations. Tomorrow we will begin our discovery mission and part of that mission will be to look for Ice Rings and Earth Like Worlds. We will be staying here for sometime, maybe 90 days, and then return back to Colonia space. Our FC fuel will be enough to get us back; however, if we discover an Ice Ring with fuel hot spots we will get to mining at least 4k tons to cross the Galactic Centre.

It has been sometime, since Distant Worlds II, being in this part of the galaxy. I may make the 2400ly trip to Explorer's Anchorage to bring back some nostalgia from my earlier explorer days. Anyway, tomorrow is a brand new day!

The return to deep space

CMDR's Log - The crew and I have spent 48 hours in Colonia space collecting FC fuel and doing some mining to earn extra space cheddar to pay for it. Now that this operation is complete and we have filled the FC storage to 7k tons of fuel, we will be heading back out to deep space. However, we will go even further than before and venture out into the Galactic Core.

Based on my calculations we should only need 3k tons of fuel to make the trip across the Core's border from Odin's Hold, and that will be approximately 9300 Light Years from our current position. If we decide to return to Colonia space we will need another 3k tons worth of fuel to make it back. So, I will take on extra fuel to be on the safe side. I heard stories of other Commander's being stuck in their dried up FC in deep space.

We will make this trip tomorrow, however, we will jump 500LY from Colonia space first. Pirate activity has been high as of late, and they have gotten bold when attacking my FC. So, tomorrow is a brand new day!

The return

CMDR's LOG - After a long discussion with the FC crew it has been decided to return to Colonia space. The finally decision was mine; however, I had to take into account the opinion of the crew.

The goal will be to make enough credits to purchase 10k - 15k worth of fuel. Our luck in Odin's Hold was not up to expectation, so we will go to the Galactic Core. There's a lot of untapped space in Odin's Hold, but I believe the Galactic Core will hold more mystery and what we are looking for.

It will take us must of the day to return back to Colonia space, so I will sit back in Ten Forward and enjoy the view.

Long Range Survey Mission - LOG 2

Today, is the day before an ancient holiday celebrated on Earth centuries ago in a place once known as America. I think it was called Independence Day...yes that what it was called according to the database. On this day I arrived back to my temporary base of operations orbiting this Earth Like World. I discovered nine Water Worlds and one Ammonia World, but no mining hot spots worth my time. I have six more days left in this system before I decide my next move. At the moment I feel I may have to head back to Colonia space and buy more FC fuel to push out further in Odin's Hold or head to the Galactic Core.

Unlike the bubble FC fuel is more expense, so I may find myself mining in some known hot spots in Colonia space. The new FC database has pinpointed close FCs near my base of operations; however, it's still unknown if they are selling fuel. If they are I believe I can jump the FC to their location, but I did store two long range ships and the famous Cutter that maybe able to make the distance to another FC selling fuel.

I think tomorrow I will celebrate my Independence away from the bubble and the freedom I have here in the black. Since Distant Worlds II I have discovered 3400 systems, and I'm eager to find more. At this time since purchasing my own FC, I have discovered 40 different types of Earth, Water, and Ammonia Worlds. It's an exciting time with FCs being introduced, and I have been able to fund this beast for nearly two years.

Well, tomorrow is a brand new day!

Long Range Survey Mission

CMDR's Log - The fleet carrier,Audaces Fortuna Iuvat (XHX-17B), has safely arrived in a new system. It was a surprise to discover a Earth Like World in Schee Flyuae VT-A d990, so I decided to have the carrier park in orbit around this blue ball. The mission to discover deposits of Tritium in a 500LY radius around the fleet carrier. So far no luck, but did discover a number of Water World (11). I will leave it to other CMDRS to map those worlds, for now I must continue the mission at hand.

It's peaceful in this strange system I decided to make my base of operations. No traffic; however, the senors earlier did show a human signal within the system. I was ready to search for this human presences, but then decided against it. The carrier docking is open to all who need to repair and refuel, along with a couple of needed offices to earn credits. So, I'm sitting around the conference room table pouring over star charts with my crew, and trying to decide the next move.

A couple of the ships have high jump ranges, but I'm starting to think about lower the jumps to scout nearby systems. This will take a lot of time; however, I feel there's a ring world with overlapping hotspots calling my name. At least I don't have to concern myself with pirates, then again with fleet carriers all across the galaxy I guess you never know.

Time to rest! I'm thinking about taking the cobra out for a spin or the cutter. Either one will suit the mission at hand and I think I will park the exploration vessels for a while. It has been a while since I was in a small compact ship, this should be interesting, and fun.