Perfil do CMDR Orion Byrd > Diário

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Nave atual:
Krait Mk II
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
72.126.228 Cr
Day 8 - Into the Black

We still haven't moved because we still don't have a lot of tritium. I've been collecting what I need to synthesize premium FSD boosts to save myself once more if I become stranded on a system I can't jump out of. As soon as we are back to the bubble, I'm going to get some much needed upgrades and potentially a new ship.

Day 7 - Into the Black

We were on the move but soon had to stop to mine some tritium. We plan to stay in the system until our Fleet Carrier is fully refueled. I am more of a passenger on the expedition due to not being equipped to mine tritium. Without mining gear, collection limpets and a refinery I can't aid in their efforts at all. The Fleet Carrier's owner said she thought I could help on the way back since I have 80T of storage for buying Tritium for the carrier. I did a bit more gathering planet-side and started a trip to the bottom of the galaxy. This was cut short by a neutron star however. Entering the tail, without orbit lines on, I ended up dropping into the tail. I thought I was dead for sure but managed to supercruise away. I took massive internal and external damage however and had to return to the Fleet Carrier for repair. Might try going up again next time.

Day 6 - Into the Black

Situation normal. Still haven't moved, Ive been exploring and harvesting. I think we are moving soon. Nothing new or exciting to report.

Day 5 - Into the Black

Today entailed more harvesting. Landing on planets and collecting more supplies. I can synthesize FSD boosts, life support and AFM resupplies. All of this will allow me to go further longer. If only I had repair limpets equipped, I'd be able to craft them too and repair my hull. I revisited the storm cloud just to stare. I'm returning to that same system because there was another Fleet Carrier there that offered different services. Just need to do a little business and get back to our own. We still haven't left our current location but hopefully we'll be moving soon.

Day 4 - Into the Black

Today we traveled even further away from home in search of sights. When we had come to our final stop many of the neighboring systems had beautiful sights to share. We found this blood red cloud that was pitch black inside, aside from the lightning that bellowed within. I switched on my Shield and dived in to take a closer look. As it would turn out there was all sorts of resources in there. I got hit by the lightning a few times but nothing the shield couldn't handle. The real issue was the the static buildup in concentrated pockets in the cloud. Flying through one of those completely jacks my HUD and disabled my shields in roughly 10 seconds. It ate through about 60% of my hull in the less than 1 minute I spent inside it. There were also these strange red balls of what I assume is energy at a nearby system that only make themselves present when approached. To wrap up the day I decided to do some planet-side exploration. Didn't find anything interesting apart from a ridiculously deep canyon. That had to have been at least as deep as the grand canyon. Until tomorrow.

Day 3 -Into the Black

After waiting a few more hours for our carrier to resume its course for another hour or so, I decided to take a trip to a 50 Solar mass black hole heading towards the galactic core. I found all sorts of new systems most of which visually stunning. On the way back however, I fell asleep at the helm scooping a star. When I came to, the fleet carrier was in the system and my ship seemed totally intact. I hopped aboard and we resumed our travels. We stopped for Tritium in a system with a black hole and a neutron star. The neutron star had the biggest, most beautiful asteroid belt I have ever seen. Not knowing Tritium comes from asteroids, I subsequently didn't bring any mining gear. I used my hauler to assist in taking refined goods back to the carrier. We continued our travels for a while until arriving at the stop of the day. I decided I wanted to see our galaxy from the outside, or at least as outside as I get, so I started traveling up. Turns out there is an entire neutron star highway up there, which expedited this trip, reducing it to a 164 jump total. Many, many new systems had been discovered along the way. Tired, and with a beat up ship, I returned to the carrier. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Day 2 - Into the Black

We still haven't departed from the nebula we last stopped at, though I was under the assumption that we would be moving every 24 hours. I've traveled around some more, checking out all the systems I can in and around the nebula. I have discovered ancient artifacts and ruins that granted me valuable scan data inside the nebula. I'm unsure of what can be done with it all, but I will not sell or discard the items as they look to be of importance. I found and mapped an earth-like planet about 50 LYs from the nebula. I have started mapping and landing on various planets to gather resources and find items of significance to make my ship a little more capable of deep space travel. I believe there is a potential black hole about 1500 LYs away from where we are now going back towards the Inner Orion Spur, I'd love to make the trip, but that is a long distance to travel, and I want to be sure the carrier isn't going to leave me behind. Hopefully we depart from this nebula soon to discover more awe-inspiring sights, and map a bit more of our galaxy. I haven't really discovered any new systems since yesterday, though I did find one place no one has ever seen before. I mapped the entire system and all the planets and moons so they may be added to the map.

Day 1 - Into the Black

Today marks the start on my journey into the unknown. I probably won't make it all the way one but one can dream, right? So far on the journey I have discovered 60 un-mapped systems and 17 never seen by anyone before. I am traveling with a group of 2 as they have gratiously offered their carrier's services to me. I'd leave the carrier to do scans of our systems, until I came across a water planet. I went over to check it out and get a detailed surface scan. When I exited supercruise at the carrier however it had already started lockdown. Unsure if I would ever see another face, I tried to follow the carrier, however with 22 LYs of jump range, it didn't look like I'd catch up with it's 500. Fortunately, after many attempts, I got a hold of the carrier's commander and they halted it until I could catch up. We traveled a bit further into the Norma Expanse. Now nearly on the edge, we are exploring the systems around the Blaa Hypai CT-G B27-1 Nebula. About 350 LYs away from it, I discovered a small pocket of neutron stars. Being the first time I've ever seen one, I got too close to it several times. I used it for an FSD boost, to speed up my return to the carrier.

Day 2 - Trip to Orion

Rest never came and the sprawl just keeps on going. My trip has sadly come to a premature close due to the inability to jump the required distances to get around the COL Systems. I don't know what permit I need to enter them, but I will not let them stand in my way. I found my first black hole and had a wild experience flying in and out of it. I met another CMDR today and we rode my ship as close as we could to EZ Orionis. Unfortunately I hit bedrock as I mentioned before. He warped his Fleet Carrier into the system we got stuck in and warped out to a distant nebula. He tells me that the Fleet Carrier is set to return to the bubble, and as I can not continue decided to agree to being towed back. I need to make my ship lighter, and install a better Frame-shift Module to advance past the Witch Head Nebula. This will not stop me from reaching my goal though.

Day 1 - Trip to Orion

First trip out of the bubble and I couldn't feel less safe. I will not let this deter me from reaching the biggest star of my namesake. Luckily Fuel Rats reach this far otherwise I'd be stranded. Ran out of fuel approaching a star I could scoop. Crew has come and gone but the mission has stayed the same. I can now see the nebula as clear as day, the red light ever so inviting. I haven't seen any stations out this way, almost seems to be dead space, hopefully I can find somewhere to rest soon.