CMDR Bill Brasil profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
AX MC Killer [BI-23K]
(Krait Mk II)
Lid sinds:
1 jul. 2019
Afstanden ingediend:
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Another Targoid Attack!!!! Lets Help those people!!!

Suddenly, at the middle of night a call....

Hurry up!!! We need you ASAP at spaceport... We have been attacked by Targoids!!!!

At first I got desperate... asking myself, where? here? how many people was dead? While I was getting dresses I calm down. I noticed that there was no explosions or crying around, I concluded that they should have attacked those systems their presence is known... but when I turned on the system new I realized how bad it was... "Thargoid forces have invaded the Delphi system and several systems in the California, Coalsack and Pleiades Nebulas."

Fortunately, after just returning from my Nebula tours, I was close to my Fleet Carrier in Diaguandri. I called my team to prepare My Rescue ship, a Type-7 prepared for evacuation and met with some other commanders to define an action plan.

With all Commanders with their rescue ships on board of my FC, we set course to Atlas system where more assistance was need.

Arriving at the Capital Rescue Ship in Atlas I was requested to go to Delphi to have some receive further details about of rescue operations.

Flight plan set, I departed and start the jump sequence... 4, 3, 2, 1, Go.... my ship lights started to blink... no more control over my ship... flash lights everywhere then ... all dark.. all system were off...

What in hell was happening??? Why such the ship was shutdown? I looked around and only some stars in the skies... I heard a loud noise...

With my heart beating as fast as light I see through the glass cockpit... one... two... three Interceptor Targoids...

Yes!!! 3 of them scanning my ship! I thought... I am dead!!!! no way to run away in a T7!!!

Fortunately, One at a time finished the scan and flew away!!! I was luck this time... Now I can understand how severe was the attack!!!

Returning to Atlas system, along with some other Commanders and Friends, we were able to evacuate and provided assistance to about 3.500 people from that attack.

There are still a lot of people to save and more commanders are welcome.

My ship is under repair now due to some explosions and debris collision inside the station, in the meantime I will get some sleep.

I hope I can help as many people as I can... It is said to see how bad was the attack!

What ana amanzing tour!!!!

My small tour finished... I planned a 16.000 Ly round trip and in fact I flew more than 38.000 Ly.

I visited wonderful and colorful Nebulas, passed by 2 triple Black Hole systems (yes, 3 BH in just on system, orbiting each other), visited abandoned settlement, found a missing capital exploration ship, flwe at 81C with my fuel scoop active as well as I was able to refuel orbiting a planet (about 1 ls from the star), scanned over 30 new systems and much more. Ah!!! I cannot forget to mention that in some systems there were so many stars that I had to use my sunglasses!!!! LOL!!

Wow... each place many pictures... I will try to publish some...

HERE IS MY ROUTE I hope others can take to have the opportunity I had to visit such amazing places!

Finally a place to have some beer!!!

This journey has been amazing! At every jump I have a nice surprise!

On my visit to Cloe, by the way just wonderful, she gave me some tips about places I could visit and... wow!!! They were perfect!!!

On the way to this far far outpost I see some star cluster that was getting close at every jump. You know, when you are exploring and see something different you have to check and guess what ... yes new wonderful places, such as a deep blue planet nebula, a solitary adventure planet in a Systems with many stars, a system with 2 black holes orbiting themself and many many more places.

Oh great!!! My beer arrived! Time to stop writing and relax!

One more shot and...

Sometimes we have good and bad surprises... I started my little 16 KLY journey at Alpha Fornacis, but before I leave the bubble I decided to pay a visit to my good friend Cloe in Witch Head Nebula... yes the engineer!!!

Everything was doing well, beautiful places, interesting systems one and a nice stop for Lunch in 1G planet. Arriving at Shenve system I found a megaship and decided to check it out.. What a fantastic piece of engineering... the only problem... pirates... yes, alot of pirates that decided to attack anything close to the ship including me....

As I set up an exploration ship I had no guns, a big problem hein!!! I started to run far from megaship but some pirated come after me shoting with no pause... when far enough from masslock I tried and jump and ... FSD was not working... tried to boost to go far enough from pirates, and then a new surprise engine not functioning... shield down... well, I though, I can't get killed on my first travel leg. So I tried to reboot all systems... once... twice... in the meantime I see my hull getting down... 25... 20... 17... 15%... Oh! My god, not this time...

In a desperate attempt I reboot one more time... some pirates decided to leave... ok.. keeping get shot... not so hard... hull at 12%... and a good news... engines and FSD are back... shields started to recharge... more boost while FSD was charging... and so... back to space... 12% hull most systems severely damaged.

Now I was worried about my ship integrity to land on a planet and I decided to make some repairs out of supercruise... some repair limpets and AFMS time and fixed enough to fly to closed station to finish all repair and land on Cinder Dock to visit my friend...

Well it is time to relax a while, have a nice conversation and decide about my next destiny on this trip. I hope I can get some good advised to where to go next.


Looking for far (not so far) distance High G planet and unknown things...

Today is the day... all duties finished in the bubble now it is time to start a short round trip (16.000 LY at total) to test my new Far & Beyond baby.

After all tests I decided to go with a D-Rate thrusts and, if I found any high G planet, to land with my baby...

I will try to update this log, but who knows what is going to happen at Targoid's space...

Wish me look!!!

High G .... time for decisions!

How to study a subject is important!!!

I spent some hours studying the behavior is ED thruster in High G and it allowed me to understand how a A grade differs from a E grade when landing on High G planets.

It is possible to use any thruster with or without engineering, however as lowers as the grade you had less space for error, otherwise you’ll see the underground of the planet.

On the other side, as you increase thruster grade you loose some LY in your jump.

Now I have a decision to take ... loose some LY to jump or reduce the risks to land on High G planets.

Well... decision to take for long journeys!!!

High G landings... Tests...

Few days ago I tried to land with my explorer Anaconda on a 5g planets... wow!!! That's a real challenge!!

After leaving the orbital glide it was very difficult to stop descending. After dropping thousand of meters my ship started to slow down, but it was inevitably to hit the ground even after some boots...

Fortunately, the damage was only on hull and I was close to a station to repair... I think I need to fine tune in order to be able to land on even higher G planets.

Anyway I will test with smaller ships to figure out the best strategy to land and then move to heavier ships... time to research!!!