Perfil do CMDR MGSE > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Destiny [D1V-DW]
(Asp Explorer)
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Robigo VIP fail

Log recorder init comlete

Finally enough credits to get a working VHS log recorder, unfortunately, this won´t be a happy first log.

CMDR MGSE log 000 from Photon Liner

After a long 10 minutes run, I docked in the station, happy to get my credits. I had a 10 mission´s, standart loop you can say, but then it happend. First 7 went smooth like always, but last 3 don´t even appered. At first, I thinked, that I didn´t notice them, but then when I was getting in my Destiny, I noticed, that i still have passanger´s around. They were furious and don´t want to leave ship, even on their station. I tried talking to them for two hours, but with no luck. Even tried to remove their cabin, but no, they just moved to different part of ship. I hope that they get out till morning, or this will be a preatty bloddy week...