CMDR DIMECLES profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
dimecles [MK-27j]
(Krait Phantom)
Lid sinds:
29 jan. 2021
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
555.138.890 Cr
Water Worlds....worth it?

Catching a glimpse of a pair of water worlds up close is always at the top of my list when finding a new system. Unfortunately, in this case that requires an in-system jump of 574k light-seconds. Ugh! I'll be sure to snap some pics when I arrive. In the meantime, I think I'll make some coffee.

It's beautiful out there!

Discovered several notable TF candidates and, quite simply, some beautiful worlds out there today. Several systems appear to be completely undiscovered and unspoiled by other human or wake signatures! Systems of note: