Profil du CMDR Zipactonal > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
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Membre depuis le :
28 juil. 2019
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
7 379
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 080
Far side of the Clover nebula

Got to the Clover Nebula (DRYOOE PROU AA-A H55) which has plenty written about it to find very few systems visited before me. Plenty of water worlds to add to my data banks. Of course once I got Colonia-side of the nebula the commander's names came thick and fast but still 20+ jumps and plenty to stick your name on if you are not in a rush!

Earth becomes a moon

Found an Earth-like planet orbiting a high metal planet as it's moon. I think that's the first time I've seen that. Check it out if you are passing PHRAE FLYOU MR-R C6-11.

Silicate geysers

BYOOMUE KD-2 D1-2767 is one of those systems where the secondary star is a very long way from the system entry star in this case 250k ly. I'd never bothered to fly that far to visit planets but one came up as having silicate geysers so I went to have a look on planet B2. Have fun out there - this type of flying gives you time to change your music now onto Shugo Tokumaru.

Ammonia ice geysers

CHOOMEOU VE-R D4-429 is a very varied system with an Earth-like world, two water worlds and plenty of geological feature on the gas giant's moons. On one I found my first ammonia ice geysers, a pity I couldn't get any closer without an SRV.

Carbon dioxide fumaroles

Having crossed the unscoopable zone I jumped 63.9ly (I think my furthest so far) to CHOOMIE NQ-E B54-0 and found a large system with loads of landable planets and moons many with geological signals. Most were water geysers but found two carbon dioxide geysers and managed to get close enough to scan a fumarole to add to my list of Codex finds. Well worth a visit for resources if you still have a functioning SRV.

5 jumps no scoops

Lucky I have a pretty big fuel scoop and hold as I went through 5 systems of L, T and Y unscoopables. Even though my jump range isn't too impressive yet I think I would have struggled to navigate this region (Stuemai) in my original Sidewinder!

Earth-like planet on way back to Colonia

Only a few thousand light years to go and I stumble across an undiscovered Earth-like planet. I got as close as I could and got some good screen prints but you never seem to get anywhere near unlandable planets... one day maybe will be able to go and check out the wildlife. Onwards to Colonia to dump my data!

Burnt out scarab in Phimbeou system

Have been a bit of a daft sausage and destroyed my scarab. You could go and visit it's charred remains on Phimbeou RF-B B45-0 2 A. Amazing planet with 50 geological signals and extremely deep valleys or fault lines where most ice / steam geysers are hidden just don't roll over one in such a rocky / steep area as the multiple impacts will take you out.

Possible first to neutron star.

On final few jumps towards OOB BRUE (Phoebe's Heart) nebula I came across an undiscovered neutron star – hope I dock to claim it before anyone else!

Flying on a steam jet.

DRYU BRUE XE-A C29-1 3 A Great noisy plumes of steam and superhot water as I collect Yytrium and other useful elements. Drove over a steam jet on the way back to the ship and found myself thrown very high into the very thin atmosphere – 100% to 50% SRV integrity in one go! Oopps but fun.