CMDR Betelguese90 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Beluga Liner)
Monoceros Passage and the Outer Arm Vacuus.

Cut my own way through to the Outer Arm Vacuus. 4 new Water Worlds explored, but majority of the systems I passed through had already been explored. Which is not to surprising due to the limited number of stars in the passage. Total systems explored so far as gone up to 95. And so much more to come as I continue to explore the region.

The trek continues

21 new systems found and scanned. That included an Ammonia world, and a Water World. Also came across the smallest class 1 gas giant I have ever seen; 2.5 times the mass of Earth with a radius of 16,000 Km. Probably not the smallest out there, but by sure the smallest I have seen. Stopping in Schee Phio WO-E B4-6 for the night.

From Seagull Nebula out past Rosette Nebula and beyond

Seems this route has not been taken before. Found 4 systems just past the Rosette Nebula that have never been discovered. Some 85 jumps (5k LY) from Col 107 Sector XA-C C14-11 (My current stop for the time being) to my next destination Spaidau FG-F d-11-1

Exploring out past VY Canis Majoris

Began with a simple trip out to VY Canis Majoris has turned into a full exploration. Started in my home base HIP 5700. Decided to take a trip and see how far I can get into the rim of Kepler's Crest. Don't think very far, but it is worth the try. Stopped in BD-10 1848 within the Seagull Nebula for the night. Surprised that there were at least 2.5 systems that were not explored.