CMDR CatPhotosPls profiel > Logboek

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(Asp Explorer)
Lid sinds:
10 jul. 2021
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Beagle run part 2, electric boogaloo


Recording started

19:48 Feb 13 3308

Woohoo! Made it to waypoint 1. DSSA's pretty neat. Anyway, on to leg 2, Inner Orion Perseus Conflux 1. I didn't really think the waypoints through. I wonder if they have a bar here. We'll see tomorrow. Time for bed. See ya. End log


Recording ended, uploading now

Beagle Point journey, log 1


Recording started

15:29 Feb 12 3008

Great. Almost done with leg 1, the Inner Orion Spur, heading to Beagle Point.... Finally. Had to do it sometime, eh. Anyway, the jumping's boring as always, but at least i have onboard internet. Glad to be back in my good 'ole Asp. How far along are we?

Loading Galaxy Map

Local waypoint list displayed

  • Prai Hypod TX-B D4
  • Hypua Flyoae WU-X E1-4516
  • Oob Brue KI-Z D1-9
  • Byoi Aowsy XD-L B40-0
  • Cho Thua NL-C B40-0
  • Beagle Point

Current heading: Prai Hypod TX-B D4

Thanks bot. Time to go, signing out. End log


Recording ended, uploading now

Preparing for departure... Kinda


Recording started

00:26 Feb 19 3308

Oh it can do dates and stuff. Cool. Damn, I've been sleeping for wayyyyy too long now. Sitting in a chair for so long really takes a toll on ya, huh. Anyway, expedition's ending soon. Gonna have to get my baby up and running later today. Time to hit the void and head back home.

Loading Galaxy Map

Measuring distance

The distance between Plimbeau ZE-R e4-2732 and 59 Virginis is 28205.95 ly

Thanks bot. Hoooly shit that's a long way. Ugh. But, now's not the time. Back to sleep I go. End log.


Recording ended, uploading now

Waypoint number..... 6?

Ooh what's this? Logbook? Damn how am I just seeing this now. I really should check my ship more. Oh shit, it's already recording?! Uhm... So yeah I just reached waypoint uhh... 6 i think? New Year New Discoveries 3308 expedition. I've been jumping so long I don't even know where I am. Fortunately GalMap tracks the Lunar Hyperlight or else I'd already be space junk. The black hole here gave me quite a scare too. When I docked, the carrier's systems displayed my ship's status. Poor thing was barely holding together. Is fine now, but my wallet after those repairs? Not so much.