CMDR Heegs Fellowes profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Dragoon [HE-08D]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Lid sinds:
23 mrt. 2017
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
731.970.394 Cr
Group Shot Before Derby

Group Shot - SRV Destruction Derby

Group shot before we got into some SRV destruction derby in Odyssey.

Location: BLB Agricultural on Planet: Bijemayah 4 A

Massive Ring

Massively wide ring around a star in the Lambda Eridani system.

Star with Massive Ring

Hanging out at the Bar

Just hanging out a bit at the bar in Roche Orbital, in the Odins system.

Roch Orbital, Odins bar

Visiting the Generation Ships

Decided to go visit the generation ships.

Generation ship near neutron star

Overall interesting but, while getting close enough to access the data uplinks I ended up bumping into the ships a few times. Now my Anaconda isn't looking too good.

Took a bit of damage

Worn down, but not out.

What 3,000+ LYs of travel does to a paint job.

Worn out DBX Paint


Type 9 silhouetted against a star.

Type 9 Silhouette

Group Mining

Group Photo 1

Group Photo 2

Waiting to head out

Waiting on the deck of The Friend Zone carrier to go and do some low-temperature diamond mining.

Wating to leave

Group Mining

Did some Low Temperature Diamond mining with the squadron yesterday.