CMDR crua9 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Berry [EX2-CB]
ET 1 Day 46

I just did a look how long it will take for me to get back home. At my current way I'm looking at a good 110 jumps. But If I take the highway I can cut that down to a good 84 jumps.

I'm about 25 mil from hitting my goal, so we have to see. But one thing I decided is to sell enough data to transfer everything to SOL, and to get elite. Then I can sell the rest at whatever station I'm invited to (this is assuming the rumors are right about you being invited to some station that gives a 10% discount once you hit elite).

To be honest, I'm kinda ready to just sit back and just kick my shoes off a bit. But this trip has gotten me thinking. Why can't I go ahead and get enough money for several more big ships? During my next long range exploration trip, I should look into this. It could be possible that I can just come back with enough money that I can have a big ship for every task. Also, I have an idea for my next exploration trip. Maybe I can invite others, but I can go to all corners of the galaxy. Basically, pick 8 corners and try to come back home.

P.S. I think I should get an upgraded AMU. It looks like it is more useful than originally thought.

ET 1 Day 44

I'm currently sitting at Blae Drye GP-C c27-3. The interesting thing with this system is I found an Earth like world and a La Grange cloud full with some life. I'm about 237 jumps from SOL.

Right now I'm sitting with 144.5 mil CR. Maybe another day or 2 like this I can just go straight home.

ET 1 Day 43

So I'm at about 110.5 mil CR of data. So a bit over halfway. But it took me 54 jumps to get about 35 mil CR worth of data. So maybe I will get the wanted 200 mark by the time I get back.

ET 1 Day 42

I'm currently sitting on almost 74 mil CR worth of data. So in total I'm looking at about 85 mil CR. Because of this, I have a feeling I might take the highway sooner than later. Also, I figure right now is a good time to figure out the real number on what I want to do.


  • list text hereAdvanced Discovery Scanner = 1,545,000
  • 5A Power Distributor = 1,241,320
  • 6A FSD = 15,179,530
  • (MAYBE) Guardian FSD boost 5H = 6,483,101
  • 5A Power Plant = 4,323,700

Total = 28,772,651

+ Krait MKII stuff

  • Krait MKII = 45,814,205
  • 6A Shields = 16,179,530
  • 6D Flight hanger = 1,869,350
  • 5A Shield Cell Bank = 1,241,319
  • Point Defence = 18,550
  • 0A Kill warrant Scanner = 1,097,100
  • 0A FSD scanner = 1,097,100
  • 0A Shield Booster 281,000
  • 6A Sensor = 3,475,690
  • 4A Life Support = 443,330
  • 5A FSD = 5,103,950

Total = 76,620,944

Overall = 105,393,595

So I should aim more for 200 mil if possible. I didn't include the price to transport the ship and what not. So about 115 mil more to go.

ET 1 Day 40

This is day 40 away from SOL. I made it to the mid point, and I found I didn't make as much as I wanted going out here. I'm looking at about 50.5 mil CR in data. It's hard to say if mapping planets is worth it after all due to time. It also doesn't look like a great way to make money.

As far as my jumps to SOL, at best I'm looking at about 381 (15.24 days) jumps (with boost) to 526 (21.04 days) jumps without the highway. With the highway I'm looking at 241 (9.64 days) jumps. I might just go with the 381 for now. I might fast track my way back because I will have finals coming around the corner by the time I get back. It should be noted that I kinda got stupid in 1 jump today. I found out I can run into a star while jumping. Basically, if the jump happens right before I run into the mark where it takes me out of FTL. The jump will happen. Well, I got bored and I messed up 1 of the times. So, the ship is slightly damage. I was able to fix everything but the power.

Now for the fun stuff. The system I'm currently in is Xeehia QL-Y c16-2, and I got some good shots of under the galaxy. Something I thought of doing later is taking better shots above/under the galaxy in the middle and on the edge. It should be noted that it is possible to go a bit more down. I just don't want to add another half month to my overall trip.

enter image description here

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ET 1 Day 39

I got some cool pictures in a system.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I'm about 25 jumps to the middle between SOL and the last station I was at. Tomorrow I'm going to figure out the real price I need for things. Right now I'm sitting on 42,218,032 CR worth of data. So 53,939,425 if included what CR I have now.

Something I'm seeing is the lower I get, the more the galaxy looks like a plate. It's kinda hard to see right now if I was to take a picture. But it might be worth taking advantage of this for my next exploration trip or the Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition.

