天体 > 惑星

Metal-rich body

No atmosphere (3,775,030)

Ammonia (1)

Water (42)

Carbon dioxide (637)

Sulphur dioxide (40,588)

Nitrogen (34)

Water-rich (3)

Methane-rich (13)

Ammonia-rich (4)

Carbon dioxide-rich (3,014)

Methane (9)

Helium (7)

Silicate vapour (650,780)

Metallic vapour (60,350)

Neon-rich (1)

Argon-rich (7)

Neon (1)

Oxygen (3)

High metal content world

No atmosphere (31,880,789)

Ammonia (728,439)

Water (2,791,931)

Carbon dioxide (16,036,665)

Sulphur dioxide (7,121,357)

Nitrogen (4,800,816)

Water-rich (139,442)

Methane-rich (2,046,607)

Ammonia-rich (636,549)

Carbon dioxide-rich (3,040,658)

Methane (583,277)

Helium (519,259)

Silicate vapour (912,793)

Neon-rich (158,142)

Argon-rich (1,384,139)

Neon (320)

Argon (333,998)

Oxygen (100,520)

Rocky body

No atmosphere (39,391,460)

Ammonia (1,440,908)

Water (2,137,059)

Carbon dioxide (6,734,187)

Sulphur dioxide (3,726,718)

Nitrogen (140,720)

Water-rich (654)

Methane-rich (15,595)

Ammonia-rich (2,691)

Carbon dioxide-rich (68,384)

Methane (82,959)

Helium (56)

Silicate vapour (1,116)

Neon-rich (6,856)

Argon-rich (12,366)

Neon (2)

Argon (13,602)

Oxygen (8,151)

Rocky Ice world

No atmosphere (2,940,918)

Ammonia (51,753)

Water (192,925)

Carbon dioxide (273,362)

Sulphur dioxide (85,477)

Nitrogen (1,132,423)

Water-rich (12,742)

Methane-rich (1,131,487)

Ammonia-rich (324,709)

Carbon dioxide-rich (18,444)

Methane (385,659)

Helium (158,160)

Neon-rich (363,645)

Argon-rich (3,364,062)

Neon (94,432)

Argon (706,469)

Oxygen (21,952)

Icy body

No atmosphere (77,718,415)

Ammonia (112,076)

Water (413,379)

Carbon dioxide (755,041)

Sulphur dioxide (158,776)

Nitrogen (3,842,564)

Water-rich (12,284)

Methane-rich (5,372,667)

Ammonia-rich (588,036)

Carbon dioxide-rich (164,540)

Methane (11,645,648)

Helium (11,147,564)

Neon-rich (9,899,753)

Argon-rich (7,877,973)

Neon (6,313,880)

Argon (4,267,845)

Oxygen (50,864)

Earth-like world

No atmosphere (2,838)

Suitable for water-based life (401,589)

Water world

No atmosphere (37,319)

Ammonia (924,487)

Water (7)

Carbon dioxide (848,108)

Sulphur dioxide (2,847)

Nitrogen (1,120,599)

Water-rich (305,414)

Ammonia-rich (71,788)

Carbon dioxide-rich (569,371)

Argon-rich (762,450)

Argon (63,665)

Oxygen (114,315)

Water giant

No atmosphere (249,699)

Ammonia world

No atmosphere (33,833)

Ammonia and Oxygen (589,997)

Gas giant with water-based life

No atmosphere (3,105,542)

Gas giant with ammonia-based life

No atmosphere (1,675,508)

Class I gas giant

No atmosphere (14,201,806)

Class II gas giant

No atmosphere (3,072,470)

Class III gas giant

No atmosphere (7,155,125)

Class IV gas giant

No atmosphere (1,180,779)

Class V gas giant

No atmosphere (150,941)

Helium-rich gas giant

No atmosphere (157,466)

Helium gas giant

No atmosphere (19)