Perfil do CMDR Kyrenas Obreey > Diário

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(Diamondback Explorer)
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It's been a while hasn't it... I made it to Colonia and stayed a few days to get my ship repaired and restocked, relax and do a bit of planning.

My choice was to go further across the galaxy and possibly even visiting Beagle Point or return to the bubble. I've decided to head back to the bubble for now admittedly via the Formidine Rift. Listening to Galnet, things have started happening back in the bubble after being quiet for a while and I feel I could use doing a variety of things for a while rather than Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan process that I've been doing for the past few months. I'll properly plan an expedition next time - I'll probably follow one of the galactic arms around then push out for Beagle point when I'm close enough. There are also murmurs of a new Distant Worlds expedition in the future which I would love to be a part of.

So as it stands - see you back in the bubble soon.

o7 K

Moving on

Having had my feet up for a few days, I'm back on the move heading to Colonia. I've decided to take a track a couple of degrees away from the straight line so I can map some systems that are unlikely to have been visited before - I've got to pay for repairs somehow!

This is a much shorter journey and I reckon it will take less than half the time compared to the trip to Sagittarius A*.

If I find anything interesting I'll be sure to let you know!


The hub of the wheel

After a good night's sleep I finally made the last jump to Sagittarius A*. It's big and it's definitely scary - it certainly makes everything I've seen so far in the galaxy seem smaller - even the monster at VY Canis Majoris. I definitely know my place in the universe now!

Right back to Explorer's Anchorage for a drink or 2, then I can start planning the next leg of my expedition.

o7 K

Nearly There

I have finally reached the final waypoint before jumping to Sagittarius A* - Explorer's Anchorage in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. After several weeks alone in the black it's fantastic to actually see some other people and be able to stretch my legs outside my ship.

So here I am just over 3.5ly from the centre of the galaxy. Am I excited? Definitely. But I'm also tired - there is a mental strain being alone for that period of time. I flew through numerous systems that nobody has ever been to, but it did become a blur at times - constantly jumping and scanning and repeat ad nauseum.

I shall spend a few days here and relax before I head out on the much shorter leg to Colonia - all of 11kly vs the 26k that I've just done.

See you in the black CMDRs. o7 K

Half way

Just passed the halfway point on my first leg. A few days pootling around a system has certainly cleared my mind. It has definitely helped my frame of mind knowing that it will now take me longer to get back to the bubble than pressing on. Not on the home stretch by any measure but definitely past the summit and on the way down.

Seeing the distance to go dropping below 10kly will definitely be my next personal goal.


Have I made a mistake?

I think the solitude is getting to me slightly, I've not been able to make as many jumps as I would like each day due to fatigue. I can't deny that the thought has crossed my mind to turn my ship around, but I know I'm better than that - I must press on.

I'm still not quite half way to the first waypoint on my journey. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing some actual people when I dock at Explorer's Anchorage.

I think then my next leg will be the relatively short run to Colonia where I may stop for a few days to recharge my batteries before striking back out in to the unknown again. I'll see how that goes before I commit to a run out to Beagle Point. That will depend on my sanity.

At the moment I'm certainly feeling every one of the 10,000ly between me and home. Hopefully this will pass as I get used to being this far away from civilisation - the nearest station to my location is in the Eagle Nebula over 5,000ly from my current position.


Lagrange Clouds and Nebulae

I finally made it to the Cat's Paw Nebula today. It was certainly impressive at 10ly away. It did lose a little inside but spectacular to see the clouds of star creation up close.

After leaving the nebula, a few jumps out my FSS picked up something strange that I hadn't seen before. It turns out that gas can accumulate in Lagrange points in planetary systems - a Lagrange Cloud. I'd heard of this but had never seen it before. Looking through my databases - I discovered I has stumbled on a Proto-Lagrange Cloud. It manifests as a collection of very pointy crystals tens of metres across at a Lagrange point.

This trip is now starting to show some promise after it's slow start.

o7 K

Scoop Scan Jump Repeat

Making progress on the initial leg of my journey towards Sag A*, now over 3500ly from Sol. My navigation system indicates that I may have been the first person through a number of the systems I passed through recently - even here - still relatively close to the bubble. It just goes to show the scale we work on out here.

Rather frustratingly my journey so far has been low on unusual phenomena or stellar objects. I may have to be a little less conservative with my fuel load and allow my nav system to route me further away from scoopable stars to allow me to see more. Whilst looking over my options for navigation, it turns out I am going to pass close(ish) to the Cat's Paw Nebula. I'm probably at a good point in my journey to be able to deviate and head via that without having to do a diversion of a couple of thousand light years as I pass it.

Anyhow another day of travel looms... probably best I get some breakfast and prepare the ship for it's next jump.

See you in the black! K

So it begins...

This weekend has seen the start of my long range exploration career. After a while building up the credits and doing odd jobs around the bubble it is time to strike out and see what I can find out there.

As a shake down for my brand new ship - Hyperion - I took a trip out to VY Canis Majoris. I knew the star was big, but I was blown away by the scale of it.

From there I decided to head back to the bubble via the Orion nebula but got thwarted by an area of systems locked from navigation. I'm sure they have their reasons for keeping us away from there, but it did mean I had to head back towards the original course I took on my outward journey. Fortunately, the Zende Partners megaship Sadler's Song was stationed in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system during one of it's periods studying the Guardian site in the system. I had visited this site earlier this year to see the Guardian site with my own eyes, but the megaship wasn't there at that time so didn't realise it visited the system.

After staying the night and resupplying my ship, it was time to set out on my first truly long range mission - the plan being to head to Sagittarius A* initially. From there I'm still undecided whether to strike out for Beagle Point from there or head to Colonia first. I'm erring towards the latter then to return in an arc on the opposite side of the galactic core from Colonia.

See you back in the bubble soon!