CMDR Sintoreni profiel > Logboek

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(Asp Explorer)
Lid sinds:
17 jun. 2020
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A Sinner path, log the 1st

Date, 25 Jun 3306. BB protocol authorized, begin log.

I don't see how this is somebody else's business. The ship is mine, I bought it with good money and just...crap. No sense in pouring the anger in having to sign a cubic ton of papers(yes, some of them were made with REAL paper, can you imagine in this age?) in an offical log.

This is CMDR Sintoreni, of the newly rechristened ship Faraconda, formely 'Conda Minium, recording of the new mission.

"Mission", heh. After a brief and fun trip with the Fuel Rats rescuing a CMDR using a Fleet Carrier, and a serie of personal issues that have arisen in the interim, I realized I've had enough of the galactic politics, power games and ugh economic rushes. Time has come to leave the bubble, right were I started, 70 Ophiuchi, Luk station. Long gone are the days spent ferrying tourists around long range sightseeing trips, only to discover that some of them were terrorists and getting arrested. I made good money, I bought a ship, mine and mine alone. It was a piece of junk, but it was mine.

Then I took off, started making my way over to Colonia, without even carrying an AFMU, on the Neutron Highway. I barely made it alive, because I was so naive to almost broke the FSD, and had to limp all the way to my destination. Experience is a harsh mistress after all.

Then I started hauling cargo around the Rodentia system, it was tedious work(nobody wants to spend the two minutes extra it takes to land on a planet, everybody wants to do space commerce only, idiots).

Now, after helping with some refueling the Fleet Carrier, I'm back near Sol.

And, as I've said before, I've had enough.

So, after asking UC's permission and advice, facing instead against a massive red tape wall, I'm going away for some time.

Thanks to a CMDR I met on the FC, I learned of the ancient Guardian sites, and how some brokers could boost my capabilities with scraps collected from them. I even asked "But is it right to loot those priceless archeological sites?" He replied "Archeologists have already looted them, those are just the leftovers".

In a couple of days I managed to get my first Guardian FSD booster(it does make a weird shift in the humming of the main drive, hopefully i'll be used to it before the halfway point), contacted and befriended a weird lady Engineer to get some modifications done and basically my stock, battle ready Anaconda is now a long range ship that could not fight anything stronger than a sidewinder. Perhaps. If it can fly I mean.

I mean, I'm not ungrateful, it's just strange to check the ship status panel and see a current jump range of 51.56LY.

The crew, if we could name them so, consists of three people. First mate and technician Kaylee Enefen and stellar cartographer and chef M Johnston. And they both already complaining about the state of the ship. I couldn't keep myself sane without them.

We have enough supplies to last over a year if anything goes wrong, a stasis chamber crammed behind the FSD plate if anything goes worse, three redundant AFMU, and emergency synth kits that should... be enough for now, I guess.

The first leg of this course will take us for a shakedown test to VY Canis Majoris, and hopefully as circumstance permits in the meantime a full test of the FSD jump range with a Neutron boost, while we're still in easy range of both the Hull Seals and the Fuel Rats.

Is it weird that, in trying to optimize mass at the maximum, the second thing I'm most worried about is the lack of the docking autopilot?

I mean, the next place we'll probably dock to is gonna be...the DSSA Endeavour? Is it still there? Well, even if it is, and if by that time I want direct human contact, I'll be VERY sure to dock gently not having the functionality of the only piece of equipment I'll need the most. At worse it will be the Explorer's Anchorage near Sagittarius A*. Perhaps I'll be ok. Oh, and thanks to the everlasting optimism of my contacts, the main authorization and greenlighting of this FSD hodgepodge, I'll have the BlackBox protocol enabled, so it will be a daily test of the FSDcomm equipment! Hi there space voyeurs! Hope you'll enjoy the gigabytes of exploration data I'm sending over, I promised Johnston I'll dss every single system we're coming across.

Local time is 1549, expected departure is 1830 (or at my discretion, I still own this thing even without the authorized parts warranty), Kaylee is running the pre-flight checklist on the instrumentation before the jump. I'm both itchy to see what this can do and terrified to jump so far in one go. Maybe the automated outfitter could squeeze in a new coat of paint?

---END LOG---