CMDR Ulysses Drake profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Bonaventure [obm-dw]
Lid sinds:
18 dec. 2017
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December 10, 3304 Hello Galaxy

Commanders log. I'm commander Ulysses Drake. Explorer and Trader in the Pilot's Federation. I've been jumping around the bubble for quite a while now. Earning credit here and there working up the funds to get my dream ship. An Anaconda fully outfitted to take on the uncomfortable blackness. When I purchased her it was an amazing feeling. I finally felt like I could take on the galaxy. I called her “Bonaventure” after a ship that was on Earth thousands of years ago. Since buying the beauty cost me nearly all my money, I was able to fix some passenger cabins in it and began earning new money hauling passengers out to see Sirius Atmospherics. It was lucrative enough, I could make several million credits in a short while. But even making that much money something was missing, I was still sitting in the bubble while the entire galaxy is out there to be seen. I sold my passenger cabins and started outfitting the Bonaventure for her true purpose. Eventually there was just one more part I needed. The Guardian FSD booster, I heard rumors that this thing existed, and that it could increase a ships jump range by 10 light years. Which is no laughing matter. Looking into the pilots forums I was able to find where to get them and with another day’s work I had my booster. I was ready. I could just leave the bubble, Leave all the politics and drama of the civilized galaxy behind. But I decided to wait. News came out over the Galnet that there would be some updates to the scanners and sensory tools. I don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the galaxy if that update breaks anything so here I sit, only 230 LY above Sol, Waiting for the updates to come through so I can make why way to colonia. 22,000 Ly away, this will be the furthest I’ve ever travelled. o7 I’ll see you in the black Commanders!