CMDR JonathanS223 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Viper Mk IV)
Journey to the Outskirts of the Galaxy Pt 1

While docked at Rakapila, I decided to use the credits that I had to buy an Asp Explorer. I have come to enjoy going out into the middle of the unknown and seeing what was around the next star system. Gearing my ship up with just the basics to keep me light enough for an optimal FSD jump, I decided to visit the California Nebula.

At present, I'm sitting in Vidian Orbital in Mel 22 Sector GM-V c2-8 system which is 561.08LY from Rakapila. My present target is a star system that has at least 10,000 people in the center of the California Nebula but I have since decided to push past that and go as far as I can to the rim of the galaxy before it becomes too dangerous.

I've already purchased three more fuel tanks with my survey money so I can load up 72 tons of fuel just in case I get stuck in an area with no scoopable stars. I almost did that once in my old Cobra Mk III heading to the Coalsack Nebula. Don't want a repeat of that.

At present, I'm getting the final touches done with the station while speaking with a representative of the Turner Research Group about possible delivering more survey data on my way back. I probably will sell them some but most of it will go to the blue haired princess that I've sworn to follow.


Out on a Survey Mission

Been awhile since I have had a chance to write an entry. I recently joined up with a group that works for Princess Aisling Duval and have spent most my time in and around the Cubeo system. After having taken care of business there, I decided to leave known space and made my way to the Coalsack Nebula. It took me a while to traverse the stars as many of them towards the galactic west is actually K and L-Type stars and so I could not refuel my ship. A lot of the time was sending probes and confirming star types before making the next jump.

I did find a beautiful world of orange-white with canyons of blue in the Musca Dark Region LD-R b5-11 system called Musca Dark Region LD-R b5-11 1a. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a unique view, especially at night.

I am writing this from the planet Musca Dark Region ZU-Y c22 1 in the Musca Dark Region ZU-Y c22 system as I am making my way back to civilization. My computer is chock-full of survey data that should help my princess expand farther as there are some decent worlds out here in the outer regions.

I'm also going to be pricing a better starship to make these journeys as there were too many close calls in a Cobra Mk III that I was comfortable with.

Invincible Bounty?

While in Narasimha, I discovered a wanted Imperial Eagle but when I attacked him, I emptied all 12 missiles and pulse laser into him and didn't even scratch his shields. He chased me but I lost him in the asteroids around the gas giant and jumped to supercruise before he could take me out.

I have to research and find out why I couldn't hurt him.

Bad Day today

Today was a rough day. In my quest to get to where someone has asked for my assistance, I wound up taking on a contract that got me blown up and sent to Mercy's hammer. After paying the fees, fines, insurance, and purchasing a new ship, I was able to leave and make my way back to where I had last gotten to.

It's annoying. All the traveling I did and now I have to do it all over again. That'll teach me for taking a contract I shouldn't have.