CMDR Green Delta 11 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

265,161,033 Cr
Working my way back to the bubble.

Landing on the Fermi ParadoxOn my way back to the bubble I stopped by a ship I served on The Fermi Paradox. I refueled, rearmed, repaired, and got fresh paint. Then I made my way to Art's High G Galley and got a sandwich. The cat and I are crashing in my old cabin. Ellaidst YV-C d13-71

Strange Signal

Tonight after the dinner clean up I shut down the High G galley and took to my Phantom for a little exploring. I only jumped a few light years from the Quantum Harmonic. On about the fifth system, I got a little tired and placed the FSS on auto search mode and kicked back. I must have dosed off for a time but an alarm woke me to something on a very low and ancient frequency. I switched out of FSS mode and started up the MFS (Modulated Frequency Scanner) and there it was again. It was an ancient broadcast with video embedded within the signal. The sound of that voice froze me in the moment. Out here in the black you can hear some strange things in the electromagnetic spectrum.

White Chicken Chili

The High G Galley served the following for the lunch and evening (ships Time) meals.....

Crammed Aboard

Our Fleet Carrier “TFS Quantum Harmonic” and the Blodeuwedd's Branch are both parked in the Circinus Plusar System. There are a lot of Commanders coming on and off of the Carriers at all hours. Lots of machines in system. We have been here for a while now. Crews are out exploring and mining. However, lunchtime will from time to time bring a lot of the crews to one of the two ships. The reason is that the menus for each of the carriers are published.

Today is steak day on the Harmonic. Steak, salad, soup and potatoes. All you can eat for free. Good food keeps the moral right on up there where it should be. The big problem is that the pads are only rated for one or at the most two ships. But, we can cheat. With ground guides and shields powered down we have been able to get five small ships on a large pad at one time. Even two anacondas on one pad.

The other problem is mass. Even though we are on the float, we still have to consider mass and inertia. All of those ships on one pad can put a strain on the machinery. So inhibitors are placed on the pads to keep movement to a minimum.

As you can imagine, the pilots federation would take a dim view of all of this. So, we only do this when we are away from the bubble. Today, the last ship on board one of the large pads, was a lone sidewinder. Sure enough, it was a Federation guy. Lucky for us he likes steak. So, just to be certain that he would not rat on us we made sure he won the raffle.

One of the more popular menu items was our Mexican Chicken Corn Chowder


Green was up early the next day (ships time) feeling a lot better. Those bone loss drugs can take it out of a guy the next day. Floating down the corridor, a quick grab of a hand hold swung him around and into the High G Galley.

“Huh” says he. “The galley looks unused”. “Those buggers, they didn't trust the automatics”. A gentle push off floats him towards the bio mass feeds to the injectors. “Oh my, there is the leak again”. At a manifold junction and ugly brown mass is found seeping trough the taped repair. “looks like they were smart to eat in their ships yesterday.

Another gentle push floats our embarrassed chef towards the master control panel. Soon repair limpets are found to be attacking the bio mass injector manifold. “Looks like a manual operations day”. That's cool as Green likes the hands on stuff. First order of the day is bread. Soon the High G ovens are turning and burning. Fleet Carriers can maintain a 1 G acceleration almost indefinitely. When they enter orbit, that is another thing. Zerro G. That is what the High G Galleys are for. In rows down the galley bay are large chambers that contain burner cans and rotating drums where foods are cooked in spinning ovens. Centrifugal force provides an artificial gravity. Just like docking bays. Only on a micro scale.

“Well the boys and girls are going to be wanting something special for the evening meal. I think that will be another puttanesca chicken on spaghetti”. Synthya floats into the galley. She doesn't look so good. “I have never seen a strawberry hill, and I never want to”, She said.

Where is Green

While I was recuperating in my cabin the crew began to wander into the Galley. “Where is Green?” says Sappho”?

“Hey”, remarks Senator Kelly “the galley is on automatic”. Sure enough the limpets were busy setting up breakfast cafeteria style.

Commander Rhodes walks in, scans the galley with a concerned look on his face. “Is the galley on automatic again”? “Looks that way”, says Sappho.

“Do you guys remember the last time he put the galley on automatic”? says the Commander. “Yeah”, remarks Commander Tyy'sun, “We all had dysentery for a week”.

