CMDR crua9 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Berry [EX2-CB]
The Norma Arm Initiative Day 3

Before taking off from the station, I took some pictures from the ATC tower. The first was of just the base itself. I figure it was cool.

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Anyways, I made it to 10. The interesting thing about this system is it has 2 transmission satellites floating near each other, and an abandon outpost. The 2 gave me nothing and I have no way to interact with them. However, the outpost was a bit interesting. I took some pictures as seen below. The first 2 is of the outpost, but the others is of some things I scanned around the outpost.

Based on reading the logs numbers, they are out of order from the dates. So in date this is what seems to happen. All the logs are from year 3270, and it's currently 3305 (so 35 years ago).

  1. 8/30 The person making the log is just saying they signed up to explore, but the team is quickly jumping from system to system without doing anything but refueling.
  2. 9/12 It sounds like they found some life. Saying there is odd lights and moving clouds. The morale is low, and they are doubting if they should be there.
  3. 9/18 They notice the lights are happening less, but they think the lights are following them.
  4. 10/1 They are about to this station, and they were interdicted.

Theory: I think the floating lights are normal life as many seen. They somehow know and/or interact with the Thargoid. Before the Thargoid showed up they were following more but more of them were leaving. On 10/1 a Thargoid interdicted them. I can't tell what happens after, but I'm guessing they came out OK. Most likely, just like that time when they interdicted me out of hyperspace, the same happened to them. From what others are saying, if you don't have anything of theirs or guardian in your cargo bay. Then they leave you alone unless you attack them. There is no burn marks on the ground, and obviously the logs had to get here. So I'm guessing they didn't attack.

Now as far as why did they leave this area, what happened to the people, and so on. I have no idea. I can't even say for sure what they were doing out here. By the looks it looks like some research station or maybe the start of some base. I think others have looked into this site more and I can look to see what they found.

Below is pictures of the site and of the logs.

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I'm going to do some research on this before jumping. Maybe I'm missing something. Anyways, the next waypoint is 31 jumps from here.

Looking into it a bit more, I found out the 2 comms beacons actually do transmit something every 15 minutes past the hour. The decrypted message is.


So it basically is telling everyone to go to the station I'm at now. But based on all the info I can find, no one knows much of why this place is a ghost town or what they found.

What the popular thought is. This was apart of a secret team that went out to find safety zones for humans to go to in order to leave any conflict from the Thargoid. It looks like for some reason every place that went out to find some safezone was sabotage. As far as the who and why, no one knows. Since I can't go in the buildings, it's pointless to go more into this until something new pops up.

The Norma Arm Initiative Day 2

Between the station and 4 nothing worth while happen. But at 4 I got some great pictures. The first few is the first ring I found around a star and not a planet. The following pics is of a ring planet. Both rings are high metal, and said to be able to keep up any society for over 100 years.

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Between 4 and 5 there were 22 jumps. I was the first to find some of the systems (which was a first during this trip).

Sadly, 5 didn't really have anything photo worthy. It had an Earth like world, but other than that it's not really note worthy. There is views of other parts like Thor's Eye, but it looks like a bug hit your windshield. The only note worthy thing of the system is I made a few million from scanning things.

5 to 6 there was 10 jumps. For 6 the only thing I found interesting is one of the moons had blue/purple mountains. You can see this in the pictures below.

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7 was 8 jumps away. This system has a station within it. There is this station and 1 more on this trip. I was able to sell my data for 21,769,499 CR. To the next system it was 8 jumps. I couldn't find anything notable in this system. The guide said go to moon 2D, but there was no 2 D anything. So I moved on to the next system.

This one took 27 jumps to get to, and it had the last station on this trip. So I stopped here over night. During my trip to the station some pirate tried to knock me out of super. Luckily, it isn't too hard to keep that from happening. Selling my data got me 14,886,421 CR. I don't think I will get the full 200 mill cr I want, but maybe I can get halfway there.

Anyways, the next waypoint will be 29 jumps from where I'm at.

The Norma Arm Initiative Day 1 (I almost died)

I started the Norma Arm Initiative. I was easily able to go to waypoint 1, and I gotten to waypoint 2. I seen a beacon on the surface of a planet, and I went down to check it out. Not realizing the planet is over 3g. I was sucked down to the planet when landing, and couldn't pull out even with full power trying to pull out. Luckily I always have a shield. But that killed the shield and brought my hull down to 43%. The good news is I was able to land after hitting the ground pretty hard. This allowed me to get some pretty good pictures. It should be noted taking off was a complete pain. It almost felt like I couldn't at all. Like it took a good 3 to 5 min to get into orbit, and it felt like any turn or anything put me into a fall.

