Perfil do CMDR Sir Juice > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
nephalim-A [Sir-02]
(Asp Explorer)
Membro desde:
Distâncias submetidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Balanço: Cr
Note to Self

Pick up Tritium. Sell off old exploration stock.

Combat Logs

The Rocket Appliances, has proven herself a sturdy companion. She has been strong and fierce in combat. With her help, I've managed to reach 53% of the deadly rank. It seems an eternity but, we're closing the gap on the elusive Elite rank.

Carrier Life

The daily goings on of the A.S.S. Myriad Susurration have been fairly mundane. The crew is functioning at their highest levels of efficiency. Although it's difficult to tell how well we're doing in the grander economical scheme.

Gross Paperwork

After a multitude of adventures, assignments, missions and trading. The logs have fallen behind.

The Grind

I miss the randomness of deep space. We've been on HAZREZ duty for nearly a year. Defending the miners from wolf packs. It's not the best pay but at least we're helping others earn a living along the way. Once this is done, we might need to engage in tritium mining and maybe some other valuables for a time in order to launch our boldest expedition yet.

Personal Log

Found myself a little behind in paper work today. It's odd that with little to do out here other than flying to the next star scanning and mapping that one would get so far behind.

I wonder if I'll find another sextuplet star system again?

Note to self, complete paper work in a timely fashion.

Distant Worlds Two Part 3

Two water giants in a row. That makes 4 for 4 as far as discovered and visited goes. There's a small fortune in water worlds to be found out here. I'm hoping to find at least one more ELW before we get underway.

Distant Worlds Two Part 2

Stopped into the new station near Sag A, Explorers Anchorage. It looks like it will be a very nice station way out here once it's complete. I heard that they are working on a mega ship out here as well. I haven't seen it yet but I hope I can get the chance before the second half of this expedition gets moving.

Distant Worlds Two

The first part of this trip was very similar to the autumn Odyssey. A lot of interesting places. Found my first two stellar phenomena on this trip. Interesting creatures sitting out there in the void.

Autumn Odyssey

Wow, what a trip. I discovered my first black hole and several other interesting places along the way. First trip to Sag A too. It was well worth signing onto this expedition.