CMDR UntoldForce profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Beluga Liner)
Lid sinds:
3 mrt. 2018
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
The center of the galaxy

I spent most of the day amidst the monotony of plotting and executing system jumps, trying to get to Explorer's Anchorage so I could meet my friend CMDR DannyDanish. He had been waiting there a few days, hoping that I could catch up to him so we could witness the supermassive black hole at Sagittarius A* together. My Anaconda Baby Got Back performed admirably through the 20,000 light years of jumps today. I only had to stop her twice to engage the AFMUs for repairs.

The black hole was worth the trip. I was in awe at the size of the black hole, and was surprised by the number of fleet carriers who had made the journey as well. I was amused by a ship owned by the "Red Planet Taxi Service" who had also made the trip. I imagine that must have been one expensive cab ride. My friend discovered, quite accidentally, that his Diamondback Explorer had its weapons throughout the entire trip. While we were trying to take a photo of the two of us in front of the black hole, his weapons deployed. We both thought that he had stored them back in the bubble. Removal of his weapons and a few additional tweaks greatly improved his jump capabilities.

Baby Got Back was far from being finished when I decided to make the journey out here. I had hoped to add a larger power plant, engineer some systems for lighter weight, and generally outfit the Anaconda as a true exploration vessel. Despite this, she still performed admirably. I look forward to continuing our journey.