CMDR rob_ham55 profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Type-9 Heavy)
Lid sinds:
21 sep. 2019
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
POI's Part Two End

Have just left Luna's Shadow after a 100% successful sightseeing trip. Thanks to Commander XBLiterata for the route to Semotus Beacon, it worked a charm. I managed to make most of the longer jumps with only level 2 FSD boosts. Unfortunately not all POI Visitors lists seem to be updating correctly but tis a minor detail, all stops are recorded in flight logs. A quick stopover at Explorer's Anchorage before heading out for part 3. More to follow.

POI's Part Two

Start point is Explorer's Anchorage. Hoping to visit the following POI's.

Goliath's Rest, Rendezvous Point, Voyager's Reach, Asterous, Treehouse, Semotus Beacon, Podar and Luna's Shadow.

POI's Part One End

Arrival at Explorer's Anchorage. Managed a 50% success rate visiting 3 of the 6. See edits for details.

POI's Part One Second Edit

Further to not being able to reach "The Great Escape" my little ol' Asp Explorer (partially engineered) is also unable to reach both "Mount Aoscs" & "Ascent". Never mind, onwards to Sagittarius A* and Explorers Anchorage. I know I can reach both of those.

POI's Part One Edit

Unfortunately I find myself unable to reach "The Great Escape" despite numerous re-routes including the one used by the "Endurance". Congratulations to the two Commanders who have made the journey, that's a noteworthy achievement! Another ship, another time maybe.

POI's Part One

Start point is Colonia.

POI's The Great Escape, Great Annihilator, Ascent, Mount Aoscs, Sagittarius A, Explorer's Anchorage.

Wolf-Rayet Search Day 2

Day 2 of my search for an unclaimed Wolf-Rayet star and perseverance has paid off. After confirming Wolf Hunter had been awarded and feeling elated I pressed on for Colonia. Upon arrival and after visiting Universal Cartographics I have a first discovery on a Wolf-Rayet.

No Luck with the Wolf-Rayet so far.

Well after spending the day zig-zagging left and right and up and down through the universe I am yet to find an unclaimed Wolf-Rayet. Travelled into several different star groups and found numerous occurrences of the star type though all first discovered by others. Undeterred I will resume my search tomorrow whilst moving towards Colonia and probably beyond.

In Search of Wolf Rayets

Finished in the "Bubble", now heading north west towards Colonia in search of an unclaimed Wolf-Rayet star. Wish me luck.

"Bubble" Badges

So now back in the "Bubble" for 3 badges including a quick trip to Hutton Orbital.