Perfil do CMDR Asephael > Diário

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(Krait Phantom)
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Visiting Sol, Fighting against Jupiter Devision, A call by Professor Solus

307-02-07 SOL, Galileo Station

Our stay in Sol is fantastic. Meanwhile, we feel at home at Galileo Station. Most of our Missions in the last days have been successful. However, we took quite some damge during our last two trips to hunt local pirate groups. We had some bad luck with some larger wings of pirates that proofed to be quite a challenge for our not fully engineered Chieftain COSI-4 Aminius. Chief Engineer Lt. Rakston currently performs a full scan, while we fly some sight seeing missions for rich tourists.

3307-02-11 HIP 54430, Northrop Enterprise

We have learned from the Rebellion of former CEO Jupiter Rochester and his "Jupiter Division" in HIP 54530. Reacting to the Pilots Federation's alert and after receiving permission to jump into the restricted system, it was no question for us that we would join the fight against this criminal, who together with the traitor Lucas Vincent, is responsible for the Starship One assassination. I really hope that we can support the Silver Legal Group and prevent these criminals to gain control over that system. Rochester has to be held responsible for his crimes.

3307-02-13 Shinrata Dezhra, Jameson Memorial

Taking a break from the fight against the Jupiter Rochester terrorists, I returned to Jameson Memorial. The COSI-3 Hawking is currently getting prepared for an upcoming deep space mission.

My science officer, Lt. Aton, informed me about the new expedition set up by Professor Solus, the Odyssey Galactic Expidetion. Similar to the last big expedition in which I participated, the Distant Worlds 2 tour in 3305, this mission will cross the Galaxy via Colonia, Sagittarius A*, all the way to Beagle Point. Of course, I was interessted and quickly diceded to particpate. A nice side effect: I will have an opportunity to revisit Explorers Anchorage, the station close to the galactic core which has been constructed by the Distant Worlds 2 expedition.

It took a while, to decide, which will be the main ship I would use for this mission. I really like the ASP Explorer, but in the end the additional my Krait Phantom is better self-suistaind, which might be an advandtage. Also, my wing mate, Cmdr. Racoon, has choosen his ASP as his main expedition ship, so a little bit diversity in our wing also won't hurt.

The ship has been refitted for the long-term deep space mission. I still had no opportunity to get the material need for the Guardian Technology upgrade, but Mrs. Farseer did a great job maximizing jump range and jump efficiency.

The expedition will start in 3307-02-20 at Syntec.

3307-02-16 Syntec, Leavitt City

The preparation for the expedition are done, so we returned to HIP 54530 to support the fight against Jupiter Devision. After some successful fights, I had some bad luck in fight against a Corvette, resulting in a hull breach. Thanks to emergency life support system, I could return to the nearby starport Northrop enterprise before we ran out of Oxygen.

After the damage has been repaired, we returned to the Iron wings of Justice for a last report. Then we left for Syntec, were we will make the last preparation for our departure.

3307-02-18 Syntec, OEF carrier Fake Taxi (JHG-72F)

While we are still preparing for the expedition, we learned from GalNet that the criminal Jupiter Rochester and his "Jupiter Division" could be defeated in HIP 54530. Rochester has been captured will be brought to justice for his crimes and his Jupiter Division took a severe defeat. A great victory for justice!

We celebrated this news on board of the oef-fake-taxi JHG-72F, one of the expeditions fleet carriers.

Recent Logs

SHIP & FLEET UPGRADES 3306.12.17 Shinrarta Dezhra, Jamson Memorial

I have refitted COSI-3 Hawking for 1st class touristic tours.


  • Kairi Lynch, wants to visit: Lough System victory sites, the binary water worlds in Gliese 105.2 and the Distant Wolrd 2 jump site at Pallaeni. Beeing a participant of the DW2 expedition, I will gladly show Mrs. Lynch the beacon on the Pallaeni system and gladly provide additional information. In exchange, Mrs. Lynch gave me some information on the Lough Victory site at Hartsfield Market, where the war for Lough was won and the Federation was forced to retreat from the system.

