CMDR Hurricane Root profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Katys Sting [KJ-111]
Lid sinds:
11 jun. 2017
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
1.912.683.611 Cr
07-OCT-3303 - HIP 104292

Sticking it to the man, kinda, I've been grafting recently shoveling agriculture tech to 'The Kuun-Lans' helping get them out from under the Feds noses. It's great to see the community pulling together, building the farms and pushing the Atmospheric pressure.. Seeing the green shoots of independence and freedom, Each time a ship lands there are men, women and children there helping you unload, We even shared a few drinks with some of the planetsiders.

On a less optimistic note, I'm hearing more and more about escape pods being 'Collected' by Thargoids, no idea if it's true, but there are missing posters appearing in every station I'm docking in, way more than the usual runaways, Narcos and Hookers,,

So I figured I might go take a look, going to dip down to Maia and see exactly whats going on...

03-OCT-3303 - Wolf 397

So, That's it, The lines are being drawn. Shots have been fired, Casualties have been suffered.

Several Cmdrs are pulling their families out of The Bubble and starting the hike to Colonia. Back home it sounds like panic is spreading fast, Thargoids have been spotted ( Depending on who you listen to ) as close as 140lys out from Sol.

Not so sure shifting out is the best idea as of yet, there is still money to be made, plus if the Feds and the Imps heads are turned, there could be a chance for a few more systems to sneak out from under their noses, into the freedom and poverty that the Alliance brings, I joke of course.....

In a couple of days, We should see the fruits of the latest Aegis project, Anti Thargoid MultiCannons... Sadly, I'd rather have them and not need them, than, well you know.. Especially as things get worse, I might well have to dip back into some more risky activities..

Root Out

30-SEPT-3303 - Poncelet Terminal

War, Huh, What is it good for..

Money, So far that seems to be whats driving things... Obviously I've been looking at grabbing my fair chunk of change, although I'm not convinced we need to instantly go to war, I'm all up for having some defenses if the 'Goids do come looking for a fight. Talking about that chunk, I've found a nice little pile of Tantulum and a friendly guy willing to do me a deal so my chunk is building nicely. I'm not for war, but I don't think I should be missing out either. I'm utterly wracked with jealousy of the big boys, barely fitting into the slot carrying 1000s of tons in, but, still, I'm happy with my fleet.. Plus I know that the Chance and the Folly will be better off out in the black than these behemoths..

Preparations at home seem to be all about shipping out to Colonia from what I can tell from the varied messages I'm getting from Donaldson, but then, if we abandon the bubble, whats to stop them following? I'm sure the Aegis have a plan, but smeg, if it's all out war... It just doesn't seem right.. We will all do our bit for the Alliance but it just feels like we are being drawn into something by the Feds and the Imps,, and that doesn't sit well with me or the other Indys that I've spoken to at Wolf.

Root out.

02-JUL-3303 - Gagarin Gate

Well, The Folly and it seems the whole damn galaxy are a bit shaken, The Folly it's mainly scrapes and a couple of shorts that are easily fixed. The rest of the Galaxy I'm not so sure... More and more Alien sites have been discovered, the news of new discoveries is coming out almost on the hour now, So far it's 50? Maybe, it certainly feels about that many!

Who knows what it means for us, It feels so distant here, ( Well it is pretty distant! 15,000Lys give or take a Kylie or two ) but still a little threatening, especially for 'The Bubble', it's where I'm from, it's where ALL of us are from, so I guess it is going to feel close to home...The proper Science genius's at the Canon are working it out, but even they are fumbling in the dark so to speak, it feels like we are just waiting on the Goids, their move I guess..

Folly based news, I've had an AI 'fitted' well, I found a half built / coded one for sale on the black market and picked it up, Spent a few days rewiring and re-coding her and now ASTRA is fully up and running, Fits well with the Folly I think.. Just like the ship she still has a few wobbles, I asked for a system scan recently and she gave me the history of tea.... but maybe that's what I really wanted.......

As for the actual trip itself, it's been going well but I feel I've not done as well on the Cartography front as I would of liked, so the rest of the trip is going to be more about scanning, and exploring so it might take a little while longer but it will be very much worth it.

Root out

28-JUN-3303 - Sacaqawea Space Port

Journey to Colonia is going well so far, reaching Sacaqawea ahead of schedule with only a few bumps on the way ( one of which took out my Galnet receiver but more on that in a bit ).

Still bothered by the prison, Not exactly much chance of freedom there, which is ironic as I'm heading out to Colonia, freedom from The Bubble!

Weighing up my options of what to do once I get there, considering pushing on to the core, But I don't know how fatigued the Folly will be by then, I'm hoping when I'm there I can pick up a few simple runs, graft some extra cash while making up my mind. You never know, I might just stay there!

So, The Thargoid in the room, I don't think anyone was expecting that! I've only got the garbled reports of a few Cmdrs I know who are on the ground there, and whatever guff is coming out slowly on Galnet, ( Now that mine is working, you can imagine the look on the groundcrews faces when they were talking about it, and I had not a scooby, thought they were talking about the latest powerplay! ).. We need to remember, just because they are here, doesn't mean they are hostile, but the Folly's multicannons are loaded up, just in case.

Root out

25-JUN-3303 - Eagle Sector Secure Facility - Additional

Just a couple of jumps from the ESSF and I've been thinking, If the Bubble continues in this vein of Political infighting and simple brutality to it's people all in the name of Power and greed, will we see more places like Colonia.. or will places like Colonia become more like The Bubble, is it inevitable that we can't live side by side? Is that why the Thargoids are back?

Also the last of my meat rations from The Bubble somehow got flash frozen and are ruined. No more meat potentially until I return to The Bubble, If I return..

I am Sad.

Root out.

25-JUN-3303 - Eagle Sector Secure Facility

So, Seeing as I've had to make this unscheduled stop, I thought I might as well put in a full LB entry.

This Prison Facility sure would put the fainthearted off of a life of Crime, I'm not sure what you have to do to end up in the desolate place but I'm pretty sure it's gotta be something bad, surely not a little smuggling or anything...

Still got another 15,000ly to go to Colonia so it's unlikely that the Coffee is going to last that long, unless I have to make another unscheduled stop, which considering how freaked out that FSD rattle made me, I'd kinda like to avoid. That Random piece of space trash smashing into the Folly and the subsequent FSD damage, really made me realise how once you're out in the black, the smallest problem could well be your last problem if you don't deal with it.

On those happy notes I see that things are getting a bit sticky for Aisling Duval, doesn't really surprise me you know, you reap what you sow... Also it looks like I timed my departure from 31 Aquilae pretty well, The last group of Refugees I took out of that system seem to be literally the last group to get out before full on Civil war broke out. So at least some good came out of that mess.

Heading out of this forsaken place in an hour or so, time to crack on to Colonia..

Root out