The first below is what I taken before this "crash landing" I had.

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The following 2 are what I took before taking off.

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BTW the smoke on this is due to my ship about blowing up due to the landing.

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After this I scouted out a station I can repair at. The only 2 that were close enough was still kinda far. The first was one that would put me right next to waypoint 1. The other would put me somewhat near waypoint 3. So obviously I went to that one. The cool thing is I was allied with them, so I guess I been here before.

I got the following picture while on the landing pad. The sun was coming over the hill.

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Anyways, selling what I explored so far got me about 9.468 mil CR. While on the pad before turning over for the night, I found out I am 2,105.24 LY from SOL, or 32 jumps. But for my next waypoint I'm 879 LY away, or 14 jumps.

Obviously, I can't take as much of a risk as I did with that planet today. I simply won't have this safety net of a repair station until we get way out there. At which point the trip is done.

Anyways, it looks like my next time out I will head to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. 5-8 are pretty close to one another. 9 to 10 is pretty long, and 10 to 11.

Max jump range

So I did the hardware changes as mention on the last log, but I found out I can push the jump range up just by a hair. I increased it from 64.47 ly to 69.74 ly. Without this new thing I found out about, I would've gotten 66.61 ly.

So while not a huge jump, I think it's the max I think I can get without taking off the shields and SRV. Since I kinda want to go on planets at times, that's kinda stupid.

I think my next ship needs to be a trading ship. I think the best trading ship is Type 9. The Type 9 is 76 mil. Rumor is that the Imperial Cutter is the best, but I found that to be overblown. At best you're looking at 10 or so cargo spaces, and even maxing it out the jump range I'm only seeing 35.74 without a load and 27.47 ly with a load. And maxing it out I'm getting 672 cargo slots vs the 744 with the Type 9. I think sooner or later I will aim to get a Cutter since it looks cool.

For the Type 9, I think I will build this

It looks like the cost is 105 mil CR. This shouldn't be too hard to hit after my next trip. But I need to aim for a good 200 mil. This will cover insurance cost, stuff to fill the 744 cargo space, and a little money on the side. This build will give me a good 26.92 ly jump range fully loaded, and 40.77 ly unloaded.

Something I'm wondering is if it's worth mining with the Type 9. Like I think mining in normal zones is just stupid since that's asking for trouble. But it might be worth finding some ring systems in an area without traffic to get resources. Before I try, I need to figure out what changes there is to mining.

Getting a FSD booster

So I decided it is worth getting a FSD booster vs just sitting and waiting on my next trip. I used another commander's guide on how to go about this, and the first thing it had me do was go to a Guardian site. In short, I had to power up the site, give it some relic, and scan a blueprint. During this I had to shoot multiple drones protecting the site. Shockingly the drones weren't all that hard since they kinda were stupid. Like if they didn't get stuck on everything, didn't shoot at times when you're in front of them, and so on. Then I most likely couldn't do this.

Any case, I got some neat images of the site. Keep in mind it was night time when I got there.

The image below is of the overall site and below that is of what I was able to see in the SRV with night vision.

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Following that I got a good image of the main part. You scan the ball after the site is charged up. Below the picture is of when the ball was going inside and the place was powering down.

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Going back to my ship I caught a pretty good image of it hovering over the land. It turns out if the ship can't find any good flat land to land on near you. Then it just hovers and you have to dismiss and recall it again.

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Anyways, right now I'm just waiting for my fighter to transfer. I'm sitting at a material trader and I need 24 Focus Crystals. Right now I have 5. It turns out I need to take out a bunch of combat ships to get this. Based on the guide, I have everything else. All I need to do is take it to a Tech Broker to get the FSD booster. It will take a good 40 min to get the fighter here. So all I can do is relax for a bit until then.


I just got the FSD booster, and I was able to get back to SOL. Something I found after taking a look at my build is I can get my jump range a little higher by changing a few things. Right now I'm sitting at almost 65 ly. I can increase the range to almost 69 ly by just changing the sensor to 8D and thruster to 5D.

If I want to go for pure jump range I can get 70 ly with keeping the ability to boost and 72 ly without the ability. And then 72.91 if I remove everything but the booster. As far as I can tell, anything more will make it where the ship can't even move. I heard some get in the 80 range, but I'm thinking this is a lie due to the raw data I'm looking at.