  • CEO Addalyn Lambert wants to visit two well known gas giants, one in G203-47 and one in Moanza.

After my return to Jameson Memorial, I bought a new ship: The COSI-4 Arminius, an Alliance Chieftain.

3306.12.19 Shinrarta Dezhra, Jamson Memorial

After a few more Passenger missions, I started the COSI-4 Arminius again to support protecting local Resource Extraction sites. I have to say, flying the new Alliance Chieftain ship in combat is a great pleasure! Good manouveribility, well balanced weapon power.

In the next days, I will continue to hunt down pirates at local extractions sites.

HOME AGAIN 3307.01.02 COSI, Arrhenius HUB

In recent weeks, I continued the upgrades of my ships, especially at Mrs. Farseer. Unfortunately, I am still missing some resources. In addition, I hunted down some pirates in the DECIAT system with the COSI-4 Arminius.

Today, I finally went back home to my old base, the Arrhenius Hub in the COSI system. It is good to be back at home. I transfered my ship here and did a few missions for the Federation, just to stay busy.

Reading the news, I learned from the Thargoid Attacks in the Coalsack nebular. Seems that the amibitious project of Sirius Atmosmpherics, which my crew and friends also supported, may have contributed to causing this aggression. I hope one day the efforts of Sirius will help to defeat the Thargoids once and for all.

3307.01.10 Kanean, Malyshev Horizons The COSI-4 Arminius participated in the civil war in the Kanean system on the site of the Kanean PLC. We could hunt down quite a number of ships of the Revolutionary Kanean Resistance.

3307.01.16 COSI, Arrhenius HUB

The COSI-4 Arminius has returned home after a short trip through neighbouring systems, where we helped to hunt down some pirates. After all the fighting, we did some tourist missions with the COSI-3 Hawkings. We focus more and more on rich tourists.

3307.01.21 HIP 22550, Stillman Hub

In the last week, we flew to HIP 22550 to answer the request for help of the Sirius Corporation. The New Marliniest Colonies were in urgent need of food supplies. After the COSI-2 Black Seven had arrived, we started transportation. We found a good supply of animal meat nearby at Hambly Gateway in Ross 409 and could supply more than 4000 tons.

Some crazy pirates keept attacking us quite freqeuently on our tours. Extremely irratating were a group of pirates who were very keen on our transported fruit and vegatables. For some strange reasons they considered it as extremely valuable goods and tried to interrupt our FSD several times.

Today, the initiative ended. We were under the Top50% contributors in this sucessfull campaign.

Afterwards, we did sight seeing tours for 3 groups of rich tourists. All trips went smooth and our passengers enjoyed the trip -- until at the very end, I lost concentration for a few minutes and caused a slight collision at Stillman Hub. Two of our groups keept calm and show some understanding for this unfortunate accident. The last one went totally nuts. Very aggressively he requested to leave the ship immediately. Lt. Desidora and her security team had quite some truble to keep the situation under control, although it took only a few seconds until we docked at the station.

3307.01.21 COSI, Arrhenius Hub

We have returned to Arrhenius Hub, our homebase. In Galnet we heared from the news that Utopia and Sirius Corp. compete to be chosen as host for the big conferenc of the three galactic superpowers. After a short internal discussion, we have decided that we want to support Sirius as good as we can. In the last month, due to the several initiatives of Sirius in which we participated, we learned to value the companies efforts. Not only have they proven to be a valuable force to expand the galactic infrastructure, they earned a lot respect by their support the Marliniest Refuguees. So, we willl launch The Magrathea and try our best to support the initiative.

We will arrive at Goldstein Port in the Lembava system this evening.

3307.01.23 BD-21 4791, Herschel Terminal

We have supported the Initiative of Sirius as good as possible. In the moment, the support for Sirius surpases the support Utopia is receiving. We will further look for the requested materials in the next days.

