CMDR Rileigh j. Morgan のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Earhart [RM-27e]
(Asp Explorer)
Entry n°25 - Sol 306 - xmas trip'n'grind

-hey Echo, you know I've quit smoking in these days?

*yeah I noticed, Rileigh. Anyway I've set up a route to the Pleiades Barnacles' spot so we can finally find some arsenic and visit new places.

-thank you, i was thinking tho, shall we stop by the "Crashed Conda"?

*yes but let's see if it is close instead of changing completely our route.

2020-12-27 23:34:31 -in the meantime let's start the ship's systems and let's make a coffee, send me a heads up message when it's ready, Echo


2020-12-27 23:40:07 -please activate the water bottle refill and make the coffee

drives engaging drives at 50% drives at full power take off

-my last time in the Pleiades was not that fun I remember... now let's put some music and let's roll

WE ARRIVED AT DESTINATION Pleiades Sector OI-T c3-7 A 6 -42 . 77 / -21 . 71

-we landed and i'm now in the fucking Scarab - stop the music - and it is fucking dark and it is fucking scary dammit... can the scanner shut the fuck up...

-let's use the full beam lights and the NV, Echo, turn them on


-i couldn't have parked farther from the Barnacle... if a Tharg gets me im fucked

heart rate increase anxiety reported

-here we are echo...

-scanned but data compromised..?

-what do we do now?

Entry n°24 - Sol 303 - XMAS Trip

-So, for this Christmas we've taken a trip to Dav's Hope.

*Nice, and we're spending the holidays there?

-Well Idk we stopped at Betancourt Base for like one week and I don't wanna stay too much time without doing anything.

*Looks good to me.

-The Earhart looks just as good. Just look how shiny blue and beautiful it is. So, now let's go to Dav's Hope, put on some Blues Essentials...

Boom Boom by John Lee Hooker starts playing

Entry n°23 - Sol 294 - Echo v1.2

-so I'm trying to program and install a new version for you Echo, a small surprise.

-consider this a small Xmas Gift...

_restarting system





_start Morgan OS v1.2

_start Echo

_start recording

-aaand... here it goes.

*Hello, friend!

-YES IT WORKS! You're my monster! I'm your Frankenstein! Let's go Echo! now you can talk and have a much deeper AI.

*Thank you Captain!

-Good good!Can you find me a destination for that stuff I need, boi?

*Sure, boi.

*Dav's Hope. Go to Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23, planet A5. There's an abandoned settlement on the surface called Dav's Hope. Here we can find many materials we need and will need.

-Nice. I've heard it is a common destination for commanders.

*Yes, it is worth a visit I'd say.

-Good then. Stop the recording we're gonna chill a while before getting back to our trip.

_stop recording

Entry n°22 - Sol 294 - Rich... I think, but what now?

_start recording

-so, Echo. I've been hopping from star to star, chilling while listening to some music and smoking a cigarette. When I finally arrived to Betancourt the Sirius Corp welcomed me and many other explorers, I turned in all my explodata and cashed in more than 200 Milion Credits!. My Bank Account now has 241Mln CCs. I have no idea how to spend them now. That's more money than I have ever seen or could ever see, dammit.

-So I spent the past week just chilling in Betancourt. Today I fixed the Earhart, refueled it and now it is shining like never before. I called a mechanic and looked for some changes for outfitting my ship. I should definitely call an engineer and have my FSD eningeered to Grade 5. I have it to a G3 now and need a chemical distillery to up it to a G4 and then some arsenic and a chemical manipulator to get it up to the G5. Need to see where to find them.

-I also swapped my 32Tonnes Fuel Tank with a 16T one and a small change which gave me 2/3LY range more. I can't complain.

-Need to set a destination for my next journey with the Earhart now which will probably involve the G5 FSD and MAYBE some Guardian shit...ahem stuff.

Entry n°21 - Sol 287 - Small Update

_start recording

-'ight Echo. We're going fast and steady towards the Betancourt Base. We need...

  • ...about 85 jumps more.

-Oh' I've decided to do 10 Push Ups every jump. Why not. I just spent two unproductive days now let's go.

-Found a system with four terraformables and two WW... cash.

-it took a while to scan and map all these planets, now off to another system...

_end recording

Entry n°20 - Neutron Jumps

_start recording

-uh it's all good, now I've planned a route with lots of Neutron Stars which will take us to the Betancourt Base in about 100 Jumps Instead of like 160 Jumps if not more. I'm skipping some systems but i wanna be FAAAAST we have only 4 days...

_end recording

Entry n°19 - no_name_entry12063306

_start recording

-oh, shit I gotta make some christmas gifts and have no idea on what to do dammit...

-fuck it i cant decide and im still not departed...

-ok I decided finally, goddammit.

-let's go, head for the tail of this Neutron Star. Come on.

_end transmission

Entry n°18 - Sol 285 - The Crab Pulsar Nebula

_start recording

-Commander Rileigh J. Morgan's logbook, Sol 285 entry number 18. Last Night I reached the Crab Pulsar, sooner than expected I must say. I didn't make a log 'cause I was pretty tired, but I made some photos and even explored a nearby system just to have a better look of the Pulsar and discovered a station right there... didn't stop by 'cause I wanna come back to the Bubble as asap. Earhart must be fast and efficient. So, prepare the ship's systems, Echo. We must get ready for a Neutron Boost Jump and it'll be the first since Early March... I am a little scared I must admit.

-Just had a coffee and some puffs off of a drum which I'm gonna finish later... now put on some more chill music please.

chill beats playing

-I'm gonna make a new entry later...

_end of recording

Entry n°17 - Sol 284 - Chilling

_starting recording

-hey hello Echo, just had a nice and chill morning, some workout a coffe and now just smoked a cig. It would seem that a certain company is paying well for Universal Cartographics Exploration Data and I only have 7 Days to get to the system... I have to move my ass dammit if i want that bonus cash so let's get rolling and let's do some exploring man

-start the ship's systems we must be sanic this time and get as fast as possible to the Crab Pulsar

-ah so it is the Sirius Corp. that wants to estabilish new colonies in the Coalsack Nebula partnering with the Alliance, so they need these Data, especially Ammonia worlds... we should get to the Betancourt Research Facility Base by 11th December. Let's see if we can get there in time I want that bonus dammit.

_stop recording

_beginning recording

-YES GOD DAMN IT YES! A EARTH-LIKE! TWO WATER WORLDS! AND ALSO A TERRAFORMABLE HMCWorld! Yes, yes, yes! Big money right here! Jackpot! Let's see how much should it be worth. Nice, about 6Mln credits. Good job.

-Now let's map them.

_end recording

Entry n°16 - Sol 283 - Have a nice day

_start recording

-yeah that A Class Star was the only interesting thing I found yesterday... we're at Sol 283, have a good morning Echo. Prepare a cup of coffee. Sugar 3. thank you...

-Start Ship's systems. Prepare all modules.

-Oh, coffee came out nicely today. What happened Echo? Ahahah

-Charge the FSD...

_frame shift drive, charging

-Now, let's open up the FSS and let's get rolling... put on some music man!

Should I Stay or Should I Go starts playing

_end recording