Perfil do CMDR Argent Smith > Diário

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Nave atual:
the theorem [AR-02A]
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Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
At Orion Nebula Tourist Centre (PMD2009 48)

Going to Horsehead area and, perhaps, Barnard's loop core.

At Orion Nebula Tourist Centre (PMD2009 48)

Going to research Flame nebula.

At Orion Nebula Tourist Centre (PMD2009 48)

Going to look around this region. First, to V380 Orionis PN, then back here and around.

At Spirograph nebula (BD-12 1172)

Nice spot ;) Going to scan around; then go to Orion nebulas.

At Witch Head Science Centre

Departing to Spirograph n. (BD-12 1172), then planning a tour in Orion nebulas cluster. For Science!

At: Hind Mine, T Tauri

Going to Witchhead via the "white route" in order to search the way to Orion's nebulas.

At California Sector BV-Y c7 (Darwin Research Facility)

Departing for T Tauri. This time it'll be the expedition via "non-red" stars. Let's see what it looks like.

At California Sector BV-Y c7 (Darwin Research Facility)

Just landed. Going to research nearby habitable (?) systems.

At T Tauri

After a short rest departing to research California Nebula.

At HIP 31829

Found some brown dwarves with planetary disks. Very big system. Will spend here a day maybe.