For now, we switchted to the COSI-4 Arminius and visited nearby Federation systems to support fighting pirates and investigating USS.

During a short stay at Herschel Terminal, Ensign Desidoro met one of his many acquaintances, Mrs. Alina. She is a trader of luxury goods, associated with the NLTT 53699 Liberals. She told him about the big issues her home system experiences with brutal pirates of the NLTT 5369 Blue council. Ensign Desidoro was shooked about her reports. When he informed us, Mr. Worf and myself agreed without hesitation to help. Mr. Semalin, our accountant, was first very sceptical about yet another humanitarian mission. Luckily, the BD-21 4791 Energy PLC also suffers under the pirates attack and announced to pay additional bountys. That perspective could calm down Mr. Semalin. So we, will launch the Chieftain and hunt down pirates.

3307-01-23 BD-21 4791, Herschel Terminal

Our Mission was successful. We could hunt down more than 40 enemy vessels and have now returned to Herschel Terminal. My Chief Officer, Lt. Cmdr. Wolf, is very happy about how crew and ship have performed during these extensive battles. Mr. Semalin, our accountant, reports, that overall we earned more then 10 MCr for our efforts and our reward has allready been transferd to our account. So this is one of the rare opportunities, where even he shows some signs of joyful emotions.

We will stay at the base and celebrate in a local bar tonight. Mrs. Alina is very grateful and will together with Ensign Desidoro organize everything for our small celebration tonight.

Most of our crew will join the celebration. Our Chief Engineer, Lt. Rakston, and a few of his colleagues will prepare the COSI-2 Black Seven transporter for our next mission. Tomorrow, we will leave for Sothis, where we will try to improve our federal Reputation through absolving some federal missions. This is something, especially our Sciene Officer Lt. Aton is looking forward to, since this migh give us the permission to enter the SOL system. Lt. Aton was born on Mars and hasn't visited his home for more than a decade.

3307-01-24 Ceos, Babbage Gateway

We could complete several federal missions and increased our federal rank. Indeed, we have been rewarded with the permission to enter the Sol system. Actually, the missions were quite boring and repetitive. We delivered several confidential data sets between the starbases of Sothis and Ceos and transported a lot of biological waste. However, this kind of support seems to be highly appreciated by the Federal Navy for some strange reason.

We just had finished our last mission, as Ensign Desidoro came to the bridge with some bad news. He received an emergency message from Mrs. Alina. Once again, our friend escaped to Herschel Terminal after the pirates attacked her trading ship. Again, she asks for our support. We will store the COSI-2 Black Seven for future missions at this system and use our long-range ship, the COSI-1 Magrathea, to return as fast at possible to Herschel Terminal, where our service team is already preparing the COSI-4 Aminius for another combat mission.

3307-01-30 Milcenu, Berners-Lee Landing

We are still hunting down pirates in several systems. So far, we could not identify those responsible for the attack on Mrs. Alina, but we will continue and help local authorities wherever we can.

Currently we paused at Berners-Lee Landing to refuel and restock. In the meantime our contact person of Sirius Corp., Mr. Lerome, informed us that the initiative of Sirius Corp to host the Galactic Summit in a few weeks was successful and we received the generous reward for our contribution.

Our next waypoint will be the Paelis system, where my Chief Officer Lt. Cmdr. Wolf will await us with the COSI-1 Magrathea at Renni station. After we will earn some bountys, we will set a course for Sol. It will be the first time that I will enter the birth system of humanity. Lt. Aton, our science officer who was born on Mars, will return home for the first since he first hired on a trade ship as a teenager. He is very excited and is keen in showing the rest of the crew the beauty of this historic system.

Temporary, we will transfer all active ships to Galileo station orbiting Earth's Moon, which will serve as operation base in the next days. We will continue to fight pirates in nearby systems and perform sight seeing tours.