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Rho Cassiopeis with a 54.02 Ly minimum jump range

I have already posted this route on reddit, but I figured it also should be published here on EDSM.

First I plotted my route to Qiedaea UP-D D13-0. That was as far as I could normally plot within the 20k Ly range. From there I plotted a short route to Qiedaea YF-D D13-0 (roughly 275Ly). Some how you can't reach this location directly.

Now the fun part started. Getting to Rho Cassiopeiaea itself. You are now a mere 387Ly away from Rho. Rho is near the edge of the galaxy and pretty hard to reach, even with a long range jump ship. With a (current) jump range of 54.02 you should be able to make it though. My exploration/jump Conda reaches a bit over 60Ly, but I had some stow aways (read: I picked up some occupied escape pods) and the maximum jump range was 57.97Ly.

Following are the stars I jumped to with the range from the previous one. You gotta stock up on FSD injections for this ;-) Qiedaea WU-E D12-1 (111.10Ly) alternatively jump to Qiedaea ZP-O DE-0 (20.53Ly) and then Qiedaea WU-E D12-1 which is 108.04Ly
Qiedaea YP-E D12-0 (68.56Ly)
Qiedaea AL-E D12-0 (66.15Ly)
Qiedaea ER-C D13-0 (95.85Ly)
Qiedaea GM-C D13-0 (86.79Ly)
Rho Cassiopeiae (63.61Ly)