Perfil do CMDR Sir Juice > Diário

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Nave atual:
nephalim-A [Sir-02]
(Asp Explorer)
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Balanço: Cr
Well; that's just great.

Jump didn't go exactly as planed. We ended up stranded a system or two from our start point with Thargoids swarming about. It wasn't terrible after all, I did get to test out the guardian plasma cannons. They work well against the scouts although, aiming takes a little getting used too.

Ready to go.

Spent the last couple of days preparing the ship for the trip out to The Gnosis. We're cleared for take off tomorrow night. It's cutting it a little tight but there's still plenty of time to get there. It'll be nice to get back out into the black and see what's out there again.

Trip of a life time?

Overheard a couple of pilots talking at a stop over. They mentioned that The Gnosis, was going to make a jump into the CON sector. Seems like an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up.

Day to Day

It's been quiet of late, Meta-Alloy runs have turned out to be worth the effort. I'm definitely going to have to keep an eye on Maia, for future opportunities. In the interim though, mining and passengers seem to be the order of the day at Robigo. Such is the life. At least the Autumn Expedition starts in a few days. It'll be nice being back out in the black, poking around for new and exiting planets.

I've heard rumours of a Guardian FSD hitting the markets soon. That might be worth a look before the expedition gets under way.

Thargoid Interaction

Responded to a distress beacon today. Not much left of the area except a lot of empty hulls. Had a close encounter with three Thargoid vessels while looking for survivors. On the last encounter I decided to try something brazen, maybe a little deranged. I used the ships lights and flashed a simple Morse Code, just to see what would happen. Sadly, or interestingly, or thankfully, there was no change in behaviour from the Thargoid vessel. Once it determined I was of no use to it, it continued on it's merry way. And, I lived to enter this log.