CMDR crua9 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Berry [EX2-CB]
Apollo 11 Day 3

I made it to the following waypoint, but I found some new systems on the way. I'm a bit shock since it is kinda close to the bubble.

Anyways, below is some pictures I took at waypoint 5.. Oh, and there is is no way to land at this station.

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I went to one of the planets to get some materials for the repair unit. I got the following pictures while there. While on the ground, I tried to do a stupid trick. This took my hull down to 68%.

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Now as far as the next waypoint. I did go to it, but my ship broke down. In short, I tried to land on a planet to take a few pictures, but I didn't know it was a high gravity planet. Anyways, the tow brought me all the way back to the station I started from. It cost almost 10mil CR to repair and get everything back up and running. I also lost all my data that I could sell. I don't see any point in going back to waypoint 6, so I'm going to head to waypoint 7. While at the station, I'm not seeing any meaningful thing in the next waypoint. But, I'm still going to it to see what I can see.

Right now I'm halfway between. From the station to the waypoint it was 33 jumps. I'm at 15 jumps right now. I did find some new systems, so this could help with the sting of losing 10mil CR.However, I think I will really get that money back when I do another deep space mission.

Apollo 11 Day 2

Out of 637 people who started this expedition, 18 already completed and 8 abandon within 24 hours. I found this out while seeing if anyone else is keeping a log of the expedition, and I needed to make sure the expedition was logging where I went.

Anyways, I started today only a handful of jumps to the next waypoint. Before taking off, I took a quick picture.

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After getting to the 3rd waypoint, I didn't find anything really that noteworthy other than some metal planets. Because I was bored, I went on one of the planets to see what I can find. I did find Polonium, which I never dealt with before. I'm not sure what I can use it for.

Anyways, below is some pictures of me messing around. Note, I stopped because the SRV's health went down to 12%.

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The following picture was taking in a system nearest to the following nebula to the following waypoint. This took 7 jumps to get to.

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And lastly I got a few pictures of waypoint 4.

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Looking at the following waypoint 5, it looks like it's 15 jumps from waypoint 4. Due to this, I'm going to be spending a night or 2 at waypoint 4. I looked at the planets, and none of them had anything I needed. I need to keep an eye out for some materials for the AFM. Vanadium is the harder one to find in large numbers. Looking ahead, I think I will be getting done within 2 or 3 days from now, giving I don't stay somewhere over multiple nights.

As far as the next waypoint, I looked ahead at what public info I could find to help plan on my next moves. Luckily, it looks like a great system to take some pictures. There is also some beacon or something around the water world there. I don't know what this is about since the pictures shows something that looks like a station. If the pictures don't lie, then this will be a first for me to see a beacon look like that. I am actually looking forward to seeing this upcoming system.

Apollo 11 Day 1

Listing to the news, I heard something shocking. I kinda figured people releasing 4,000 slaves would cause major problems. But I'm shocked some of the former slaves are asking to be slaves again.

Anyways, it turns out there was 2 or 3 massive group jumps from my location to the next waypoint. Sadly, I missed them due to timing issues. Maybe next time.

When I launched from the station, I got this pretty picture of the planet right next to the station. I have to say, this is one of the better looking planets I seen. It's just too bad the station is so poor it admits to running out of money and water.

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As I was going away, I got this gem. enter image description here

1 jump from waypoint 1 I got this. It almost looks like something blown up.

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And lastly, the following came from the Robin's Egg Nebula (waypoint 1). I was able to land on one of the planets, and take some awesome pictures.

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Now Waypoint 2., which is 13 jumps. I didn't find anything interesting about this system. It seems very normal, and I don't see any photo moments. Since Waypoint 3 is only 5 jumps, started heading towards this.

I got the following pictures at a neutron star I found between. The interesting thing about this place is it's the first time I ran into Non Human Signals that I know of. I wonder if I need to watch my back out in these parts.

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I'm 3 jumps from the next waypoint. With the FSD supercharge, I'm looking at 8 jumps from where I'm at now to the following. So I'm not sure how many I will hit tomorrow. Looking at the waypoint 4, I found a nearby system I might check out. LBN 623 Sector PD-S b4-5. There is nothing there but a star, but it's on the edge of the nebula. Depending on things, it could be a good place to get some quick pictures if waypoint 4 doesn't do justice.

With that being said, I'm going to camp out near this neutron star. I'm getting a little tired, and losing this ship will be a 10 mil CR mistake.

Back in the seat after 2 months

Looking at the logs, it appears it has been 2 months since I last was in a ship. My school work was much much harder than expected during last semester, and the current isn't much easier. If it wasn't for the Apollo 11 expedition that I'm in, I wouldn't be back in the seat until maybe next month after I'm done with school.

Luckily, it doesn't look like this mission isn't going to be that hard. And it could be the break I very much needed. But speaking of expeditions, I looked at some upcoming ones before taking off. I kinda like the following.

