Perfil do CMDR mantazzo > Diário

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Edge of Horizon [MA-25P]
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Status report, 3307 January 06

"--ope it finally works again because if it doesn't I swear to God--"

"Oh. It works. Well, great. About time."


Status report as of date 3307 January 06:

First of all, I got this thingy fixed finally. I wanted to do reports earlier, but something broke, and Repair Crew tried multiple times fixing this thingy. Looks like they finally succeeded. Great.

Anyway, what has changed since the last time... Well. Truth be told, A LOT has changed.

First of all - my new ship. I finally earned enough to dock my good old reliable Cobra Mk III and buy a new Krait Mk II. Eventually I decided to call it NEW HOPE, as it honestly opened up new possibilities for me. Had to take my time adjusting to this size though - this ship is quite a lot bigger when compared to the Cobra.

The new ship is not fully up to the specs I'd like to have - still plenty to upgrade. Will have to keep working hard and earning those credits to get the final Power Plant improvement, and also Shield Generator needs an upgrade too. After that, I'm not sure - I would like to upgrade the armor too, but from what I checked, it is bloody expensive. And I was considering getting a fighter hangar too as it is supported...

Some people asked me - why not Python? Answer - I'd like a bit more maneuverability, also that Fighter Hangar support seemed interesting at that time. Plus, Krait was slightly cheaper. So I went with this ship.

Regarding Ranks - plenty of upgrades. Actually, just a few days ago I got a Novice Combat Rank. I wouldn't consider myself a Novice, more like an experienced pilot, but Pilots' Federation Rules, I guess.

I managed to continue my work with Federation too - currently have the Ensign rank and I'm currently working on the next one. I managed to get a Serf rank for Empire too. Steady progress overall.

At the moment I'm talking, I'm in Bolg system - went to Moxon's Mojo to deliver some stuff. Nothing too much, but it brought me some Credits, which is nice.

Anyway, I think I'll head off for now - don't want to break this thing again while it's still working.

CMDR mantazzo, signing off. Hopefully not for long.

Status report, 3304 December 04

Status report as of date 3304 December 04:

I almost forgot this thing exists in my ship. Haha.

Had to settle down for a bit in a different system, but eventually, I had to come back when I found the chance. So I did.

Looks like a very good day today - deals were going along nicely and I earned a nice load of credits. No new upgrades to the ship, though - it's pretty hard to find the current part I'm looking for. Hopefully I'll find it soon.

Progression on Ranks - nothing much to report, everything going along steadily, from what I understand.

Doing work for Federation also brought some benefits - finally. After quite some time I finally managed to get the Petty Officer rank! That also means I have unlocked a Federation ship if I want, and also finally got a Permit to go to Sol system.

I just had to see the Sol system for myself. I have heard only rumors of what it was like back before humans even started flying to space... I must say, Earth actually looked so pretty, although tiny when compared to some stars I've seen - I'm honestly a bit surprised we all lived there on that planet all these years ago. I can't even acknowledge the idea...

Docked at the Abraham Lincoln Station - they say there was a person named Abraham Lincoln long time ago and he had a lot of influence on one country back on Earth all these years ago... I have to study some history of all this - it is very fascinating. Also thanks to Federation for getting me a nice spot to get some rest - from what I know a lot of people are sleeping back on Earth so I was recommended to also get some rest and then go and visit the planet later on. I think I might just do that...

CMDR mantazzo, signing off.

Status report, 3304 May 14

Status report as of date 3304 May 14:

Whew, what a long day. Did loads of stuff today, quite some exploring and trading.

Also did a few deals, and man, overall earned around 400-500k credits. Feels nice, but could've been even more, donated some also...

As far as I understand, I'm now close to another rank of Trading, that seems nice.

Also had the time to do some hunting for criminals. All the stuff I did helped with my rank within Federation - I'm now also Cadet!

Time to relax again in Atropos, I'll be back soon I think. Future will show.

CMDR mantazzo, signing off.

P.S. Oh and I also changed up one of my guns - changed to a worse, but gimballed version. Way better now. I think.

Status report, 3304 May 10

Huh, looks like I found a new toy in my ship... Anyway.

Status report as of date 3304 May 10:

Everything seems to be fine at the moment. Cruised around to do a few deliveries, no problems encountered - even managed to get a wanted criminal. That being said, I need to consider upgrading my current guns somewhere - having fixed guns is a pain in... one place.

Today I also managed to do a Federal Navy task, which promoted me to Recruit. It's something I think I could be proud of - although I've heard there are many ranks, and they all have their own benefits.

Galnet Audio reported politics being politics. No surprise there, to be fair - as long as it doesn't involve me in any particular way, I'm fine with that.

I've been hearing about the attacks of so called "Thargoids" - I'm yet to see one of these creatures in my journeys, but I do sincerely hope I won't need to "see" them, although I'm not sure if they exist at all - I've only heard about them in legends.

Alright, time to settle down again. I may come back soon with another report.

CMDR Mantazzo, signing off.

P.S. I upgraded my Kill Warrant Scanner - but there are still plenty of improvements to make. Also, I changed my ship name - I wanted to change it, but since I couldn't think of anything better, I named it The Reliable, since I rely on it a lot currently.

P.P.S. I also learned that ships now can change their so-called "Voice". That's an improvement I haven't seen last time.