Something I just found out, I need to surface scan high value planets that show up on my dashboard. From what others said, it can give me multiple millions.

ET 1 Day 38

I think I'm somewhere in the 37% or 38% mark from SOL (about 98 jumps from the mid point). Currently I'm sitting on about 26.5 mil CR worth of data. A total of 38,253,239 CR including what I currently have. This means I'm about a quarter way to my goal.

Sadly, there isn't much else to report on at this time. I should be at the start of next week (3 or 4 days from now).

ET 1 Day 37

On my way back to SOL, I found a planet with some minerals I wanted for the AMU. The interesting part is I found a SRV wreck. Picture below. enter image description here

Anyways, to top it off I got a pretty good picture around the star.

enter image description here

And some more of the ship landing and a size comparing between the SRV and my ship. enter image description here

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In the next system I gotten the following shot. enter image description here

On my last system for the day I got these shots. enter image description here enter image description here

Anyways down to business. I'm more than less a quarter way to the halfway point. If I keep up with the highway it takes 58 more jumps. Or I can amazingly enough just not take the highway and it will be 64 jumps. Without taking the boost outside the highway, it extends it to 205 jumps. I think it's best to take the longest way there. Right now I'm sitting at 11.7 mil CR in the bank, and almost 4.5 mill CR of data to sell. So almost 15 mil give or take. I need the following.

  • 6A FSD = 17 mil
  • 5A Power Distributor = 2 mil

So about 19 mil CR I can take a look at adding some mining stuff maybe. But most likely no. But 1 thing I must do is look at engineering all the stuff to get my weight down & jump range up. this is the blueprint

The above changes will give me 48 LY jump range with the FSD being engineered. Engineering everything will get me 59.68 LY. And if I add a 5H guardian FSD booster that will drive it up to 70 ly. Note that last one will cost almost 7 mil CR.

For the things it says I need. It says

  • Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes: 4
  • Chemical Processors: 6
  • Phosphorus: 8
  • Strange Wake Solutions: 4
  • Chemical Distillery: 4
  • Eccentric Hyperspace Trajectories: 4
  • Manganese: 16
  • Arsenic: 10
  • Chemical Manipulators: 10
  • Datamined Wake Exceptions: 10
  • Sulphur: 2
  • Salvaged Alloys: 12
  • Conductive Ceramics: 32
  • Conductive Components: 14
  • Phase Alloys: 8
  • Proto Light Alloys: 18
  • Proto Radiolic Alloys: 10
  • Iron: 8
  • High Density Composites: 4
  • Germanium: 4
  • Proprietary Composites: 4
  • Military Grade Alloys: 10
  • Tin: 10

First thing is first, I need a good FSD.

So anyways, I need to aim for 200 mil to 300 mil. Remember I still want that other ship for combat.

ET 1 Day 36

So below the ____ is what I originally was putting down as today's log. I decided to head to the nearest station with a pretty good fuel scope due to the following. enter image description here

I was a pretty good ways out, and I notice the placement of the worlds on the dashboard. It kept bugging me, and I'm not flying for about 2 months like that if I can just turn back and fix it. This also allowed me to fix a few other things. I gotten rid of the extra fuel tanks all together, I added a 5A fuel scoop, added another AMU (6D), and I added a way to scan the surface. Looking at the boost problem a bit more, I found the only fix is to really replace the power distributor. I can't do that at this time.

Anyways, I did these fixes at TolaGarf's Junkyard. enter image description here

These changes actually added another good 5 or so LY jump range. Not great, but it is what it is.

Now, I decided I really need to get between SOL and here. So I'm going to take the highway to a pretty good point. From there I will just use the back roads. Basically, I'm using the highway to let me get to undiscovered systems much faster and closer to SOL at the same time. The system I think I'm going to head to for the mid point is Skaudai WZ-A b58-4. Going outside of the highway takes 371 jumps. With the highway it is 102 jumps. I might travel the highway to a point and just drop off. It appears the system picked is well traveled.

Anycase, traveling in a shortways I found life at one of the neutron stars. Like all the other times, I found the spike things. I'm honestly not sure if they are really alive or just rocks. But the codex says they are a live. But I found jellyfish looking things. When moving the camera or ship close to it, the thing puts out some dust and what looks like electric shock. The thing is actually kinda big and it does move.I can't tell if it was trying to move closer to me or not when I got a bit too close. But it is slow. Pictures below. enter image description here enter image description here

It appears life is only near the nebula. Somethings to note is the thing makes sound.