Pegasus Run 3305 Sep 28 2019 - Sep 28 2020

This one is a year long mission, and it's going through an arm I never been to. The distance between waypoints is about 10k LY apart. So, this isn't a joke, and even the person setting this up mentions this is for experienced explorers. Best of all, there is coms for this mission. Now, I'm not sure how quickly I can move through this since I hopefully will be starting the next chapter in my life. Like hopefully I will be within my career by then since I will be done with my degree for 2 months by then. But since the mission is 1 year, I already told them that I want in.

Many of the other missions kinda look like someone shot the map with a shotgun. So I'm going to wait and see what time I have as the date get closer. Even more since the start date is next year.

I should also keep an eye out at the Stellar Unknown. Right now other than the start and end, there isn't any listed waypoints.

Anyways, as I said above. I haven't even been in a ship for 2 months. Returning, I found I needed to do a bunch of updates to the voice system mod. But, it's a good thing I went ahead with updating everything since I forgot how to bring up my map for a few seconds. :P But seriously, I forgot the biggest reason why I modded my ship is so it tells me if the gas is low.

My overall point of today is to move my biggest ship to the starting point of Apollo 11 Anniversary Expedition. From my starting point, it's about 850 lY or 13 jumps.

I couldn't stop myself from getting some picture of Berry and me in the ship. Damn this ship looks good.

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The following was in Synuefe QV-K d9-22 enter image description here

And the following at Synuefe PZ-S b22-0 enter image description here enter image description here And lastly, the following is at the station I'm camping at for the day (the starting point of this mission) enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here As seen from the pictures inside, this is one of the worst looking stations I've been in. As seen, the paint needs to be redone, cables are literally lying on the landing pad (which btw was there when I landed), and this place obviously never heard about safety. But, it will do since I can just stay in my ship and wait for the event to start. While here, I sold all the data I could. It got me a good 178,000 CR. I felt so sorry for the station that I donated a mill CR. This will at least give me their protection for if I run into trouble in this system.

The good news is I'm pretty sure I can easily knock this mission out in a day or 2 if needed. The next waypoint will be about 11 jumps from me. Taking a look at the highway, it looks like it can't make the trip shorter. I am thinking this will be the case during this mission. Something I didn't notice until now, this will be the last time I will spend a night in a station until the mission is over. It looks like none of the waypoints have stations within them.

I made it to the Empire's home system

So I now have access to the Empire's home system. I gotten the following images of some beacons around the home planet.

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I think the next thing for me to do is just take a break until the next trip on July 6, or 2 months from today. The only other thing for me to do is to maybe build my rank across the board up, but that's boring.

I feel like if I don't find something more to do sooner than later, I will just take a break for a long bit like I've done before. The last time I took a break, I think I was gone for over 3 years. It's possible if I take a break again I won't come back. I'm hitting a wall of nothing but the same.

For the Empire

I'm about a day from unlocking the Empire's home world. Anyways, I caught a pretty good picture when I was doing missions for them.

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The Norma Arm Initiative Day 6 (END)

I finally made it back to a station today. Selling all my data got me 76,249,461 CR, or a total of 207,039,497 CR. My rep with the Empire went from 1% to 100% due to this single sell. So now I'm allied with them. Next I need to work on my Alliance rep.

Anyways, I got a picture of my ship with 0 paint health on it.

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I also gotten a video of my trip and a picture.

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Anyways, I'm currently in Empire space with my new trading ship trying to gain ranks as fast as possible. I'm already Rank 2, and I'm aiming for Rank 4 so I have access to their home world. Something I did to help speed things up is transfer my explorer and fighter to the area. Something I found out is if I can donate money, then I need to.

NOTE Something I seen a few times with my Type 9. When going in the station the auto docking keeps hitting the bottom of the the mailbox slot.

The Norma Arm Initiative Day 6

I have 1 more day until I'm back at a station. With the highway I'm about 15 jumps. Based on my tools, I think I will have close to the needed funds to make the mining/trading ship when I get back.

I'm hearing mining is a bit more profitable right now. So I will aim for that first.

The Norma Arm Initiative Day 5

Today I went to the last 2 systems on this trip, and now I'm heading back. 14 didn't really have anything I could take a picture of, but it had some black holes. The last system had some pretty cool photo moments.

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Now I'm heading to Quince to sell my data. From the last system the highway takes off 100 jumps. The reason why I picked that station/system is it's Empire controlled and I want to start working on my rep with them.

Anyways, I'm about halfway between the station and the last system. I think maybe 1 or 2 days I will be at Quince.

The Norma Arm Initiative Day 4

Before taking off, I got a quick picture.

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To the next waypoint it will be 31 jumps. Getting to the system I was dropped in front of a black hole. I got a picture of it below.

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The next waypoint is 8 jumps away. Sadly, there isn't really anything special about this system other than there is a ton of stars orbiting around each other. The next waypoint is 29 jumps from here by normal, and 12 by the highway. So I used the highway.

On to the next system it's 17 jumps. I'm just going to do the last 2 systems next time if possible.