CMDR The_Martus のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Numpty [EO055]
(Asp Explorer)
26,729,499,689 Cr
[Canonn Challenge] - Dryu Chraea FH-D D12-49 - Remember Me?

The Galaxy seems to be a whole different place in recent times.

Heaps of new forms of Biological Plant Life seemed to have sprung up when I wasn't looking, making the life of the completionist explorer even more miserable or delightful - depending on your perspective.

These days I seem to need to stop at every other system I travel through in order to catalogue these life forms and record them in my ever expanding codex - which makes the journeys undertaken for my original goal - the Canonn Challenge - even longer.

Still, that goal persists, and I have reached the next waypoint on the journey; and boy was it worth it; almost perishing at the hands of a particularly feisty and electrical anomaly not withstanding.

So here, then, are some of my snapshots from within this glorious, remote system:

Viride Calcite Plate

Luteolum Calcite Plate

Lindegoticum Calcite Plate

Q01-Type Anomaly

How 'bout this heat?

My journey continues and I've been on the road for along time now. Its time for a break; time to put my feet up, enjoy a refreshing ale and some real (not freeze-dried) food. Time for a little R&R...

This far out in the black, pickings are slim, and I spy on my galactic map, a little outpost enticingly named DSSA HSRC Meow Force One. I'm already picturing fluffy kittens as I point the Numpty in its general direction.

I was somewhat taken aback when I approached the outpost - and just about melted on the way in! I hope the a/c is in good working order!

Seriously, when you've got the whole damned galaxy available in which to set up shop - why park it this close to this Giant S Type star?

Well, I'm here now - time to hunt down those beers and fluffy kittens - and worry about my exit strategy and not turning into a boiling puddle of ooze in a few days time...

Mene Tekel - HYPUA PRIAE BA-A G0

I am continuing my journey 'west' across the galaxy, looking for challenges and sights unseen, when I read about a little system beneath the plane granted the name 'Mene Tekel', and supplied with the following enlightening description within the galactic map:

"Mene mene tekel upharsin - your days are numbered". That was what I thought upon arriving in this monster of a system. You are immediately squeezed between a black hole and a rapidly spinning neutron star. When searching for a way to get some distance you then realise you are surrounded by two other whirling neutron stars! The system is a fantastic place to go but not for the faint hearted. It lies deep below the galactic plane in the Fallows, en route between Colonia and the permit-locked region of Hyponia. Travelers are advised to bring an extra set of underpants."

As I happened to be passing by, I thought I'd drop in - and, with cheeks suitably clenched, settled in for the ride....

I will admit, the arrival was something of an anti-climax; although the Black Hole and the 3 Neutron Stars are still there - they seem to be a bit further apart than I imagined. Once I had negotiated my way around the Black Hole I headed out to the trio of stars. Once there, I was still able to catch the following rather dramatic shot:

Although I am still going to have to face one of these guys in order to buy my ticket out of here...

[Canonn Challenge] - Wembeau KM-V E2-12 - L-03 Type Anomaly

My travels are now taking me further away from the heart of the Galaxy as I search for more elusive finds and everything is further apart. Or 'socially distant', if you prefer.

My latest acquisitions are these three beauties - L-03 Type Anomalies.

[Canonn Challenge] - WEPAA GG-Y F343 - K04, K06 & K08 Type Anomalies

This entry marks the third stop on the tour through the WEPAA region on the hunt for Black Holes and their cling-on K Type Anomalies.

In this system, the following are known to exist:

K04-Type Anomaly

K06-Type Anomaly

K08-Type Anomaly

and for something completely different - up close and personal with a Prasinum Metallic Crystal

Fly safe

[Canonn Challenge] - WEPAA BA-A G524 - E04 & K05 Type Anomolies

Next stop on the Challenge Rodeo brought me to the WEPAA BA-A G524 system. The system contains some old friends - such as:

  • Roseum Lagrange Cloud
  • Croceum Lagrange Cloud
  • Solid Mineral Spheres
  • Prasinum Metallic Crystals

But there were also a couple of new anomalies to check off the list

K05-Type Anomaly

E04-Type Anomaly

[Canonn Challenge] - WEPAA BF-A F494 - K01 & K03 Type Anomolies

I am now back on the hunt for the Canonn Challenge sights and experiences. My first stop outside of Colonia in the small system WEPAA BF-A F494.

This system hosts Caeruleum and Croceum Lagrange Clouds, replete with Solid Mineral Spheres, as well as Prasinum and Rubeum Metallic Crystals.

But new to my own records, and evidenced below, is the swirling blue K01-Tye Anomaly and the ever changing colours of the K03-Type Anomaly.

Fly safely

Back in Black

It's been fun, frolicking around the bustling systems of Colonia. I managed to level up my Combat and Trading skills whilst there - and, truth be told, probably imbibed in a touch too much of the Jaques Quinentian Still.

But my true love is exploring the galaxy and seeing what has already been found - and what I might find myself.

A few shots, then, from my travels since returning to the vast expanse of Black..

Largest known Icy Body

I love Black Holes - even if they aren't

Also, apparently just knocked up my 200,000th ly of jumping.

Onwards and upwards...

[Canonn Challenge] - ASURA - Luteolum & Viride Umbrella Molluscs

It has been a long time coming and a long haul into the blackness, but I have made it to the Colonia region.

A big drawcard of the area was as the known location for some of these beauties from the Challenge. And they were worth the trip.

For now, though, I have a few chores and a few upgrades I want to make - so it could be a while before I hit the Challenge Route again.

But I most certainly will...

[Canonn Challenge] - EOL PROU IW-W E1-1868 - Lindigoticum Umbrella Mollusc

Hi There,

I have taken a slightly different path to the advertised challenge route. My one is taking me close to my first ever visit to Colonia and I could not wait to have a look around there.

But, very close by, I found this gem; striking in its appearance.

Behold, the beauty of the Lindigoticum Umbrella Mollusc