Perfil do CMDR Mr.Mag00 > Diário

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Glass 1/2 Empty [MR-05A]
(Asp Explorer)
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missed Dove Enigma arrival

so due to RL, that said a great weekend, i missed the arrival of CMDR Dove Enigma at the megaship. which you can watch from the beginning here. well that was something i really missed and would have loved to have been a part of.

I am seriously considering purchasing an Exped patch, possibly the only one i would buy i think it symbolises something special about the comradeship of game players to come together for something like this, for someone i hazard most of us do not know or will ever meet. we have surpassed the expected gift toward the charity requested too. the discord link is here Forum Thread: Donations: FleetComm details:

First Log Dove Enigma Expedition

arrived at Colonia Dove Enigma, as part of the expedition, great to see a mega ship and that the attention it received from those bombing UA didnt disrupt the expedition. i am hoping i will be here to see a grand depart for the expedition or the arrival of CMDR Dove Enigma