CMDR Myshka のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Knackered Knave [199-DW]
(Krait Mk II)
Log 3303-07-10

A relatively uneventful stint jumping between Neutron Stars to cover some distance quickly, occasionally taking in an O-class or B-class for refuelling. I did manage to "bag" a "Superbright", and then thought I hit paydirt: a planetary nebula!

A quick couple of jumps, and a beautiful green sight welcomed me - but already tagged by Cmdr _Big_BadLynx. Oh well, so much for my first ever planetary nebula discovery.. next time.

  • "Peridot Pulsar" (my name) - Byoomue JN-S e4-446
Log 3303-07-09

Another half-a-kylie closer to "home" - Colonia, taking in several O-class and Neutron stars, as well as my next "Superbright" waypoint, a Herbig-Ae/Be which had, unfortunately, already been tagged by Cmdr Gunthar.

Highlight of the day was a Neutron Star which has a distant K-class companion around which an Earthlike orbits. This system was also very large, some 50-odd bodies, so it took quite a while to catalogue.

I ended the day landed on the solitary planet distantly orbiting an O-class star, still shining brightly even at 11kLS distance.

Log 3303-07-03

Continued exploring the White Smoke nebula. So far nothing extraordinary found, however I have managed to tag most of the B-class stars in and around the nebula!

I did have a visitor though - Cmdr Crimsonfox1 joined my ship via telepresence for a little while and we talked exploration. He's currently 7kLY out from the bubble and made me well jealous as his Asp can jump over 40LY!

Interesting systems:

  • Oob Chreou LF-R c4-138 - triple Water World system, one with a landable moon.
  • Oob Chreou QM-W d1-122 - Water World with Water World moon, as well as another Water World and many other planets.
Log 3303-06-30

I took a number of Neutron Star boosts and finally reached the "White Smoke" nebula, enroute tagging a couple of O-class stars and "Superbrights".

Interesting systems:

  • Oob Chreou AG-F d11-630 - many ringed landables, as well as a water-world
Log 3303-06-29

Another big push today saw us arrive at a Black Hole "Superbright" in the Shaulau sector. It was untagged too, and as a bonus has a landable moon orbiting a super-heavy Class IV gas giant.

A highlight of todays journey was a ringed Ammonia World - the first in a long time - although it made me wonder how many I may have missed as it was a very cloudy world and at first glance resembled an Icy body. Alongside the AW I found various Water Worlds.

Log 3303-06-28

We broke through the 10kLY barrier to Colonia today!

Apart from that it was a fairly uneventful journey tonight, bagging a few Water-Worlds but otherwise not much of note until we reached the destination "Superbright". Despite only being a B-class system, it is untagged and rather interestingly has a Herbig Ae/Be star further out which has a water-world orbiting it.

Log 3303-06-28

We've broken through the 10kLY to Colonia distance, enroute to yet another "Superbright".

Tonight's 1-kLY journey was fairly uneventful, with a few water-worlds but nothing much else of note.

The "Superbright" itself is only a B-class, but it's untagged, and has a distant Herbig Ae/Be star which has a load of planets orbiting it, so it's somewhat interesting.

Log 3303-06-27

Continuing my journey towards Colonia, next waypoint is another "Superbright".

Interesting Systems:

  • Eorgh Greau YG-J d10-82 - large ringed Water World with 3 landable moons (with geysers)
  • Eorgh Greau RM-U c19-15 - triple-water-worlds around the second pair of stars (390kLS)
Log 3303-06-25

Explored systems around the "Burning Ember" nebula, and found many tagged systems as well as a few untagged ones. Tags were mostly by the usual suspects, Cmdrs Validating and Andrew Gaspurr, although there were a couple of lesser known names in the mix as well.

Rather interestingly this nebula does not actually have any stars actually within it, and almost all the surrounding stars are M-class ones.

I am now considering my next destination - there are several nebulae in the direction of Colonia and since they are all almost guaranteed to have been tagged, there's no point to visit any except the ones directly on my route.

I am unnerved by the news of the Thargoids, and am keen to get back home now..

So I plotted nearly a Kylie towards Colonia, setting another "Superbright" as my target. I made fair progress, and reached the O-class "Superbright" only to find it had already been tagged by Cmdr Andrew Gaspurr..

Time to turn in for the next rest-period, the ship basking in the ultra-violet glare of the star.

Log 3303-06-20

A major push got me nearly a kylie towards Colonia, and I reached the vicinity of the Burning Ember nebula, my next waypoint.

Along the way I found numerous Water Worlds and a fair few gas-giants with life, but nothing spectacular.

Reaching an A-class star near the nebula, I set down for the "night" on a rocky body orbiting a gas-giant, with the nebula spectacularly in the background. This is definitely a sight to behold!