CMDR NeoOhm profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Krait Phantom)
Lid sinds:
18 mei 2021
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
Found a bunch of Wolf-Rayet Stars today

Found WNC, WC etc stars today. I scanned three of them and let the others to be found by other searchers of the illusive WolfR

Fuel Rats God Sent!

Im stuck just 2 seconds from fuel scooping at Hyiesooe ZG-E ISH and the Fuel Rats is responding fast to my SOS! Im about to be saved in 4 hrs! 46,444.06 LY from SOl!

A good week

Home again and upgrading my Asp and preparing for the purchase of a X-PlorAconda

7 new systems found, scanned and explored.

Having dreams of a voice saying "Frame Shift Charging -3-2-1--------"