CMDR Spadino profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Krait Mk II
Lid sinds:
1 mei 2016
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
Close Contact

We stumbled upon a IV class gas giant very close to its star, orbiting at an average distance of just 1,476,782.6 km.

Close Contact


Anybody here?

We are currently in a so sparse area that using economy routes, give us jumps of no less than 40 Ly. Ye, we had just stumbled on which was previously visited by a "CMDR Saint Vlad"...

Uncharted systems...

I asked Caroline to maintain us at an average of 180 to 250 Ly from already charted systems. Til now, she accomplished that very well...

10K Ly from home.

I just noticed that we have traveled 10072.3 Ly so far. Already did some interesting discoveries, so we are confident that our route is not badly traced. Good work, Ms. Dumas!

Our on-board guru.

Following the last log entry, I would like to present the responsible for the crew body, mind and spiritual health, our on-board guru: Essien Adisa-Imamu.

His name, of an ancient African origin as he said, has a quite interesting meaning: Essien means "belongs To Everyone", Adisa "the lucid one" and Imamu, "spiritual leader". He told us that this is not his birth name - at least, not all of it - but the name he received after the completion of a very difficult, initiation mission he accomplished for the secret fellowship he belongs to.

Essien Adisa-Imamu

I knew him at Serebrov Terminal, in HR 6421, during on of the mission I made for the Children of Raxxla, a faction I'm allied with and which I usually deal with. I soon realized that he was exactly the kind of person I like to have close by: reserved, but gentle and kind when consulted; wise and very competent, but never arrogant; of high principles and spirituality.

Albertina, mine stewardess and on-board entertainer

Today, I want to present a fairly new acquisition: Albertina. I met her last time I spent a few weeks in Colonia, hauling tourists from Benzaiten to Jacques Station. I hired her there as a stewardess; during our missions I remained impressed by her great humor and kindness, so I offered her to work for me full-time. However, she told me she was pretending in return to her home system, Xelabara but, when I communicate her that I had plan to come back to Te Kaha, she joined me. Soon after, we made a sort of a buckyball trip back to "the Bubble", in my Doplhin (Curioso) and became good friend. Actually, she is not only a stewardess, although is what she most like to do, as she is very good in deal with peoples, fortunately to me (I hate that!); she is a talented entertainer, and an experienced tour operator. So, in my staff, she is also responsible for the on-board entertainment, both for the passengers as well for the crew.

Albertina Pascal

About my stable crew

I talked about the specialists crew members I hired as soon as I decided to face the journey I'm currently in. However, even being myself mostly an explorer, whenever I'm in civilized space I run tour missions, so I need a stable crew for all daily tasks, for me as well as for my crew and passengers: cooking (yes, I do not like synthetic food: in my ship, we serve delicious vegetarian cooking dishes for everyone), passengers management and tourist consulting, fitness and health care. So, I usually have at least three to four people living aboard Nina. In the next days, I'll present them in that diary.

Where eagles dare...

We are currently entering a very isolated area. All system we enter is so isolated, that usually there are only a couple of neighbors inside a 20 ly radius. We passed by a couple of system which have no systems at all inside that range, but fortunately almost all systems are scoop-able by now. However, we are getting a bit anxious, as we don't know what we will face from there on...

Almost forgot: Caroline managed to collect a lot of jumponium materials, so we have some emergencies synthesis available.


Everything is going well, by now. We are around 5.5K ly far from home; we already discovered some interesting planets - some earth-like, a bunch of water-worlds and many terraformable bodies - and, right now, we are in a fairly uncharted area. The closest star already charted by some commander is, as for Caroline last check, around 180 ly from here. We passed by a couple of already discovered systems, strangely enough as they are not on our on-board records, and they are pretty isolated... yet, a fellow commander, Gregster, happily managed to return home and deliver his exploration data.

Collecting some Germanium

We just explored a system with a planet which has good amount of Germanium, as it seems by the scanner lecture, so we landed, than I asked Caroline to do some prospecting, which is very good at. Caroline prospecting