CMDR eight8ate のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Imperial Courier)
Trip to Colonia - Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 to Colonia

Trip to Colonia - Part 6

Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 - Left the moon of the mint chocolate gas giant and headed towards the next station on the itinerary.

Gandharvi (Caravanserai) - Marlin's Reach - Stopped here for a some repairs and saw a nice little local sidey parked on the next pad over.

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Then back to the black. enter image description here

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Boewnst CV-P d5-160 (Archived: Spires of Sorrow) - Saw this as a point of interest on my galactic guide and decided to stop by. Some cool features and some good mats to collect.

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Kashyapa - Vihara Gate

The view of the ringed earth like world Kashyapa pulling into Vihara Gate station is quite spectacular.

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Also got a good amount of first discoveries. enter image description here

View on the way out. enter image description here

Colonia - Jaques Station - Finally made it.

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Trip to Colonia - Byeia Eurk YJ-X c2-5 to Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226

Trip to Colonia - Part 5

The stops are getting farther apart. This leg I mostly camped out on moons and just stopped in at stations for repairs, provisions, and dropping off data. I did manage to be first to discover several systems and made a good bit of profit off them.

Byeia Eurk YJ-X c2-5 (Tumbleweed), A2B - Took a run through the canyons again before heading out.

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Rohini (Eudaemon Anchorage) - Dropping in hot but got to see some nice solar ejections while scanning the nav beacon. Nice views of an earth like world just outside the station.

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Drove around on one of the moons with a view in a system I discovered. Had some nice mat crystals also.

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Some more nebula and a pit stop.

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Skaude AL-X e1-28 (Rusty Net) - Cool nebula.

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Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) - Looking at the rings of the planet this base's moon orbits is a fantastic view.

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Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula) - Black hole in a nebula. Pretty but I still find getting close unnerving.

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Getting closer and closer to Sag A.

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Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 (Blua Hypa Glowing Green Giant) - Stopped here just cause the photos in the brochure looked cool. It was also a good spot to stop for a rest and to repair my FSD.

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Trip to Colonia - Tumbleweed

Trip to Colonia - Stop 4

Byeia Eurk YJ-X c2-5 (Tumbleweed), A1B, A2B

Left Omega Mining with my new paint and headed back out. Going to be a long way before I stop at another station.

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Found a nice view of the PW2010 Supercluster.

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Stopped in at Gria Drye OC-B d1-211 (Anaia) to see a ringed Earth like world.

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Also found a ring with void opals and tritium that could make for a good FC stop.

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After getting to the system where I was going to set up camp I read the map wrong and ended up at a different moon. The brochure said there was going to be crazy deep canyons but I all I found were some nice mountain ranges.

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Realized, I went to moon A1B instead of A2B. Whoops. But eventually I did find those canyons.

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Found a place to settle in.

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Trip to Colonia - Observation Point Epsilon and Omega Mining

Trip to Colonia - Stop 3

Observation Post Epsilon - Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52

Omega Mining Operation - Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15

After a nice rest and taking in the local sites it was time to leave Hillary Depot.

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A few jumps and I was back on the neutron highway. I'm getting more comfortable with going into the cone and supercharging the FSD but the farther I go out I try to remind myself to not get complacent.

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There are some nice views of nebulae from the back porch of the Phantom.

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Only 9 jumps and I was at Observation Point Epsilon. Small outpost but the views on approach are outstanding.

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A contact in the bubble told me to visit this place for a lucrative work opportunity. A man sat down next to at the station's watering hole and we got to talking. He thinks I'd be good for their outfit and with a nice little sign on bonus I'm flying as part of Ghost Squadron. They didn't give me much information on the who we're reporting to but said if I did well there would be more credits. I have a suspicion that we're a contractor wing for the 101st Recon Company, or if not them, maybe a rival. They installed some modules on my scanners and gave me a new Universal Cartographics encryption key and sent me on my way. As I was preparing for departure got a message over the comms with just this:

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I made my way out and back towards the highway.

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And there were some good ones on this leg.

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Finally got to Omega Mining Operation and they actually have some outfitting! I picked up another AFMU for just in case. The biggest they had was a 2E but it's just a backup so hopefully it'll be alright. Also got that paint job. And just had to take it out for a quick spin around the base to see how it looks.

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Trip to Colonia - Hillary Depot and Amundsen Terminal

Trip to Colonia - Stop 2

Hillary Depot – Blu Thua AI-A c14-10, planet A 4A

Amundsen Terminal – Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10, planet 1

Left Mammon after taking a break and chatting with the local miners. The view leaving the station is very nice and worth the trip out there. Not much in the way of facilities though.


Looking at the galactic map and seeing how far it is to Hillary Depot (and eventually Colonia) I thought now would be a good a time as any to learn how to neutron boost. First time felt real dicey but eventually I got more acclimated to it. Still worry I'm going blow up my ship falling into the exclusion zone but so far so good. Flying into that cone is definitely not for the faint of heart.

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Made it to Hillary Depot just in time to see the sunset. Named after the ancient Sol explorer to first summit that planet's highest peak it seemed appropriate the outpost was settled at the base of high walled crater.

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Took a short break and then headed out to Amundsen Terminal. After a bunch more neutron boosts and a few system scans (even managed a few first discoveries) I got there. Another station named after an ancient Sol explorer and also at the base of some nice mountains. Probably going to head to Omega mining to get that paint job I forgot about in the bubble and maybe pick up another AFMU if they have one.

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Trip to Colonia - Mammon

Trip to Colonia - Stop 1

Mammon (Mammon Monitoring Facility / Mammon (IC 1287 Nebula))

I had been thinking about going to Colonia for a while. I've been stopping at some stations in the bubble to fly some of my other ships one more time before heading out. Took out the mining Python, the sightseeing Dolphin, and did a little bounty hunting in the Viper. I did a couple other shorter trips, most notably to the black hole at Beta Hydrae and Betelgeuse.

Then while sitting at the station I plotted a course to Mammon. Just under 1000LY. Then headed out. Got there in I think 18 jumps in my Krait Phantom. I was going to engineer it some more but decided to just go instead. Next stops will be Hillary Depot and Amundsen Terminal.

I meant to paint my ship before heading out, not gonna go back just for that though. Looks like next station with outfitting will be Omega Mining Operation.

Mammon Monitoring Facility