CMDR John Guevara profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Robinson Crusoe [JG-CN1]
Lid sinds:
2 apr. 2016
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
5.000.574.780 Cr

system with needing permit:


Exploration fittings

Expedition Missions:

interesting systems:


An Engine Focused mod on the power distributor allows you use use a smaller sized PD and still allow you to boost. Which saves weight indirectly. Enhance Low power shields mod, reduces the power requirement of your shields, which may allow you to use a smaller Power Plant, saving more mass. Low Emissions mod to the power plant improves the heat efficiency so your ship will run a bit cooler, but it also reduces the power output, so you may only want to roll on a lower level if you can't afford to lose much power. Alternatively, Overcharge on your power plant will produce more power which will allow you to use an even smaller power plant, saving more weight. The downside is it runs hotter, so a higher grade mod isn't necessarily better. You want to get just enough power to meet your needs without heating up more than you need to. Clean Drive Tuning makes your thrusters run cooler and improves their speed some as well so you can go faster with smaller thrusters. But it also increases the power requirement, so you may want to apply a lower level if you don't have much power to spare. Alternatively, Dirty Drive Tuning will also make your thrusters even faster, at the expense of higher heat. source:

  1. my favourite: Heavy Duty Armour on lightweight bulkheads

effect: up to 56% hull boost downside: non. the negative effect is a multiplier on mass, mass of lightweight bulkheads is zero, zero multiplied with whatever is zero.

AFMU can repair almost everything, but it can't repair hull. who don't want to have more "hitpoints" on hull out in the black? also, the added resistance will mitigate hulldamage when landing slightly.

  1. engine focussed powerdistributor. for safety or maxers

effect: up 31% more ENG capacity, and 14% ENG recharge. downside: non for explorers.

want to have d-class powerdistributor, which acts like an a-class for your engines if you need to run, or you like to boost over a planets surface? this one is for you. with a very, very lucky roll you can even get an undersized d-class powerdistributor enabled to boost your ship - for exampel a 5D on an anaconda 8which normally needs a 5A to boost). be aware that powerdistributor drain by boost depends on shiptype!

  1. clean drive tuning. for a better handling and less heat

effect: up to 14% better handling, and up to 50% less heat from your thrusters. "a possible secondary effect is a reduction in mass. I only had this once out of four mods though." (cmdr marx) downside: more powerdraw (up to 25%)

want to have d-class thrusters with the handling of a-class thrusters? want to have more speed fo cruising over a planets surface? want to have less heat from one of the moduls which you can't turn off? clean-drive tuning is for you. just be aware, that the powerdraw will increase, too - do the math first, if you fly a powerstarved build.

  1. enhanced, low power shields

effect: less mass, less powerdraw, and more strength downside: less hullmass covered

most explorers will now opt for shields with planetary landings - now you can get rid of some mass, powerdraw (if turned on) and get more strenght. just be aware that optimal hullmass of a shield gets down with this modification. e.g. if you run a class 3 shield on your anaconda, you might end with less MJ.

  1. heavy duty shieldbooster for d-class boosters

effect: up to 279% shieldstrenght downside: up to 300% mass and 25% powerdraw.

who has done the math before 2.1., knows that it was worth it in terms of mass to fit d-class bosters instead of a higher shieldclass beyond 4D shields. engineers now adds to that claculation, because you can get more percentage shieldvalue from a single-d-class booster (best in terms of mass - protection realation), if you have a lucky roll.

  1. lightweight weapons

effect: up to 90% mass reduction on weapons downside: non for explorers

prefer to go exploring armed? like to have at least a small beam laser with you? the large multicannon on my DBE is less then 2T now...

added by Jackie Silver "I'll suggest an appropriate modification for explorers to use against NPC interdictions: several lightweight class 1 missile mounts. Extreme, low-draw firepower."

did i miss anything? please share your findings!

added by cmdr marx:

  1. overcharged power plants, so that you can replace your power plant with a smaller one effect: gain power capacity, so that you can replace your power plant with a smaller (more lightweight) one. downside: lose out on integrity and some heat efficiency.

Note that this is a case where a higher tier mod might not be better than a lower one: once the power demands are met, the extra power is of no use, but the downsides will still be higher. In any case, I've found that I can often save quite a lot of mass with these.

  1. armoured powerplant effect: more powerplant hitpoints downside: mass increase

"if you don't mind the mass increase, and are heading out for a long time, an armoured power plant might also be a good idea. You can't repair those with AFM-s, after all."

added by @Nerwan

  1. Low Emission Powerplant effect: up to 31% better heatmanagement downside: up to 18% less power and up to 10% more mass. source:
Materials Notes

Locations material traders can be found are:

applies to all traders:

  • Systems need to be mid to high security systems
  • have populations between 1,000,000 and 22,000,000.
  • Materials Trades will not show up in lawless and anarchy systems
  • Materials Traders will not show up at stations that are currently controlled by a criminal faction
  • Materials Traders will be unavailable when a station is damaged, under repair or put on lockdown
  • Horizons is required to use Material traders.
  • Material traders will appear in the Human Bubble, Colonia and Pleiades regions at economies types listed above.

Where to find Grade 5 Materials spawned in Unidentified Signal Sources/High Grade Emissions: