Perfil do CMDR Aflin > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Eilidh [031020]
(Asp Explorer)
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
119.757.100 Cr
Journey Home - Midway Log 3

Made it back in one piece after going over 12,000ly in one day.

Sadly didn't hit Elite rank, but am now off to get some Meta-Alloys and a Guardian FSD Booster so that my next expedition can cover more ground faster.

Bought an Imperial Courier as a reward, flies like a dream but I need to find a size 2 chaingun for it before I'm happy.

Journey Home - Midway Log 2

Entered the nebula as planned and found my first "First Discovery" Phenomena and Earthlike planet.

Made my way to a nearby Guardian ruin planet to get some new codex entries and grabbed a few mementos while I was out.

Only 12,500ly left to The Bubble.

P.S. Gave up on scanning any systems, just want to get back to civilization.

Journey Home - Midway Log 1

I logged back in after a few weeks off and completely forgot I'd been to visit the galactic core and am now around 18,000ly away from The Bubble.

The plan is currently to go via an interesting nebula while scanning all systems that contain more than 20 orbital bodies with the hope that I will be able to hit my first Elite rank in the Exploration tree.

Might make more logs later, for now I just want to make it back to civilization in one piece.
