Perfil do CMDR Gwendolyn Hale > Diário

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Nave atual:
Khalia [GWN-KH]
(Asp Explorer)
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19 JAN 3305 - A Day of Mining and Scouting

DW2 Waypoint 2

Distant Worlds 2 Expedition Log - Day 7

Following my arrival at the Omega Mining Operation's Asteroid Base yesterday, I dedicated the majority of my time today assisting in the collection of material for the planned new spaceport near Sagittarius A. While my AspX is hardly optimised for bulk mining, I was still able to contribute over 200T towards the initiative.

Later in the day, I traded back my mining equipment and returned to my primary objective - the mapping of systems and the search for biological and geological phenomena. It looks like the rest of the fleet has been doing some good work though, as I found very few completely undiscovered bodies in the systems I visited. Tomorrow I shall have to venture further out; there is little point duplicating the work of others on this expedition.

CMDR Gwendolyn Hale, signing off.