CMDR RichBehemoth のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Federal Corvette)
The Journey Begins

After playing for some time, I have finally found a direction and a purpose to this game. Really exciting stuff.

Once I saw I was able to afford a Imperial Clipper and managed to rank up to a Baron, I realized going for the Anaconda was no longer a hopeless dream.

I used the trade route between CEOS and SOTHIS to run missions for all the factions to earn enough to get the Anaconda. I stripped her down to put in more cargo hold. I used a Type-6 to get the initial ball rolling, and I was getting about the same cargo with the Anaconda.

Sadly, greed kicked in and I traded out for a Type-9, only to discover that maneuverability on the Type-9 prevents you from escaping an interdict. I had an Anaconda NPC cut me like butter with no time to even respond. This happened three times. Foolishly I decided to cancel insurance without realizing I lost the full CR 73K. I started off with the Type-6 again, and started working my way back to the Conda.

I started to realize through forums that the Corvette was a really great option as well, and so I started to rank up with the Federation. Need to get Rear Admiral to get it.

At about CR 230K, I realized the Corvette has extremely poor jump range. I realized that this would ultimately hold me back moving forward and enjoying the broader sense of the game. I realized if I am to enjoy the Corvette, I will need to mod the hell out for the FSD, and I wasnt going to be able to even explore the idea once I had the Corvette.

So the new plan is to stick to the Conda. Go out and get the FSD engineered while getting blueprints for both the Anaconda and the Corvette. I may need to consider the Corvette as a second ship in the future because even trying to mod the weapons etc will be a painful process given its limited LY distance even with a boost. Its about 20-23LY maxed out. Anaconda I believe can get maxed out to about 60LY. This will mean getting full Guardian components etc will be an achievable task with those jump ranges.

So the journey now begins to modify the Anaconda keeping the Corvette as a plan for the future. The reality is, at this stage I have no real use for it. Still need to just enjoy the Anaconda.

Looking forward to seeing how the journey goes from here.