I found out today that my boost doesn't work. Looking into it, I think it's because I don't have enough power. While everything has enough power during normal times. Apparently, it requires more. I think the only way to fix it is through the thruster upgrade, power, or power distributor. So this leaves me with 2 choices. I can go back, and see if I can get those things upgraded. Or I can just deal with it until I get to SOL. I think I'm just going to deal with it. In short, that function doesn't really matter. And I need a 6A FSD more, and I don't have the funds for it. Speaking of, I can go back and just use Frank to get back home.....

So say if I want to go straight home with using the highway. It looks like it will be about 279 jumps or almost 2 weeks. VS the DB is about 126 jumps or about 5 days. So Frank halfs the time. But at the same time I still need a good amount of money for the upgrades. So with that in mind, I think it's best to keep going to SOL as is. It should be noted that just upgrading the FSD to 6A and doing the engineered trick. I will automatically have a 40 to 51 ly jump range. This obviously doesn't include my other upgrades.

Something to note, I did forget to add a planet scanner. But I did bring my car. I don't think I need the surface scanner at this time. Oh and another thing should be noted is the notes say my refuel time is 43 min long. Sooo ya. Maybe it's worth removing the big tank? Removing it will drop it to a 15 min wait. While it isn't something I like, it is better. Removing both drops it down to 7 min.

Isn't there a way I can just make my own fuel? I wonder if that is worth it.

ET 1 Day 35

On my way to the hub I ran across a system with 69 bodies. I found this interesting since it all couldn't really fit on the map when looking at it. Image below.

enter image description here

The system in question sadly doesn't have anything in it that I really want to mine.

In another system, I cam across a nice picture moment as seen below. It should be noted I almost burnt up due to how close the stars were to each other.

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Same in another system. The odd thing is, it kinda looks like one star is eating the other. enter image description here

Anyways, I made it to the hub. I had to stop by one of the main stations before going to the hub so I can sell off my data.

Below is an image of the main station. It appears there is a good history behind it. enter image description here

Below is the history on it. I scan a few beacons right outside of the station. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

As far as transporting my old ship. I think it will be anywhere from 10 to 20 mil. I should have enough, but just barely. This means I have no choice but to take the long way home. I stripped my old ship for everything I could. That away I can save as much money as possible. Below is an image of the new ship. I like the look, and I named it after my favorite dead dog (Berry).

enter image description here

After everything is said and done, I have about 12,683,116 mill CR. I'm currently sitting at about 30.06 LY jump range. I can jump that up a bit more, but I can't really afford to buy a better fuel scope now. I made a quick design on what to aim for when I get back to sol.

That I'm able to get around 65.95LY jump. I learned today, that when you get elite ranking in 1 thing, you can go to the Shinrarta Dezhra system. It appears that system has all modules and all ships. It also has everything at a 10% discount, and a 2% extra discount for your following elite ranking. So it might be worth me waiting anyways. The good news is there is plenty between SOL and here to get money with. The bad news is I just picked a random midway point since the map won't let me route all the way to SOL due to distance, and I'm looking at about 822 jumps.

What most likely will happen is I will just aim for 300 or 500 mill CR if possible (Keep in mind I need to get my other ship and stuff back home, and do other things). Then from there I can take the highway home. Even if I can't get that, I can check to see every day if I'm close enough to SOL to just route to it. At this rate, I'm doing about 25 jumps on average. This means 822/25=32.88 days to get to the midpoint :( (Note the DB was able to do about 55 ly jumps, and then to top it off I can't upgrade the scope. The only good news is maybe that 25 will be a bit higher since I have decent size fuel tanks.)

Anyways, before heading off I took a quick picture that compared the spike creature to the new ship. This can be seen below. The spike creature is a little bit bigger than the ship. enter image description here

I currently have the ship a few jumps from where I bought it. I figure at this point I have no choice but to scan everything. This is to included already found systems. Oh and lastly, I asked on the following link about the build. Something I need to take a look at is why I can't boost. But there is a few good replies on here.

(NOTE: If I can't get my new ship ready for the expedition in July. I can always take the old exploration ship. I figure this upcoming exploration trip will be good since it is about the same time I will be getting done with my degree. In fact, the exploration ends on July 20, and my degree will be done by July 24 I believe.)