Perfil do CMDR Miklos Atreides > Diário

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Stilgar [MA-04K]
(Krait Mk II)
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Going Home

After reaching Beagle Point I firstly was hit by Real Life that kicked me out in starting the way back. After that I had some infection and got space sick for a quite long time.

Now it seem I'ver overcome that and the last few weeks I made real progress in going home. Scanned a coupble of systems and its still an ugly long way home, but feel better when steering my ship Ghom Jabbar. Today I found a system with an Earthlike, a terraformable Waterworld and to have the cherry on that cake an Ammonia World a bit further from the sun. I think quite a rare constellation.

I will try to keep up the log now a little more often and try to find my way back.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 9-10 3305-4-1

Giving a short Summary of what happened. Reached Waypoints just in time. Mapped a few earthlikes and a couple of waterworlds as well, not to mention those HMCBs which were terraformable. Think I forgot a few to map if they were far out in the system.

Remarkables were a Neutron System where I found an earthlike moon. Pretty cool, never had that before. Undine Haven was another highlighting spot because of 6 waterworlds all terraformable in a Neutron System.

Nearly lost my whip when I left frameshift into a system where Main Star was surrounded by 4 others. It got pretty hot in my cabin. Somehow I managed to get some distance before the ship fell apart and damage is not as worse as expected.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 8 3305-3-18

Now moving towards the Stairway to heaven before taking direct course to WP8. Hit aleaready some Waterworlds and 2 Amonia's on the way but one so far outside I left it alsone and didn't map it.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 7 Post Scriptum

As planned I delivered that Lavian Brandy for the grand opening of Explorers Anchorage. Nice Station. Hit waypoint seven and went of on my Journey to WP8. Course will be a little offsite and is crossing some of the secondary POIs.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 6 3305-2-24

Reached this wazpoint just in time. Met a couple of white dwars and dropped unintentuallz to two of them. Had to use the AFM to fix the FSD and Sensors. Hull is now at 98 and PP at 96%. Now worries right now about it. Took a couple of Neutron jumps on the way and clearlz Neutron Stars are easier to manage than dwarfs. Now waiting for the new coordinates of next waypoint and to see how we will get to the new station at the galactic core.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 5 3305-12-08

Took off from here a day later and don't follow the Caravan to Gagarin Gate. I will have a look at the Caravanserai in Grandharvi and will reach the next waypoint from there. Arrived at waypoint 5 3305-2-14. Secured Data worth 26MCr. Going to have a shower now. And I've been told they have a slppe assistance device here called 'bed'. I think I will give it a try :).

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 4 3305-2-08

Reached Waypoint 4 yesterday.

Have scanned quite some intresting stuff. Most exiting was a system wehre I got three waterworlds in a row and two of them as terraform candidates. Nevver seen this before. Had an almost crash with a star on the way and lost 2% of hull and minor damage but will fix it lateron.

Arrived the Waypoint in Time with no further issues or other intresting things to report.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 3 3305-1-29

In this week i launched from the meeting point, but choose a moe direct flicht path and skipped the edgy way to eagle nebula. Instead I jumped directly forward to Rohini. After 63 Jumps I collected about 14 Million Credits for stuff I scanned.

Now I will visit quantum World to see what's in there. Now passed half the distance and still scanning. Hit leately an earthlike body which I scanned and mapped even if it shows that there was one Commander faster than me. I always had a few earthlikes on my list and I am pretty sure that there will be more. Reached Quantum World on Wednesday and used that Neutron Star to jump out of there. Now heading towards the next Waypoint and I will reach it in time. Found and mapped some Waterworlds on the way.

Cashed in the results at Sakaqawea for lots of money and went off again.

DW2 3305 / Waypoint 2 3305-01-24

Adding newest findings within the DW2. Have reached the Waypoint in Time and handend in Data for 40+ Million Credits. Found that mapping is quite profitable hence I am going to scan the Earthlikes, Waterworlds and Amonia Worlds for sure. I will also map those terraformable HMCBs if they are in reasonable range.

After that I am not participating in CG but stepped a little out to mine some jumponium. Found some things but now struggle to get some Polonium for two days now. Didn't pick it up yet, but will still try to do more of driving around and picking up materials.

I got the Polonium at the end but found a weired planet where i found a place with gravitational anomalies. It was quite dangerous there because hitting a dust lake where I got nearly lost in my SRV. Stuck into the dust up to the half height of my SRV but finally made it out of there. It took a few minutes to find some ground stable enough to land the ship an board again.

I think I will share more experiences at the next checkpoint.

Miklos going to Sggaitarius A*

2/23 It almost 1 week now that I've started the nex journey. Sitting in Colonia and watching what is currently going on. Finally its a bit unmatured because not being able to buy some basic equipment and most stations are not having Missions of any kind. Some few stations got Passenger Missions but we can't buy cabins to pic up those except you came already with a cabin. Ok so I went off to Saggitarius A* and up to today I made about 1300 LY of distance. As usual I don't take the cirect course which turned out not to that bad. I already got two Earthlikes in my pocket right now and hope for more to come.

3/2 Last days I got a techincal problem with that RL Interceptor that can't get fixed by the AFM. Very often when I get ready to jump to the next system the RL Interceptor kicks in and drags down the whole system. I think I will find a workaround, but its annoying in deep space. This results in a week with only 1000 ly of distance mande. Hopefully it will get better soon. Nevertheless yesterday found an ELW and Waterworld in the same system and two more terraformables aournd the white star of Kyloarph YQ-L d8-3327.

3/15 Now reached the waypoint to set course for direct aproach to Saggitarius A its almost half way from Colonia. Found some earthlikes and Waterworlds along the road also saw a few Watergiants but currently hit a lot of Systems containing suns only or only one loneley Star with no companions at all. I think I will have a plantery landing or two in the near future to practice a little. Haven't done landing for quite some time. Some kind of space sickness hurts me from time to time and I still have 30.000 LY to go to touch base in the bubble again. It will be autumn on earth when I come home. But where is home? I don't know know. Still looking into Inara to find a place to rest. Maybe Santjalan where I started from. I like the people there. In LFT 37 I sayed a while but things changed. Maybe I go back into Empire space and do the rest of ranking to become a king. Shouldn't be that much. But its still far away. Sggitarius A I am comming and throw all that bad feelings and thoughts into your big black hole where they will vanish.

4/17 Had a couple of Problems in passed months but finally made it nearer to Sag. A. Currently approx. 1500 LY to go. Hope to get there this week. Earthlikes and Waterworlds some I found and masses of high metal bodies. I am not clear yet how I will proceed when Sag A was reached but currently I will turn to home while not following the highway route. Maybe look for some Neutrons to try high running with that but we will see the details when it comes true.

4/21 Sag A* !! I've made it. Its intresting that the real Core is not where the optical affects are. Weired. Now working out the next plans. Genral Direction is home to bubble, but I do not know where home in detail is today. I figured out some options. But I've some time to make final decsisions. Its taking 3 months at least for me to return. Others wil make it in hours. I think I will start a new log for the journey and this one ends here.

Used 452 Jumps from Colonia to Sag A* and travelled 11,539.5 LY consuming 2164.3 Mg fuel. Trip lasted for 64 days.

Avgs.: 7 Jumps a day. Used 0.2 Mg per LY. 25.52 LY per jump 5.104 Mg fuel jump to jump.

Regards, Miklos