Perfil do CMDR Rocksquab > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Silver Pitcher [RS-SP2]
(Asp Explorer)
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Made it!


Made it to Canis Mojoris. Got some screenshots, had a nasty moment when I was forcibly dropped out of supercruise getting too close to the companion star. Connection to the server crapped out, so it just sat me in the transition screen while my heat climbed to over 110%. Fortunately was able to drop out and in, and the damage wasn't saved.

Heading back to sell of my exploration data. I've crossed the 4 week time to get prismatic shields from the Aisling Duval faction, so will resume trading for a while to outfit my ships.

I'll drop the faction then, and start working on community goals or engineers.

Still going

Still jumpin'.

Started by aiming away from my target, towards the lower section of the galaxy. Figures there'd be less competition over scanning down there. I'm beginning to see familiar names crop up as the system discoverers. Still at least half the systems are either fully or mostly unscanned.

I'm wondering if this is because more experienced explorers have clocked that there's nothing valuable and just jumped straight out.

Still haven't thought of a name for the ship. Maybe some sort of snake-container? Wicker basket?

2nd journey to Canis Majora

Set out again. Have encountered entirely unmapped systems much quicker - about 4 or 5 jumps out. Being more judicious with planetary landings, only landing where I can see materials I don't currently own.

Aborted trip to Canis Majoris

Had my first crash landing on a planet - came in too fast, couldn't pull up fast enough. Cracked the canopy - not enough to compromise life support, but enough to give me a scare. Hightailed it back towards populated space, but on the way managed to pick up the discoveries on a few planets.

Will head back out, but be more aggressive on my jumps. Have also upgraded the thrusters from 5E to 5D. This should give me a little more control, while also making my ship lighter - if necessary I will swap them for 5As, which will give me much better control, but I will lose the weight benefit the D class gives me.

Have also just realised that my Asp Explorer is currently unnamed. My other ships are the Clay Pot and Marble Bowl (originally Brass Urn, but this was censored out). Silver pitcher maybe?

Managing to make the entire trip back in an hour suggests that I can make my distance out there again much faster. Most of the time was spent messing around in the Scarab.

Started trip to Canis Majora

Headed directly out from Aisling territory, so as not to be intercepted. Then swung round and started for Canis Majoris. Just a bookmark hanging in the middle of nowhere.

Flew into a planet, blue rings mean you can land. Now I know!

Bummed around on some moons. Can't synthesise anything yet.