CMDR Monkspeed のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Upgrades V2.0

So, I did some exploration with the Type-6 and really liked it, the all round view from the cockpit is excellent.

After, I decided to change things up a bit and become a FA off smuggler. I purchased a Mk3 Viper and decked it out for ultra lightweight and super speed. My first flight involved taking off from the pad and boosting straight into the wall around the mailbox haha. It was funny as hell but amazing too, I thought wow this is really fast and nimble, and the rebuy was very cheap, especially useful for a bum like me. So I did some black box missions but whilst I was scooping one up some ships dropped in and desecrated me almost immediately. I didn't expect any ships at all, from now on I will always keep my guard up when checking out these black box sites.

I had to abandon that mission as the black box got obliterated when I did, but I managed to do quite a few after. Also note, I tried to train up my FA skills, inspired by Cmdr Isinona & Cmdr Hobs', those guys make it look so easy, but it's anything but. Struggled for an hour just trying to stay still and do some tethering exercises.

After, I decided to sell the Type-6 and replace it with a Dolphin for increased jump range 28ly and an extra internal space. So, currently I'm in deep space continuing my exploration.


On a whim I decided to buy a new ship with a much longer FSD 15LY range than my current Cobra mk3.

Now I'm not loaded with credits so I decided to go with the Type-6. Currently it's configured for 25LY jumps, with SRV hanger, AFM, Fuel Scoop, Mining Lasers, and 32 Tonne cargo capacity. And, a much better view out the cockpit than the Cobra. So far I'm Happy with my purchase. I will outfit the Cobra for a pure combat role, should I feel the need to do the dance of death with some pirates.

Whilst on my maiden voyage in system ROSS 220 I was interdicted by a pirate (after the stranded souls and black box I picked up earlier), I was fuel scooping at the time of the interdiction, so whilst I did evade it, being so close to a sun dealt some heat damage to my modules and hull, the heatsinks and AFM come in very handy that's for sure.

Also, I came across a most beautiful system called Pegasi Sector BL-X C1-5, it's a absolutely huge system with 49 celestial bodies! I highly recommend other commanders to take a look. EDSM LINK HERE

5 Suns!

Whilst on my expedition I chanced upon a system with 5 suns orbiting each other! I've never seen so many suns in the same system and so close to each other.

I found a survivor in deep space so took them on board for safe passage, also managed to salvage their black box and wreckage.

Also, in another system, I found a moon orbiting a water world, it looked so beautiful I couldn't help but land and explore the surface, it was very peaceful, plus I managed to find some materials as an added bonus.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

I was on an exploration trip when I happened to spot a signal source, I thought it could be more distressed souls so I decided to investigate. As I got closer the signal was identified as "Weapons fire detected [Threat 4]", well egos full I pressed on and dropped out of SC 400km from the signal, and was immediately set upon by 3 expert level pirates in Anacondas. I diverted all power to engines and tried to get away but was desecrated in the blink of an eye, and became a floating escape pod myself for the first time, a very sinking feeling indeed.

I was picked up and taken to the nearby system Edindui, and had to fill out the insurance paper-work. I Managed to buy back my ship for 160,000cr

NOTE TO SELF: Do not investigate Threat level 4 ever again. And stick to exploration!

Monkspeed out.

Search and Rescue

Whilst fuel scooping I noticed a signal source nearby so decided to investigate. When I dropped out of super-cruise there was the aftermath of a battle. Among the debris was the intact escape pods of 8 life sources which by luck I happened to have enough space for so I collected the poor souls onto my ship and headed to the nearest station to hand them in. They were OK and I got paid handsomely for it, though that's not what I saved them for.

From now on, I will look out for more stranded souls and save them where I can.

Monkspeed out.

First Planetary Landing and SRV Drive

First entry and landing went well but I was nervous not to make a mistake. SRV controls needed config but once done was great to drive on the surface, but I didn't venture too far incase I got lost from the ship!

Sold some exploration data and made 1 million credits. Diamondback Explorer coming soon!

Monkspeed out.