Anycase, tomorrow or the next day I can just make the changes.

New update 4/23/19

So I'm still waiting on the expedition on July 13, but there has been an update today. The update added 1 extra slot, auto un/docking, and auto supercruise stuff. Also, there is a good number of systems people can't go into if they have a single rank in anything.

Anyways, I added the new modules to my current ship. After which, I looked into getting a Type 9 for trading. Sadly, it's about 67 mil and that doesn't include things I need to add. So this will have to wait until my expedition.

But looking into the expeditions it looks like a new one showed up recently. I'm going to do it since it starts on the 27 (This weekend) and will end Jun 8. The next expedition starts July 13. This means I will have about a month to get back home to do that one. The expedition will take me close to the middle of the galaxy, but starts at Naunin. I'm going to get my ship ready and head over. The entire point of me doing this one is more than less to make money towards a trading ship.

There is a link to the trip and what they want us to do.

More than less it is to go to each place and look for something cool. There is an audio guide, but it's in spanish (which I don't understand). Luckily, I think the script is below and my computer can automatically translate and talk to me. Between school and this I'm not sure if I will have a lot of time to screw around. But we will see.

The images below is of the trip I will be taking. enter image description here

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The Thargoids took me out of hyperjump 4 jumps from SOL. I didn't get a good look at them, so I don't have a picture. But I was able to see it was them from their wake and the fact they are the only ones who could do that. I think they simply scanned my ship for something. The interesting thing is my new fighter ship seems fast enough to get away from them if I wanted. But I wonder if they would've attacked me if I had the Guardian FSD booster. I need to do some research on this before getting one. Also, I wonder if they are going to attack SOL soon with how close this was.

With that being said, I did some research in getting one, and it seems kinda easy but having to attack the drones at the Guardian site. I have no idea how hard they are.

As far as my ship. Other than the Guardian FSD booster, I have the new exploration ship more than less fully upgraded. I even gotten the surface scanner fully upgraded.



Looking it up, other CMDRs are saying they will only attack based on what is in your cargo. I forgot to ask what things can trigger them. But based on them the FSD booster is safe to have on your ship.

Things needed for next step

So as my last log said, I got the modules I wanted but needed to engineer the parts. I got the FSD to lvl 4. To go beyond I need

  • Arsenic (I can get this from mining planets and asteroids. I can also go to a raw trader for it)
  • Chemical Manipulators (I can get this from blowing up cargo ships and trading with a manufactured trader)
  • Datamined Wake Exceptions (Scanning high energy wake and traded with a Encoded trader)

Another thing needed is to bring the mass down in the sensor is

  • Salvaged Alloys (I can get this from combat ships)
  • Conductive Ceramics ( I can get it from cargo ships)

Then to make the surface scanner better I need

  • Mechanical Scrap (I can get this from cargo ships)
  • Germanium (I can get this from mining)
  • Phase Alloys (I can get get that from combat ships.

I need to looks into how to get a FSD booster.

ET 1 Day 48 (ET1 last day)

So it has been 48 days since I last took off, and now I'm back home. I tried to mark as close as possible where I was on what day in the following map.

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Now as far as the total amount I got for the second part of the trip was about 250 mil CR. I only have 95 mil CR after upgrading and buying a new ship. I'm going to work on the FSD and what not for the following trip. I found out after looking for it, there is no better discovery scanner. This was removed sadly.

The DB (Frank) will be coming to SOL in about 61 hours.

As far as some images I gotten over this last day. I found a system with 93 bodies.

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And I got a quick picture of about the time I hit the 200 mil cr mark.

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After selling the bulk of my data I was able to get Elite. This also gave me a permit to the founders world.

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I was able to get to the founders world.

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Anyways, between now and my next trip I will be upgrading. Basically, I need to engineer my ship to give it the best jump range. I might aim for a good trading ship.

ET 1 Day 47

I am about 2,000 ly from SOL. I'm noticing that I'm hitting more and more systems that are already found. Based on what I'm finding, unless if I'm traveling a commonly used path. after 3,000 ly from SOL I can get almost nothing by new systems.

I'm about 80 or so jumps from SOL, but with the highway 62 jumps. It looks like tomorrow I will be hitting 200 mil CR. Right now I'm 190 mil. I think after I hit 200 mil, I'm going to aim for the highway.