Sappho remarks, “He said he would fix it”. “Huh, says Tyy'sun “and blow up the ship in the process”. Ok”, Says Cmdr Rhodes, “No way are we going to go through that again. We all got supply's in our ships, let us eat there”. “That way we can get out to the work area early”.

Hours latter the crew again shows up in the Galley. “Wowsers, says Sappho, he's still not here”. Cmdr Kelly strolls in. “Don't worry every one, I am making oven baked chicken in my ship. There is enough for everyone. Come on, Tyy'sun, bring that Anny Green Springs you have been talking about”. With out looking back they all filled out into the corridor and made their way to Kellys ship.

Vaccination Reaction

Yesterday I had a visit with the auto doc. It administered my second round of anti-zero G drugs. Today finds me laid up in my bunk week, slightly feverish, and shooting pains. They say it will only last a day The galley will be on automatic for the next 24 hours.

Pizza Night

I had spent most of the afternoon (ships time) preparing another pizza dinner night in the High G Galley. The hardest part is spinning the dough in micro gravity and getting that nice round shape needed for the pizza crust. The cats were doing their normal feline thing, sleeping. They huddle up in an odd corner with their furry wings wrapped around each other. They had been busy earlier playing with a mouse. The mice don't have wings like the cats do. But, they have evolved little sticky mouse feet. When the mice walk along a surface looking for a snack their little feet make suction sounds. A sort of a soft squishy plop sound. Very faint. But the cats can hear those rodent foot steps very well. From two directions they would vector towards their target. Poor, mouse gets snatched away. Not to be consumed mind you. The cats will leave the mouse suspended in mid compartment space. Little mouse feet churning helplessly. Then the games begin. Mouse football in free fall. After awhile the cats become board and fly to their corners for a nap. I lost track of the mouse. Anyway, the crews arrived later for dinner. Floating to the table and strapping in. The delivery limpets begin serving up the pizza and beer. Soon everybody is enjoying the feast. Stories are being told of interstellar daring do. Pratt and Whitney are now fully awake and hovering near the table waiting for the odd piece of pepperoni that gets away. Then they fly to intercept their targeted morsel. Their wings make a fluttering noise as they coast by. No one cares. Occasionally a Commander will grab one of the cats and give it a chin rub and a pet, then release the little critter. Cmdr Tyy'sun was just in the process of moving a succulent aromatic and large piece of pizza towards his mouth, when a hacking and gagging noise was heard. Whitney was in a quivering state, when with a final huge cough a slimy piece of hairball was shot straight down the length of the table smacking Tyy'sun's pizza right out of his hand. Splat. There was a moment of shocked silence. Then Tyy'sun began to laugh. And laugh. Then everybody joined. It was a full 5 minutes before anyone could breath. The cats looked indignant.

Flying Cats

So once again I found my self wandering around the cloning vats looking for something good for tonight’s Asian dinner. Sweet Chili almost chicken. I did find one vat whose data placard read “miscellaneous”. I suppose this stuff must taste like chicken. We used up all of the chicken bio mass about a week ago. Oh well I grabbed about 25 kilos and wandered backup tho the galley. Some say that Asian people like to eat cats. I know lots of Asian folks that love their kittys and not in the culinary meaning of the word. Cats have been in vessels of all types since man began sailing the oceans of sol. But, zero g caused a lot of spacefaring cats big problems. A cat doesn’t always land on their feet in space. So, long ago geneticist engendered feline DNA to provide them with wings so they could maneuver in our non grav environment. I have two such cats in the galley to keep the rodents at bay. Yes, mice and rats found space craft to their likening as well. One is a Main Coon and the other is a Siberian Forest Cat. Pratt and Whitney keep our galley free of those evil rodents.

Sausage for breakfast

Today I visited the cloning bay looking for something a little different for breakfast in the High G Galley. The Quantum Harmonic crews deserve something approaching the best. Well, at least something that doesn't cause projectile vomiting. I searched looking from one vat to another until in one corner of the bay I found a dust covered bin. Wiping built up grime from the data placard I discovered something unusual. A sausage called “Jimmy Deans pure cloned pork sausage”. That didn't sound to bad. I acquired about 50 pounds. So, this morning in the High G Galley the crews were served.... Pancakes with orange zest and cinnamon, Pork Sausage, and Tangerines.

Funeral services for Jerry the old asteroid miner will be held Wednesday in the Alpha 3 hanger deck at 1300 ships time.